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Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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I didn't actually write "feel dead inside" at first but then I altered it to be less sad because I worry about you, Slurpee. I want you to be firing on all three cylinders as much as possible.



diablo 3 is like the older games but if your ISP has an outageâ€"reported on DownDetector, so you know it's not just youâ€"for less than six minutes, you lose hours of progress in your single player game


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on July 30, 2017, 05:10:17 AM
diablo 3 is like the older games but if your ISP has an outageâ€"reported on DownDetector, so you know it's not just youâ€"for less than six minutes, you lose hours of progress in your single player game

so gross

Hey has anyone played Kerbal Space Program? I've tried it a few times but somehow over the last week it just completely sucked me in. I managed to land on the moon...just baaaarely...and I'm creating a huge and terrible space station.

I just had my two scientists die as they were swinging around the dark side of the moon - there was no solar power in the moon's shadow, and all the science experiments drained the batteries until the oxygen cyclers shut down. When the ship swung back into sunlight, there was no-one left to see it.

You know how you can kill a sim by dropping them in a pool and removing the ladder? This game takes that feeling to a whole new level.


I think that's enough posts for this thread



Quote from: GreyClock on July 24, 2017, 05:26:58 AMA couple of years ago I had occasion to visit a city in the south of Germany that you wouldn't normally go to. It wasn't exactly in a corner, but it was the last town in this sort of cul-de-sac in the hills of Bavaria. We came by car from the north, but there were no roads going directly over the hills. So we had to swing around the southern end to reach the single road actually leading into the area. There was something really exciting about the whole endeavour. First you're speeding along the Autobahn, with the pine-covered hills to your left and you know that your destination is somewhere just beyond, but you can't reach it just yet. You wonder how travelers managed in the Middle Ages. Did they brave the densely forested slopes? How many slipped and fell? Perhaps there were certain trails that have long since vanished. You think about these things as the highway gradually curves to the east. You arrive at a crossroads and take a left, going north again. Before long you pass through a natural gate in the hills, which are now on either side of you. The area is wooded and you pass through the occasional small village. After some time you emerge from the twilight of the forest into a bright valley of golden wheat, completely enclosed by dark green hills. Farther north still, across the fields, you see your destination, a city on the hillside. Roofs and steeples poking through the trees, a castle high up, lording over it all. Later in the day you're drinking beer on the patio of some bar and you're speculating about the number of Nazis that were active here in this strategically unimportant dead end, and even though you can't see the hills you can somehow sense them. You're at the end of the road and you feel cozy, even sheltered in this odd little microcosm. I'm gay.
I came across this old photograph that reminded me of my post:

It's not the town I was talking about, but it's still pretty cool.


Quote from: Slurpee on July 29, 2017, 04:49:58 AM
you know how people say they were this or that in a former life, alexander the great or an animal of some kind, or like we've got this idea of "old souls" - people who seem to be wizened and mature beyond their years like they somehow learned a lifetime's worth of lessons before they even got started-, or "lost souls"- people who seem to just be drifting along without purpose or attachment- or a "free spirit", or just, whatever, y'know, shit like that, and it's all just sort of this way of encapsulating this ethereal sense of a person's meaning, the relationship that they're naturally fit to have with the universe, and the way it can just sort of shine out of them like a light?

I think my version of whatever that is, whatever the fuck a human being's essence is and where this sense of self comes from, I was meant to lie down on in the dark, tired but not sleepy, and quietly, comfortably, peacefully wait for the sky to drop. no panic. no hurt. just the end. that's my function. I'm a rock somebody will be able grab onto at the end of the world that they can use to steady themselves and that'll make them feel at peace as they pass into oblivion. not saying it'll happen, maybe I'm just like an emergency empathetic tranquility ration that'll never have to be opened and that'd be ok too but until then I just exist in this moment between between lying down and always having a little bit further I need to go. do you know what I mean? will anybody ever know what the fuck I mean?
that was a beautiful post, slurpee.
i dont want to brag, but i understand what you mean.

i hope that there is some sort of reincarnation/soul-recyling, because, otherwise, this whole thing would be pointless.
i mean, if, after death we only get darkness in the void, and we just sink in the final entropy of the cosmos, then thats really depressing.
but if there is some form of reincarnation, then it all makes sense, and there is a purpose in this thing.
i hope, at least.

PS: interestingly, the point of ''a living rock's thoughts+existence'' is discussed thoroughly in umberto eco's ''the island of the day before'', when roberto de la griv tries to contemplate the thoughts+''life'' of a rock, in regards to its existence, in the (impossible) case that it does have a ''soul'' (hypothetically, that is).

