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2022 Official Bitching Thread

Farted by PhantomCatClock, January 19, 2022, 12:23:08 PM

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your two new replies happened while i was typing that and i realise now how irrelevant it was

the most expensive thing i got in the last year was a $200 sweater

i won't bitch about it because it's good tho

airline food


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on February 01, 2022, 10:42:50 PM
am I the only person who's been confusedly applauding microsoft, recently?
yeah, I... god damn it, microsoft has been fucking nailing it. assholes.


apple's most expensive headphones fill with water and die if you wear them for too long




after looking at the logs, it says here your mac was considering changing your formats to the metric system, YYYY-MM-DD, and GMT+1, but it didn't need to.

Europe to date!



all that crowd ever does is derail the official bitching thread to complain. i hate that crowd.


ever the Russian Space Pencil enthusiast, I still use the OEM wired headphones with my Google Fone™ and the only time they stopped working it was because of impacted lint in the USB-C port

my laptop still has a standard headphone jack (and failing DVD drive) but it turns 9 this year lmbo 🤧

ps I loled at the tim cook posts
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


the kosmonaut died and russia uses fisher space pens now. they ordered ten thousand in the 70s


I have some weird ones. I have apparently evolved vibrating bodyparts, which would ordinarily be awesome, they're just the wrong parts.

My right eye. There's (what I think is) twitching a good ways under my pupil, almost always under the lid. It twitches so fast and for such long periods that I honestly feel like there's something under the eyelid, crawling, at times. You know when there's a slow leak in something, but you can't feel or see where it is, so you pour water on it and you can see the bubbles springing up over the leak? It feels like the bubbles are under my eyelid. Pretty violent sometimes, tickles.

Left ear. This has been going on for years and I don't know what the fuck it is. What the FUCK is it? It feels like.. man, I don't even know. It feels like something is crawling on the little flesh plank outside of it. Tingling, vibrating, twitching very fast..? I know it isn't what it feels like, but it FEELS LIKE something is alive and crawling on my ear hole tip. Every night, usually, and sometimes (less frequently) during the day. This has seriously been going on for 5+ years and only two or three times have I rolled over JUST right to where it goes nuts. You know when something inside your ear covers your.. hearing.. organ..? Like an aperture closing. Kinda feels like the sound of going under water. This would like state switch between NORMAL and THAT two times per second. Very weird, and it felt physical, like a shutter was being slammed against my deep inner ear super fast. That happened again last night and actually prompted this OFFICIAL 2022 BITCHING because it's been so long I forgot about that.

I also wear a big plush blindfold (because it has bluetooth speakers in the ears that are flat so I can lie on my side) and I worry that these are ameboids living on it and my right eye recently and left ear forever ago got infected with blindfolditis. I actually have no idea what either are and they're obviously both not serious, but after so much of it, even a WILL AS STRONG AS MINE starts to worry from time to time, you know


for what it's worth, some time ago i had what felt like an "untrustworthy insane cartoon character" eyelid twitch almost every day for months, but it cleared up

the ear thing, who knows, people have a lot of different kinds of ears. i don't think it's bluetooth headphone disease, though, because if it was you'd be hearing the connect and disconnect noises
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


yeah eyelid jumping is pretty normal, it used to happen to me all the time

actually come to think of it it's kinda weird that it stopped. hasn't happened in over a decade probably hm

ear thing sounds weird though
I'm thinking maybe, you got some kinda weird ear thing?


I feel like you probably considered that it might be ear wax but in case you haven't, have you been checked for ear wax?

one time I had ear problem and it was like
a clunky crunchy staticy sound if I turned my head a certain way at certain times
and it turned out that was ear wax
there's was no vibrating though that I can remember
the doc took a look and flushed my ears out with a mix of warm water and hydrogen peroxide, and it turned out the culprit was a particularly tenacious bit of wax on my ear drum that needed some special medicine to remove it, which it turned out is sold over the counter you can just get in the ear section at walgreens. it comes in a box with a little... uh what is an eye dropper/turkey baster called when it's not used for eyes or basting turkeys? is there a general name for squirty bulb tubes? anyway it came with one of those and I had to put a few drops in for like two days and repeat the warm water thing and eventually the wax just loosened and fell out. very unpleasant


definitely have been told every time I get my ears checked that I have more earwax than I should, so that scans

and yeah the eyelid thing. I'm not as worried about that but it is weird that it's the bottom lid, and kind of right in the middle of it. I know it's a muscle or whatever but it's hard to convince my instinct lizard brain that isn't isn't a bug (or at least a lash) under the lid. Have had an eyelash get stuck and that was at least easy to get out since they're so thick, but I buzzed my head one time like a month after I'd buzzed it last and got a normal hair in it, and that was hell because it was so short that it was hard to remove, plus irritating to the point of lots of reddening

I guess I only even griped about it because I've been inside so much my sun sensitivity is through the roof and I saw a nightlight flashing like a strobe light that was definitely on my end, not the actual light. Only happened once but every time it's something new my first thought is "this is it, i'm finally going blind"


Have you ever just like

been along for the ride in your own body

my night vision is usually excellent but it does take a good while for my eye to reset to the point for this excellent night vision to actually kick in. Had a bright red light next to a huge dark portrait (black background, black and blue striped shirt, white kid face) and it was doing weird shit while I couldn't actually see it yet, like my brain was interpreting it from my peripheral vision as some kind of weird demon face, so I looked directly at it expecting that to solve the issue, but it really kinda didn't since it was so hard to see. "Whoa, this is cool," thinks I, keep staring at it.

Or, like, getting very easily reproducible vertigo, and you just keep doing it because teehee mortal coil funny my sensory inputs are malfunctioning, instead of stopping and resting like a sane person would


it's a good thing i don't do drugs i'd probably overdo it right away


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on April 20, 2022, 05:53:49 PMHave you ever just like

been along for the ride in your own body
that's pretty much the definition of depersonalization
