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Messages - PossumClock

Gaming & Technology / E3 anticipation thread
May 25, 2012, 09:30:10 PM
Quote from: Asshatclock;1907688Yeah some new 3DS games wouldn't suck either, I'm kind of waiting for that Layton game to come out over here already, the japs had it since launch.

Samsies. I'm waiting for that and the Ace Attorney crossover. :'(

But most of all: Pikmin 3. I will kill real people to see a trailer for that.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
April 13, 2012, 01:01:12 PM
  • FEZ
QuoteDear Electronic Arts (EA) Im Not GAY D: just don't let them dres like girls. ... cause that be really weird xD MAY the Force be with you young one D:


These aren't the bots we're looking for.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
April 05, 2012, 10:58:37 PM
Quote from: Losperman;1902491+Vagrant Story (have been wanting this game since it came out 12 years ago)

I agree with Nintendoââ,¬â€it's fanfreakingtastic. Love it well.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
March 29, 2012, 10:47:20 PM
  • Kid Icarus 3D Classics
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising

3D Classics is friggin' brilliant, and I'm glad this is my first time playing the game. It's just a loaddd of fun, I don't even care how hard it is, and Nintendo (Or ARIKA or whatever) did a bang-up job with inserting 3D graphics and an updated background that adjusts as you ascend (which is also beautiful 8-bit art). Uprising is also brilliantââ,¬â€it feels like a console-worthy series, which is balls-awesome, but with that it also suffers from awk controls; you have modes of interaction with it: circle pad, L button, touch screen (for shooting AND camera, which... is awk). I'd venture to say it's my fave 3DS game so far with it's only flaw being the controls, and after a while you get used to them. If you like to complain about game controls, though, don't buy the game. You will complain.
Gaming & Technology / Dark Souls PC
March 21, 2012, 01:18:40 AM
Unless it's coming out on the Wii U or has DLC for tantric demon sex, it's pretty much assumed that it's an announcement for Dark Souls PC. I post this here because of that one clockfriend who ventured here not too long ago to make us sign his petition that everyone said wouldn't work. And lo, the hour draw nigh.

I want to cast lots that it's actually the DLC though.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
March 01, 2012, 10:00:55 PM
Quote from: BluezombieClock;1897488DLC? niiiice!

So yeah.

  • Solatorobo and
  • Monster Tales

I'm getting into all these great DS games that came out back when I didn't have a bunch of money to throw away, and they're well worth the wait/cost now!
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
March 01, 2012, 01:42:19 AM
Quote from: BluezombieClockI fucking loved the demo. A definitive buy for whenever it lands in the discount bins, not worth 60$ for a story playthrough imo

Yeah, for some folks it's definitely not worth the $60. I just happen to love games like this, and with the Penny Arcade book that it came with I was just all up in that shiz. It's easy to beat if you sit down and beat the crap out of it, but I've been spreading out the episodes like an anime series I'd watch during study breaks and stuff before I go to bed. It's awesome. Like I said, interactive Dragon Ball. A lot of folks will say that the best parts of the game were the demo, but there's plenty of stuff to keep you interested. Not to mention that awesome looking DLC Capcom hinted at a few weeks ago.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
February 21, 2012, 10:14:03 PM
  • Asura's Wrath

Basically interactive HD Dragon Ball Z.
Reception Desk / What is this place?
February 12, 2012, 01:48:24 AM
Tell Ivysaur I said "sup" and stuff. That'd be nice. kthnxbi
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
February 11, 2012, 04:22:59 PM
  • Contact (DS)
  • Mutant Mudds (eShop)
Gaming & Technology / Tim Schafer Does Cool Things
February 09, 2012, 05:46:23 PM
Just became not only the fastest grossing Kickstarter project, but, in fact, the largest.

Holla at yo girl.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
February 03, 2012, 05:25:25 PM
Quote from: TequilaClock;1892617Debatable.

Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
February 03, 2012, 02:41:32 PM
Quote from: TequilaClock;1892445+ Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (iOS)

Way, way, WAY better than I expected, and I already expected it to be great.

Best DS game of 2011 brosauce.
Reception Desk / Sup?
January 27, 2012, 01:19:20 AM
Awesome to see a flashy new member!
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
January 21, 2012, 02:07:30 AM
Quote from: Lump Clock;1890233I did this thing where I was stalwart on the outside, but inwardly on edge. The water part wasn't that bad, but later when you get further into the depths of the dungeon there is a part that audibly made me whimper. I think the game has a way of detecting when you're less frightened by way of how much and how quickly you push forward, but I won't tell you why I suspect this lest I spoil the game. To be honest, I'm the only person I know who's played this game first time through without immediately freaking out.

I honestly couldn't cope. I got cornered by one of the... thingamajigs that steal people or whatever at night, and it was horrible. I was far enough that he didn't quite see me, but I was in a corner, so the only way to get away from him was to run past him, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. He stood there until my oil ran out and my insanity sky-rocketed and I screamed. The ensuing consequences were terrifying. I haven't played it since.
Gaming & Technology / Resident Evil 6
January 19, 2012, 08:23:39 PM
I am also nipply at the notion of all the viruses coming together in one game. Leon looks crazy and unkept, which is similar to the knot my pants have made. Also: is that Las Vegas? Looked like Tokyo or Hong Kong at first glace. I only watched it once.

Also also: very interesting that they released the trailer the same day that they released the 3DS demo for Revelations. A very RE day indeed.
General Discussion / Why Are People Unhappy?
January 15, 2012, 07:12:37 PM
It seems to me that this guy is searching for "happiness" in the wrong placeââ,¬â€if he was truly passionate about animation then "making it big" shouldn't be what he's focussed on deriving his happiness from. I mean, sure, should the opportunity arise that he could get recognized and he ends up losing that opportunity then yes, that would suck and be worth some unhappy sentiment, but I think that he should have more appreciation for art than that, if that's what he's really into.

The primary focus of producing art shouldn't be to earn wealth and fame, I've always thought of it as more of a selfish discipline, if you will. And this guy could be doing animation for other reasons, I'm assuming he'd consider it an art or whatever, but my point still standsââ,¬â€I feel like he needs to reevaluate why he's doing what he's doing, and if wealth is more important than animation and stuff then he should go back to school and study Accounting, Business or Law or something that will guarantee green.

Of course, I'm of the personal persuasion that money can never fill that void (it can add, but it will never be the source of happiness), but that's just me. <:3