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


My first time landing on the moon, I forgot to put spotlights on the bottom of the landing pod and tried landing on the dark side of the Munâ,,¢ using the altitude thingy

then suddenly exploded


Quote from: BilliardBall10 on July 30, 2017, 05:48:37 PM
Quote from: Slurpee on July 29, 2017, 04:49:58 AM
you know how people say they were this or that in a former life, alexander the great or an animal of some kind, or like we've got this idea of "old souls" - people who seem to be wizened and mature beyond their years like they somehow learned a lifetime's worth of lessons before they even got started-, or "lost souls"- people who seem to just be drifting along without purpose or attachment- or a "free spirit", or just, whatever, y'know, shit like that, and it's all just sort of this way of encapsulating this ethereal sense of a person's meaning, the relationship that they're naturally fit to have with the universe, and the way it can just sort of shine out of them like a light?

I think my version of whatever that is, whatever the fuck a human being's essence is and where this sense of self comes from, I was meant to lie down on in the dark, tired but not sleepy, and quietly, comfortably, peacefully wait for the sky to drop. no panic. no hurt. just the end. that's my function. I'm a rock somebody will be able grab onto at the end of the world that they can use to steady themselves and that'll make them feel at peace as they pass into oblivion. not saying it'll happen, maybe I'm just like an emergency empathetic tranquility ration that'll never have to be opened and that'd be ok too but until then I just exist in this moment between between lying down and always having a little bit further I need to go. do you know what I mean? will anybody ever know what the fuck I mean?
that was a beautiful post, slurpee.
i dont want to brag, but i understand what you mean.

i hope that there is some sort of reincarnation/soul-recyling, because, otherwise, this whole thing would be pointless.
i mean, if, after death we only get darkness in the void, and we just sink in the final entropy of the cosmos, then thats really depressing.
but if there is some form of reincarnation, then it all makes sense, and there is a purpose in this thing.
i hope, at least.

PS: interestingly, the point of ''a living rock's thoughts+existence'' is discussed thoroughly in umberto eco's ''the island of the day before'', when roberto de la griv tries to contemplate the thoughts+''life'' of a rock, in regards to its existence, in the (impossible) case that it does have a ''soul'' (hypothetically, that is).


I take it this guy isn't a national treasure, but is this the run of the mill stoner type in the Great Cracker North? Show me tweekers


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on July 30, 2017, 11:23:39 PM
I take it this guy isn't a national treasure, but is this the run of the mill stoner type in the Great Cracker North? Show me tweekers
very good post phantomcat, thank you for posting it! :)

what is the great cracker north? crackers are very delicious, i like to have crackers with cheese. cheese is a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors+textures+forms by coagulation of "the" milk protein casein. do you like to have crackers with cheese? what kinds "of" cheese? TELL ME. STOP TROLLING YOU ARE WORTHLESS. sorry everybody phantomcat was being a jerk i think we all need to get along better and


okay that's a little too real

he left like six or seven comments in a row on my last news post on Newgrounds and like, how was I supposed to even reply to them when he'd started out nice enough but already assumed I was going to ignore him and started being shitty by the last line of the comment


sorry i didn't understand that maybe somebody could carefully explain basic human interactions to me in meticulous detail so i can thank them for being helpful (unlike you, who is a trolling jerk and should just ignore me if you can't get along!!!) and then change nothing about my behavior and we can just keep doing that for ten fucking years while the earth slowly dies around us


Quote from: Slurpee on July 30, 2017, 09:54:58 PM
wow, settel downe, slurpee!111oneone

take some zanax for that, will ya?

i thought that we were good friends acquaintances, so seeing you screaming like howard dean is kinda strange.

so, whats up, guys?

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.



Making fun of/criticizing BB10 = screaming. We're the ones that need to be on medication. Fresh from another ban, yet the dude still can't take a hint. Not even a hint, a message in giant flashing neon letters that are on fire. That's a tricky sentence, "that are" because of letters, or "that is" because of message? What's the subject? Well, what's on fire? Both the letters and the message. Does one take precedent over the other? I has never learning how to parsed properly to make gooder my English.


Yesterday I made a salad out of some leftover ingredients: tuna, eggs & lettuce. Sounds nice, right? Today I went on a trip when suddenly this king-hell body odor hit me. I could smell it on myself and it was making me feel ill. People literally fled away from me. This was weapons-grade stink, I was a walking ecological disaster. This one dude came up & on to me, but he tapped out double-quick. Either he caught on I wasn't a homer pretty fast, or the malodorous cloud wafting from my pores made short work of his initial interest. I bought deodorant and I had to reapply it four times during the day. Don't mix tuna and eggs, children. Or maybe this is just the onset of some horrible illness.


but grey, he was using caps lock! thats screaming in internet land!


well, tuna is great, but leftover eggs are probably the culprit here. never let leftover eggs ''out'' for too long, even if its in the chilling safety of the fridge.
they go bad fast, and they can often cause... discomfort.
combine that with leftover fish, and its a deathbomb.

how do i know those things, you might ask?
well, one of my cousins tried that, and.. he had a similar experience when he went to a quiet coffee place to talk with his friends.

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.




dunno why this got stuck in my head just now but here we are