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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: PhantomCatClock on November 13, 2023, 06:49:36 PMi wrote three very long paragraphs about my life but it basically boils down to "i knew better than to log into an mmo but i fucking did it anyway and now everything good feels bad and i can't stop thinking about dead peers i really think this isn't a natural reaction to a video game but also maybe it is a natural reaction to playing a video game over twelve hours a day when it isn't even fun"

also i really need to start taking care of paperwork i've been putting off because it turns out that's important

you know im glad i read this because i've been feeling nostalgic about world of warcraft lately. Needing an escape from life more than anything, i suppose but facing the proverbial music is often more therapeutic than hiding oneself away.

My uncle died Friday morning, I'm a pallbearer in the funeral tomorrow. Hug a family member tn


Yahtzee quit the escapist in a drama over the firing of the EIC so Zero Punctuation is over and now we have this completely legally distinct video series;


I was going to say that's a good title because Fully Ramblomatic is what he called his pre-zp reviews but then I remembered it was the name of his website, which it turns out is still up, in all its 2004 web design glory, bless him


youtube keeps recommending me videos for something called Le College Noir and I click them every time and it looks cool in like a kiddie way but I have no idea what's going on or what it is because I don't speak french lol


a cursory googling suggests it's a tv series based on a french comic for middle readers about some kids at a spooky boarding school encountering whatever you call the french equivalent of yokai, coproduced by koei animation. it seems I have onceagain been tricked into watching anime


I got into the Disney+ (sorry) Goosebumps tv series that had a NEW EPISODE EEEVERY FRIIIDAY and sat down to binge them on Halloween and

it wasn't finished. They didn't time it so the last episode was out on halloween. humbug.


is 5947 the best ccbt page so far or the best ccbt page ever


the new thunderbird is really cool and brings such great features as:

when you click an email you have to leave it open for a solid fifteen seconds before it will automatically mark itself as read. Sometimes longer, if you're lucky

when you send a message to junkmail yourself, it takes several minutes for it to actually appear in the Junk folder. Hope you were sure and didn't just want to do a manual check with images, etc disabled

the GET NEW MAIL button is tiny and replaced with a symbol that does not look like GET NEW MAIL at all

the new layout has a nice higher information density while still somehow taking up more space

if you manually change the app icon you will be pleased to discover it resets itself every single day

the historically well-hidden Unified Mailboxes feature is much easier to find now (wait no that one's good)


actually if this is the only consequence for me monkey-paw wishing that closing firefox wouldn't reset my clipboard i guess this isn't so bad

man i'm still mad about that one even though it finally works, now


you know when you have a problem that you caused and it was entirely your fault and you go home and mope about it for a week and fantasize about the perfect outcome because you're a BIG AUTISTIC IDIOT way after the point where anyone else cares much less is even thinking about it

my boss just called, and when I told him I was staring at my resignation letter for hours, trying to bring myself to click "send", but still wanted to work there so damned bad, he just shot from the hip with that perfect solution I'd been fantasizing about

I am still a big stupid baby but it all worked out, today

now that i have all these good things happening to me, the least i could do is start striving to deserve it


How come Ford didn't revive the Thunderbird name for their new electric car? It's the perfect legacy name. Instead Mustang and Caprice get dragged through the EV mud.


Ford Lightningbird


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on November 21, 2023, 01:25:32 PMyou know when you have a problem that you caused and it was entirely your fault and you go home and mope about it for a week and fantasize about the perfect outcome because you're a BIG AUTISTIC IDIOT way after the point where anyone else cares much less is even thinking about it

my boss just called, and when I told him I was staring at my resignation letter for hours, trying to bring myself to click "send", but still wanted to work there so damned bad, he just shot from the hip with that perfect solution I'd been fantasizing about

I am still a big stupid baby but it all worked out, today

now that i have all these good things happening to me, the least i could do is start striving to deserve it
it took me a while to parse this but congrats if I'm understanding correctly


i send a private message on newgrounds and the page title was still "Compose a message!" this iteration of the website is literally unusable


there's a commercial that uses a piano arrangement of In My life by the Beatles and I keep mishearing it as Black Hole Sun

"I know I'll often stop and think about them / In my life, I love you more" -> "Call my name through the cream / And I'll hear you scream again"

some day I'll know enough about music to understand why this keeps happening to me


The roof is leaking in my living room like two feet to the right of my television. I knew the roof needed to be redone, but I didn't pay off my previous loan until like three weeks ago so I couldn't afford to do it over the summer and rolled the dice waiting for spring. This turned out to be a mistake obviously.

Went and picked up a bucket of tar after work yesterday- but here's the thing. Tar needs to be applied between 0-35 degrees Celsius, and yesterday it was 1 degree, so the tar was fucking impossible to spread, and by the time I got home from the hardware store it was 5:30 aka pitch fucking black. BUT, the forecast tells me it will be -10 all weekend with snow, and then raining again Monday. So I'm on the roof freezing to death holding a flashlight in my mouth desperately searching for cracks in my baked shingles in a 12x12 section of roof and then fighting the bucket of tar to pull any amount out and then as I attempt to slather it, the shingles are cracking apart because they're all fucked.

Also I got my website updated:

It's no longer hosted on tumblr, and I paid for the premium hosting on neocities so I could link my domain to it directly but I can't figure out how to do that. I also have to expand upon like 3 pages, I want to section the gallery between personal works and commissioned/professional works, and then on the about page put some shit about accolades and accomplishments I've accrued over the years. Anyways. Feedback appreciated.


I took the liberty of making a newspost for the new collab, hope that's cool xoxoxo


Stamper does interview, soft confirms carrotclock as Tom in first twenty odd minutes


he can't just say that it needs to be a blatantly open secret.


Quote from: RobClock on November 25, 2023, 06:49:02 AMand I paid for the premium hosting on neocities so I could link my domain to it directly but I can't figure out how to do that

hey this is something i know

obligatory reddit post where someone is asking how to do it appears to contain the IP address you need, but neocities should also have given you that somewhere

i whoised your domain and it looks like dynadot is your registrar? if so: login to dynadot...
- my domains > manage domains
- first line in settings is DNS Settings
- select Dynadot DNS
- record type 'A', IP address or target host = Neocities' IP
- i guess also put in the other records from that reddit post if you wanna be thorough

i do not know anything about roofing in the dark when it is freezing sorry
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew