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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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I remember the first time I got a fishing license, I was probably like 7, and my mom explained like "see, these mean we're each allowed to catch up to 10 fish per day" or whatever the limit was
and not a day went by before my dad had brought in like twice the limit and was like "it's fine. if a ranger comes, we're allowed to have up to 40 because there's 4 of us"
and I knew even then my dad was being kind of a rascal. like you know that's not what that means dude lol. basically just teaching child me "hey, it's only breaking the law if they can prove it"

otoh... like, the limits exist to prevent overfishing, so that the fish have time to repopulate, and collectively we were staying in those bounds so in a sense it was like... idk. completely value neutral crime. deep moral pondering for little slurp

nowadays if a ranger comes my dad just lies about the amount of fish he has. that's not as interesting philosophically but it's pretty funny. it's also never failed, which, of course. it's not like a ranger is gonna embarrass himself by actually counting the fish and looking for hidden fish like some kinda pencilneck pencil pusher :cowboy:


They give you a little form to mark down how many fish you catch through the season that you're supposed to turn in at the end- I have never so much as actually written anything on it, forget turning it in entirely lol

Fisheries officers are like the worst example of Johnny Shouldn't-Be-A-Cop, going around harassing people minding their own business, sitting on an upside down bucket at the end of a wharf drinking beer. So what if I bring home a few undersized mackerel, god forbid I try and feed myself without getting taxed through the nose for it


What really got me is a couple years ago they lowered the limit of how many smelt you were allowed to 12. I don't know if you've ever fished smelt but you basically stand in a creek with rubber boots on and grab them out of the water (read: catch 20 at a time with a net). They're small and not very filling but they're so easy to catch you could bring home a full five gallon bucket of them in a couple hours, and when you fry them up in a pan with a little flour they are salty and delicious



I hate eating tiny fish because I can't deal with the bones. I understand in abstract that I could swallow the entire thing whole and probably be fine but it's like a mental thing. they're bones! sharp little pokey... bones ;(


I bet I got a fishbone stuck in my throat when I was a kid and just never got over it

you know... I dunno how common this is, but you know those insanely delicious black bean fish that you can get served whole at cantonese restaurants that always come with the head still attached and looking vaguely like a zombie fish covered in grass clippings?


well anyway they've always got floating uh ribs(? I don't know what a fish rib is called) just in random nonsensical places the middle of the delicious chunks of fish meat. 100% I got one of those stuck in my throat as a child. I don't remember it specifically but it definitely happened and scared the crap out of me


Go to a Mexican place and get fried catfish. The actual fish is nothing to slurpeepost about but you can eat the tail like a big crunchy potato chip mm mm mm


that sounds delicious. happy easter, ccbdwteft (clock crew's biggest delicious ways to eat fish thread)


i went to a mexican place and got catfished
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


Is anyone else watching Lucky Hank?

AMC put the first episode on YouTube for free if that might entice you


I still haven't watched Chinese Ghost Story 2 lol

but I may soon have more time on my hands
have to decide if I'm going to drop a class or some classes that I've been struggling to keep up with and retake them in summer or fall
my success in classes with in-person lectures vs at-home classes is pretty stark. beginning to think people with adhd maybe shouldn't sleep, eat, play, work, study, and masturbate all inside of the same 130 sq ft room with everything they own inside of it


I had a crazy fever on saturday night
was shivering uncontrollably and felt so cold I didn't even want to get out from under my blankets to, like, take a warm shower or make some tea just to warm up. just covered myself with every blanket I own and the two jackets that happened to be on my bed. woke up an hour later drenched in sweat. could not find a balance between freezing cold and unbearably hot for the life of me. got maybe two hours of sleep

so I was like "mm... better not go to easter dinner, then. grandma's getting pretty feeble."
took a covid test at my parents' insistence, came up clean. stayed home anyway
but that put my mom in a worried state, and she ended up bringing some covid tests to my aunt's house, where easter dinner was planned. turned out my aunt and uncle both have covid! so easter dinner got cancelled anyway.

so... I dunno. that's weird. good thing I had that horrible fever, I guess?
I can almost see God up there going "how to avoid giving grandma covid... eh, I'll just make Jeff a little sick. he masturbates a lot anyway, he's got it coming."


spent most of sunday focusing on recovering based on what google told me (drink plenty of fluids! get a lot of bed rest! eat... citrus. and berries! and eggs, and leafy greens!), which I'm glad I did because I had a midterm today and, god, all my instructors have this "no late exams without a serious emergency" policy. like I can afford an emergency room visit! fuck! shit! look, flat tires happen. I'm not trying to get one over on you, we're both adults here, this is so insanely weird. fortunately I was (ostensibly) recovered this morning and didn't have to make a Choice. (I absolutely would have just chugged some dayquil and gone to class sick. sorry, classmates.)
I think I did good on the midterm. I'm acing that class anyway I don't even know what I was worried about



I used to confuse parasite eve and fear effect
because I was an n64 kid, so I never played them, I just vaguely knew that there was a horror game I didn't play that had lesbians

my cousins visited one time when I was a teenager and asked if I'd played parasite eve and I was like "uh is that the one with the lesbians?"
and they were way less understanding about that than they should have been, and I'm still kinda mad about it

"lesbians? what are you a pervert? no, it's the other single player playstation 1 horror game inspired by resident evil from like 8 years ago with a female lead that doesn't have dinosaurs and has undead enemies, you WEIRDO"
fuck you. you're weird. you live in ohio and watch wolf's rain fuck you.





that's a good caricature of dave it ducumbry
