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Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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ps it looks like I got the 113,000th post but it starts on zero (it counts replies) so really Rob has it.


Quote from: Slurpee on January 10, 2018, 03:38:19 AM
there's two okay jokes in the film "Accepted", and one of them they fuck up so immediately and so irretrievably that I've thought about it at least every couple months since I saw it

the premise of the film is justin long and his friends started a fake college because he didn't get accepted into any real ones, but pre-famous jonah hill's character gave it a functioning website, and a bunch of people actually enrolled, and, y'know, hijinks ensue

there's a scene where they're stunned to learn they have a tremendous budget surplus because their "students" all actually paid the ten thousand dollar tuition
one of them says "I stopped counting after the first hundred checks."
another breathlessly responds "that's 74 million dollars."
somebody else: "it's one million dollars, glen."

perfect! cut, turn it in, your joke is complete, cigars all around

instead, glen then says, "psh. in human dollars."
why add this? why are we getting into glen's head? why do they think explaining the joke with the revelation that glen thinks something no human being on earth has ever thought would improve the scene at all? how did the writer, director, actors, and editors all let the scene slide into this comedic black hole?

the joke of a character being dumb requires that you can follow how he arrived at an erroneous conclusion
lisa simpson: I'm losing my perspicacity!
homer simpson: well, it's always in the last place you look
if there's no appreciable way he could have arrived at his conclusion, that's a completely different joke.
glen is not homer simpson. we do not have to know why he said 74 million, a number he could not possibly have arrived at mathematically, he's a fucking weirdo who says weird things, there is nothing to mine from following his train of thought. the humor of the scene was that the basic grammar of cinematic structure led the audience to expect that the next line after a simple product would be an explication of the result, because if the movie's not doing the thinking for us we can't invest in the emotional purpose of the scene. so we momentarily accept what's said as factual, and just as we were realizing something was wrong, a character says it out loud. JOKE DONE. fine comedic form! stop the bit!

fucking "human dollars." hack. it's a hack bit. you were spinning gold, "Accepted", and you blew it! you didn't stick the landing!

and, the other okay joke was, when they were going to enter the abandoned building, and jonah hill's character noped out and said "hope you guys have hobo stab insurance"
I hadn't heard of that flick before this post, but I imagine that's exactly what happened here right. The people in charge felt it wasn't clear enough that he's a fucking weirdo who says weird things. They really had to hammer it home because the audience is stupid. Or it's a dumb guy's lame, in-character attempt at a save. That would be funny. Regardless, fuck you and everything you stand for, because comedic black holes is where it's at. Driving jokes so far up their own ass to a point where it becomes funny again is the new paradigm for this post-postmodern world I feel.




Life as a masochist must be pretty great. Accidentaly sit on your own dick when you're trying to take a shit? Lovely!



why does Adsense think I want Camp Camp toys?
is Camp Camp a good show? is Camp Camp a show


I used to unblock ads on websites that I really liked and now I pretty much won't even read news that doesn't let me visit without disabling my adblocker



Does this make Luke Jim Lahey? Then Leia would be Barb and I guess Han would be Randy.

Jabba The Hut as Sam Losco

Boba Fett as Cyrus


Corey and Trevor as Tarkin and that guy who got choked out since his actor bailed on the series




I lied, Corey and Trevor are c-3po and r2d2, Terry and Dennis are Tarkin and that guy who died, except the guy who died doesnt die i guess



Thank you! I drew it some time last year, I was just bored with the last one and wanted to change it up.



the sky above the port was the color of a television tuned to a dead channel- dark luminescent grey up until the 90's, then blue for some reason, then black with a symbol in the lower left corner telling you which button to press if you want to know what a "roku" is


NewGrounds continues on, slowing down more and more, until one day less than five total movies and games combined are submitted, and P-Bot's daily portal awards looking for five crashes the server, and it's never restarted.