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Messages - SpudClock

I hereby retract everytime I defended that freak. Being too wierd for this crowd is just...there are no words. Just wow
Reception Desk / Re: BBS Rules and Guidelines
December 18, 2019, 09:39:37 AM
Really love those bits about no mod begging or mod-playing. Something that was sorely needed back on the old site.
Wait so how old is BB10? I always just assumed he had to be like 16 tops, and even that seemed kinda generous. Seriously I only stuck up for him every now and then cos I thought he was just a dumb kid that would grow out of it.
Reception Desk / Re: So....
December 18, 2019, 08:12:18 AM
All due respect, no, you're kinda the one doing the boogeyman projecting here. I live in Vermont dude, after Cali, NY and Mass, we're easily the bluest state in the US. I just said I used to go to freaking Bernie Sanders rallies and you think I'm a conservative? You just heard "losers itching to take advantage" and assumed I meant everyone who ever recieves government benefits didn't you? Far from it. And when did I ever put any of it on immigrants? Did you hear homogenous and assume it's a racial thing? That's a little insulting. I'm simply stating the mindset of the average Vermonter is nothing like that of a city-slicker.

The people I'm talking about pretty much all speak English fluently and were born in this country. Vermont has its share of them too, it's just like I said before, we have enough decent, hard-working people to balance it out and being such a tiny state, it's much easier for us to weed out the losers who just use their benefits to score more dope. I've made it no secret that I spent most of my 20s being a junkie and am on Suboxone now (and it's courtesy of the state too). Junkies are generally friends with other junkies though, and I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say everyone I know my age on welfare or EBT cash spends the money on horse or crack or both. My step-sister is human garbage. Girls like her get pregnant and keep the baby simply because they see the kid as their meal ticket to never work again, free dope courtesy of the state. The father raises him and does and pays for everything while she just collects checks (they're not together anymore by the way) she doesn't deserve. Same situation with my best friend, but he managed to take his ex to court for full custody and won. No more free dope for that bitch. Now imagine a giant city where there are way more of these losers, with a system too big to keep proper tabs on who it just hands over money to. They probably would've just sided with the mother instead of doing their due dilligence. That's the kinda shit I'm talking about, doesn't have shit to do with speaking English or not. It's just that most Vermonters are pretty blue collar, hard-working people. The decent people to loser ratio is much better here than it is in a city, where you see far more lazy people taking advantage with zero intent of ever getting off the benefits. Of course they don't aspire to do this as kids, but that's a bit of a rediculous argument. The world would be full of astronauts, cowboys and princesses if everyone became what they aspired to be as kids. People grow up and some of them just become plain lazy. Dude I used to buy from pretends to be crazy so the state will pay his rent, and he could easily pay it with the money he makes selling dope, but then he would have to get a job to pay for other stuff. Nah, to him that's for suckers. He's from New York, and that's where he picked up his lazy ways. Everyone he grew up around taught him working is for chumps, just get money any way you can besides working a 9-5. This attitude is just far too prevalent in low income areas of large cities. I can't explain it, I don't know the how or the why, I know it's not everyone, but it is there and there's way too much of it.

But I know state benefits do a lot of good in people's lives too. The state saved mine, that's for sure. Vermont is a considerably smarter and smaller state than NY or Cali though. I always tell people we're a liberal state done the right way. Many of our programs are designed to teach yourself to get out of poverty. They won't just give me money but they were happy to help get me off drugs. And now I'm enrolled in a program where the state is going to pay for me to learn to be an electrician, as I could never afford a trade school. It's one of the newer ones, designed to help people actually get a career and not just work shitty jobs the rest of their lives. It's basically the shit you said about breaking the poverty cycle. Can't afford education? The state will educate you! Don't speak English well? We'll teach you English for free too!  Transportation an issue? Vermont has you covered there too! Kids an issue? Guess what, we got free daycare for that too! Want a check handed to you for doing nothing? Tough shit because now you don't have an excuse. That's the problem with most other states' programs. Instead of tackling the obstacles, they just use them as excuses to keep the system shitty and broken the way they have it and pretend it needs to stay that way because otherwise people will starve to death. We built a pretty damn good road map for a better system once we stopped following the other states. And they have way bigger budgets than we do and a much larger pool of volunteers to work with. It can be done on a larger scale, the only real obstacle is the conservative types you seem to have lumped me in with that just oppose any kind of assistance (possibly because the losers left a bad taste in their mouths, I can't totally blame them for seeing it as a waste of money honestly). But most big cities are pretty blue so political opposition can't be that big an issue can it?

