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Topics - Kombucha

Mrs. McGruder's House / Aaaaaaaaayyyyyyy
June 05, 2014, 11:25:26 PM
General Discussion / RIP HR Giger
May 13, 2014, 01:45:38 PM
The iconic and exceptional surrealist artist died yesterday at age 74 due to injuries from a fall.
Mrs. McGruder's House / cartoons??????
May 13, 2014, 02:51:09 AM

thx 2 bb10 4 the requests
Mrs. McGruder's House / Happy 12/12/12
December 12, 2012, 03:00:50 PM

Only nine more days until weââ,¬â,,¢re all consumed by The Void.

Blue Clock more like literally fucking Dr. Manhattan ahahaha
Made it!

The Goon is a comic I really like about a mob enforcer in a backwater town fighting zombies and other supernatural creatures. The story reel, and the movie, if either gets made, will be made by Blur Studios. Blur has never made a feature film, but they've done some pretty impressive stuff, like this 2010 proof of concept trailer for a movie of The Goon:
I think it looks pretty good!

Of course, a story reel isn't an actual movie. However, this is probably the best chance for a nice looking animated movie of The Goon ever being made, which is something I'd like to see happen.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Never forget.
September 11, 2012, 02:02:13 AM

Mrs. McGruder's House / CDay plans fell through.
August 15, 2012, 09:59:12 PM
Give me something I can animate in an hour so I don't feel like a piece of shit.
Like this:

Except moving and good.

Did I mention this is for my CDay movie so I really feedback?
What kind of fancy-looking window should I use as a reference for the windows in my flash?

Edit: if it helps, this is for some high-class dinner party in some big auditorium/hall or w/e.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Post AP erry day
April 20, 2012, 02:58:14 AM
Mrs. McGruder's House / Get rid of my awards.
April 08, 2012, 03:43:09 AM
I'm serious.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Habby Birthday Marlin!
April 01, 2012, 07:58:41 PM
April Fool's, you were never actually born at all.
wat 2 do:

Step 1. Make something.

Step 2. Post it.

Step 3. Repeat.

Deadline: the next time you get laid or March 1st 2512, whichever comes first.

Prizes: the satisfaction of not being a totally worthless fuck. If you ask for a pixel award, your prize
is having your head caved in.
It doesn't change anything for the better. It makes banning people who deserve it less effective in teaching a lesson and it makes unbanning people who didn't deserve to be banned a longer and more bureaucratic process.

The alternative is nothing new, is simpler, and usually works better. If someone sees a ban and decides that it honestly goes against the rules, they contact a staff member about it so the present staff members can deliberate on it without needing to reach a quorum based on the total number of staff members. That doesn't mean pester them about it when you get banned. If you really didn't deserve it, there's a good chance someone will speak on your behalf. If they don't, take the time that you were banned to actually fucking think about what went down. Also consider the length of the ban. Is it worth it to try and end a ban that's short? The answer is almost always no. If you can't go for less than three days without posting there's something wrong with you.
Gaming & Technology / Street Fighter X Tekken
January 31, 2012, 12:22:11 AM
Starting this thread solely so I have a place to post this video confirming Mega Man as a playable character, except it's Mega Man from the NES box art, which apparently a lot of people are upset about but those people are dumb because it's totally hilarious.
