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Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: Slurpee on May 18, 2020, 04:49:19 PM
I just finished episode 8 of the hollow, this show's fucking awesome

I mean, it sucks, but it's so cool
*somebody sends this to the creators of the hollow*

"wow, sorry you think our show sucks, we all worked really hard on it and we're trying our best. I'm actually a big fan of your posts..."
"don't listen to this fucking SNAKE he's the same troll that said cal dodd deserves to die for voicing wolverine"


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on May 18, 2020, 04:57:39 PM
the only 90's xmen game I remember having voices at all was the arcade one and i can guarantee you those were not from the cartoon
[stomping feet]
[to the "de-fense!" chant from football]

[stomp stomp]



The Mangus' Aid??? Hot damn


Adamantium Rage wasn't great but the music was


I love that "wolverine" sample in the title music. I mean just listen to that. I can't help but smile.


Adamantium Rage sounds less like a video game and more like a high school metal band that does local shows for a year or two before breaking up in a stupidly dramatic fashion and splintering off into several other go-nowhere acts


ok I finished the first season of the hollow
good lord that ending
bold, I'll give them that

I think this show is a mixture of The Wizard and what I thought The Wizard would be about based on the vhs cover when I bought it at SunCoast when I was like 7
is that a spoiler? maybe if you're like a super smart mind reader
man, remember The Wizard?
remember SunCoast?
or was that a regional thing? it was always in a store that was one half Sam Goody (music) and one half SunCoast (movies)
at the shopping mall
remember shopping malls?


Does anybody remember laughter?


Quote from: pop-tart on May 18, 2020, 06:26:41 PM
Does anybody remember laughter?
do you mean slaughter?


Quote from: Slurpee on May 18, 2020, 06:08:46 PM
remember SunCoast?
or was that a regional thing?

I was on Wikipedia recently trying to figure out if Coconuts or Strawberries stores had been too regional for anyone to know what I was talking about, and turns out they're literally all the same shit to an extent I never realized

e ok suncoast/sam goody was its own thing before best buy bought it in 2001 and trans world only took over in 2006
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



I started season 2 of the hollow

and I realized why the wikipedia page was probably open in a tab: ~representation~ 🏳️‍🌈 [img-9-11-crying-eagle]
I was probably linked by some fuckwit on my timeline

adam's gay! that's cool, he's like the main guy
I forgot that that was the reason I'd heard about this show, so that was a nice surprise
I know I probably look like a weirdo to people who, like, whatever, you don't care about representation for whatever reason, that's fine
but just understand that this is rare
I can name two other instances where there's a gay main character who's
7) male
*) in something that's not specifically about being gay
$) not part of a large ensemble
F) unambiguously/not optionally (ie even if you didn't watch the fucking press conferences, dumbledore and lefou. and lexington. and static shock's friend richie.)
4) sometime before the final 15 minutes of the entire fucking story, korra and shiro

and I'm not talking about cartoons or even shows in general, I mean in literally anything
the two others I can think of are an indie text adventure shooter called Gun Mute, and the 1994 Northstar 4-issue limited solo series. the latter I've never read because it was a superhero comic in 1994 and therefore probably terrible, the former is not only amazing for other reasons but it was the shot in the arm that made me realize this was something I'd not been getting, and I've been fiending for a hit ever since

when I'm watching Spider-Man, I'm Spider-Man. I'm not Spider-Man's best friend's parents, as nice as that is to see for largely unrelated reasons
it doesn't take much. in this case he just says "dude I'm gay" out loud and then everybody moves on with their day, but you would be shocked how rare that is. if it happened in the middle of a keanu reeves movie there would be rioting in the fucking streets. listen I don't make the patterns, I just observe them

but anyway season 2 is really funny so far
they wake up back in the real world, but it's subtly wrong
and they all get attacked by their childhood fears
and mira's is a comically terrifying porcelain doll that does all the standard horror movie creepy doll stuff in an otherwise just completely non-horror setting
and kai's is a giant chicken
and adam's is his childhood bullies
so they do the "switch dance partners" action beat
and mira immediately kneels down and tries to use childhood psychology on the bullies, and adam is karate kicking the giant chicken in the background for the entire scene
and it doesn't work, the bullies just bully mira too, and the giant chicken kicks the shit out of adam, and the creepy doll just brushes off all of kai's attacks while walking forward slowly and saying creepy doll shit like "I know something you don't know..."
it's fantastic

and the show does a really good job of just continually kicking the can of ambiguity down the street
everything in the last few episodes of season 1 seemed like a plausible explanation for all the weird shit that had been happening, but then season 2 starts with adam trying to continue that line of logic and you can't help but feel that he can't possibly be right, so you're just waiting for the layers of reality to continue peeling back, and you never get the sense, like Lost, that it's because there isn't an answer and they're making it up as they go, it seems like they went into it with a plan, and that's pretty cool and also something you don't see very often, at least not done well. I guess I'll see if they stick the landing

you don't have to read my posts about the hollow, I'm just fascinated with it right now


