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what happened 2 satanclock

Farted by SeedClock, May 25, 2009, 10:33:21 PM

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i would also like to mention that in the three years that i have been in clock crew, he was definitely the weirdest member I ever came across.

He's been around for a while, but does not have a single flash to his name (not that i know of at least). He was also a big anti-chan advocist and often talked of how stupid 4chan got, but would use memes which even if not from 4chan, had managed to make their way to 4chan one way or another. He talked about his popularity for miles, but i had absolutely no idea who he was until he started posting
Signature Too Large


I think he payed for CC hosting at one point

d u m p y

he was the guy who had his own special user group--"patron" I think it was-- that one time, right?


Quote from: The HattaMan;1586379he was the guy who had his own special user group--"patron" I think it was-- that one time, right?

Quote from: AnkhClock;1586349I think he payed for CC hosting at one point

d u m p y


Apparently he was some kind of Super DJ that fucked cougars and did cocaine every night.

Personally I prefer TonyMontanaClock, but they were both from the same vein.

d u m p y

ehh I'm more of a buttplug clock kind of guy


Quote from: The HattaMan;1586403ehh I'm more of a buttplug clock kind of guy



_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_

d u m p y

Quote from: PirateClock;1586485satan is my home boy yo!

oh hey whats the haps nigga


Quote from: The HattaMan;1586487oh hey whats the haps nigga

not much, you?
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_

d u m p y

Quote from: PirateClock;1586502not much, you?

aww, shit. You know... Same old same old.
just busy being awesome. I trust you're doing the same


Quote from: The HattaMan;1586503aww, shit. You know... Same old same old.
just busy being awesome. I trust you're doing the same

Pretty much, it's hard work but someone has to do it.
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_

d u m p y

Quote from: PirateClock;1586510Pretty much, it's hard work but someone has to do it.

Oh, yeah. Tell me about it.
Hey you and I aught to get into a broken bottle fight atop a speeding train sometime. That'd be pretty cool


Quote from: The HattaMan;1586514Oh, yeah. Tell me about it.
Hey you and I aught to get into a broken bottle fight atop a speeding train sometime. That'd be pretty cool

Definitely, ill arrange for some super models we can have sex with later if you arrange for some extra explosives for extra awesomeness.
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_

d u m p y

Quote from: PirateClock;1586517Definitely, ill arrange for some super models we can have sex with later if you arrange for some extra explosives for extra awesomeness.

you've got yourself a deal, buckeroo.

Then later we can jump some wheelchairs off a fifty foot tall jump over a bus full of sharks into a vat of jello pudding.
And then I'll buy us some cotton candy that we'll eat off of hookers asses while hunting white rhino

Just like last time


Sounds awesome for a Tuesday, we'll have to plan something bigger for the weekend though.
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_


o well im suree if he was some amazing dj that did coke or payed for CC's hosting at one point I would've had some level of awareness about who he was.

Also i knew he was a professional DJ because after floppy denied him radio access people were telling me about it for a while.
Signature Too Large

d u m p y

Quote from: PirateClock;1586521Sounds awesome for a Tuesday, we'll have to plan something bigger for the weekend though.

this weekend we should go rape god.