Quote from: Slurpee on May 19, 2020, 02:10:08 PMadam's gay! that's cool, he's like the main guy
I forgot that that was the reason I'd heard about this show, so that was a nice surprise
I know I probably look like a weirdo to people who, like, whatever, you don't care about representation for whatever reason, that's fine
but just understand that this is rare
I can name two other instances where there's a gay main character who's
7) male
*) in something that's not specifically about being gay
$) not part of a large ensemble
F) unambiguously/not optionally (ie even if you didn't watch the fucking press conferences, dumbledore and lefou. and lexington. and static shock's friend richie.)
4) sometime before the final 15 minutes of the entire fucking story, korra and shiro
genuinely kind of impressed by that. if some rando told me a netflix original accomplished this and the character has a personality beyond being gay I'd call them a liar. I think ritchie being gay was actually touched on in the comics but I didn't read em so idk if it's any good. I could kinda get that dumbledore was gay in the flashback part of part 7, but you can tell she just added that in for the last book and hadn't planned it out. maybe I'm wrong but that's the feeling I got.

but korra though let me bitch about korra for a minute

you can see just the barest hints of korra being into whatshername before the end of the series, and they openly (but mildly) flirt in the beginning of season 4, but it's so heavily put in the background it doesn't matter. I remember people not believing me when I said they were flirting. this is by design. the reason they did it that way is because they didn't care about character writing, it's not about representation on or anything like that, they just knew if they surprised people at the end it would get articles written about it to cover up the fact that the show was roughly 70-85% boring garbage. and it worked. well kinda, there's a reason people still talk about what they like about avatar specifically to this day but all people can come up with for korra is "the fights are good" (true) and "brown woman is lesbians" (clickbait in the form of a tv show ending). of course even if they had a natural romantic build up it's still a woman dating the selfish emotionally unstable womanchild who gleefully ruined her previous relationship and still wanted to be her friend. that is some stockholm syndrome shit. the korra comics try to retroactively explain why they would date each other, but it's in a sneering clearly talking to the reader and not each other sort of way.

speaking of which you know what other anime about lesbians dropped the ball? madoka. the main series is incredible and stands on it's own, but then the movie sequel "rebellion" is a waste of time from about two minutes in until the very end.  I watched it yesterday and I'm still pissed off. two minutes into it I felt something was wrong, but brushed it aside and tried to enjoy it. as time went on I expected that I'd get to the good part and just had to wait through the setup (that had already explained itself twenty minutes ago). towards the end of the movie I had a horrible realization: the movie had been getting WORSE as it went on. there was no good part (well maybe one). apparently there was some executive meddling, it definitely felt like a committee of suits who heard madoka was kinda depressing wrote it by stringing a bunch of random anime tropes and generic plot twists together. and each twist invalidated everything the movie had been doing up till that point. and the larger product invalidated everything good about the original series. you know that thing where people take parts of work they thought were profound and use those parts without realizing what made those parts what they were, and forgoing the context and meaning, and it can't measure up? that's what happened here. you can even tell the exact point in the movie where the executives had the writer change the ending. it's so blatant and out of the left field you'd think it was a joke. you ever see the end of panty and stocking? imagine that but it's not a joke and it goes on for thirty minutes. the whole thing is tonally and morally inconsistent and changes it's minds on things every 20-30 minutes. you can see the skeleton of a good story there if you squint at it. I'm sure the writer working alone could have made something kinda ok, but the final product is just madoka by committee.

Quote from: Slurpee on May 19, 2020, 02:10:08 PMyou don't have to read my posts about the hollow, I'm just fascinated with it right now

too late you had my interest at "I mean, it sucks, but it's so cool". every further post you make just makes me more curious. it's on the list now. you know, after all the other cartoons I gotta watch. still haven't watched over the garden wall. STILL. I know I'll love it too I just need to get to it.






it cant get much worse than this


not with that attitude it can't



i like the one where he records himself microwaving a small hamster its so innovative