Alright sorry I promise I'm done with the politics. I get going on something I have a strong opinion about and never know when to stop. I wasn't really looking to debate but I can never seem to just let it go. My bad, really I just wanted to point out what a total fucking fraud Bernie is.
Reception Desk / Re: So....
December 15, 2019, 11:49:38 AM
We have a debilitating heroin problem and a terrible economy based way too much in tourism when we only get tourists for half the year. And Bernie is still what makes me more embarrassed than anything else to be from Vermont. And at his rallies he used to just speak to us about the problems. He understood the plight of the poor average joe in a small shitty town. And some of his solutions actually do work on the smaller scale of Vermont because we're a lot like those Norwegian countries where that kind of stuff can also work (rural, cold, small homogenous population). That's how he rose to prominence here. We're not as stupid as he makes us look. It's just that he and his local supporters don't understand that what might work for the tiny, least populated, least urban state in the country probably won't work for a huge country full of cities with losers who are just itching to take advantage with zero intent of ever trying to get off the government tit.

I don't get how he can say with a straight face that white people don't know what it's like to be poor though. That's what I was getting at before I rambled into a rant. The guy's entire career was built on telling poor white people how he understands our struggles. People always talk about how no matter where you stand on the issues you gotta admire how authentic he is. Wigga please
Reception Desk / Re: I'm back
December 15, 2019, 11:05:04 AM
What up Grog

So RCCola really wasn't just Tritoch on another account huh? Damn he really did have me fooled. I guess Onion did too. He told me he just got lucky and guessed the password but I guess that is kinda stupid now that I think about it. All the haters and fans he had, you'd think at least one of them would've tried that earlier using foamy as the password.

Why does it not surprise me that you did the animation too? Onion told me that was all him and you just did the voice acting. Why did I believe that guy so much? He acted like he was some kinda rebel but I actually talked to a girl and a dude from his high school who told me in real life he was just this quiet, preppy Aeropostale, Abercrombie and AE (a triple A prep) wearing kid who acted nothing like his online persona. I mean, we all probably did that to some extent but I don't feel like I ever really hid my personality the way he did. But I guess in the end there's just no telling how authentic anyone is so I just took most people at their word.

Now I'm kinda bummed I missed out on the Banana thing. Back in the day Soup showed me some real life photos of Banana. He always looked like he was about to cry in them. Wish I still had one of them. I always got the impression he was one of those kids everyone fucked with in high school. I kinda felt sorry for him after that. I think Soup did too (and he would actually know, I just assumed) but it's hard to resist the urge to mess with Banana the way he acts online.

That's cool you guys stuck together for a few more years at least. I mostly bailed for real life stuff too. I know I act like it was mostly because of the direction WTFnoob was going in but honestly halfway through high school I developed a much healthier real life. I got my first girlfriend, started hanging out with cool kids, and was terrified that if any of them caught a glimpse of CC or anything associated with it I would go back to being sort of an outsider. It's hard to describe, I was never really an outcast but never really fully accepted by them until then either. Kids today don't know how easy they have it. It's sort of cool to be a nerd now and all this anti-bullying shit. High school was a lot more vicious in my day.

WTFnoob time trials? What are those?

On the other subject I brought up (hence the stupid line thing), I won't know better until the 31st, and even then the doc might just order more tests and not give me anything definitive at the appointment. But I don't have the Michael J. arm thing going anymore, which leads me to believe that I probably don't have Wilson's Disease. It still spasms every now and then but I can live with that. I was about ready to jump in front of a bus when it first started. I don't know how people with Parkinson's do it. I wasn't sleeping, couldn't concentrate on anything, never been more miserable in my life (seriously how the fuck do those people sleep?). Still have no idea what caused it, maybe the severe tension on my shoulder from a previous injury? Some sort of weird psychosomatic thing my body was doing because my neck and shoulder are almost always tense and in pain (that's how I got started with the Oxys by the way)? I'm glad it's probably not Wilson's but now I really don't have the slightest idea why my arm was non-stop shaking for a week. I almost fell off the wagon it was bothering me so much.
General Discussion / Re: Hello!
December 15, 2019, 09:52:27 AM
My 4th grade teacher thought I might've been. But I grew up to be a drug addict, and only cool people do drugs, and no autistic people are cool, so that for sure proves I'm not.
Reception Desk / Re: REGISTRY
November 11, 2019, 09:38:05 AM
Wow, pretty thorough list. You forgot Camel, but so far that's the only one I've noticed. That and you've got two MilkClocks on there.

It also might be good to mention that a name being on that list doesn't always mean it's off limits, but it should be considered so unless people say it's okay. It doesn't hurt to ask people here if a name is really taken or if it was one of those people who made an account but never really used it or decided shortly after they wanted to change their name. I mentioned before how my brother made a lot of accounts that he used for like a day and then got bored and stopped coming here. A lot of good veggie names on there, I would hate for people think the character they wanted to use is off limits just because my brother was bored one day. But they shouldn't be used unless someone can confirm it was one of those cases. It doesn't matter how long it's been since someone was an active member, if they were one at one point and people have fond memories of their time here then it's not okay to step on someone's legacy. When it comes to old names I say depends how long the name was held. I could care less if someone wants to be Glock or Juice, no one remembers any of my old names at all and they were barely used. But then take someone like Blackberry, (sorry you're just the first one I thought of if you're reading this) he was PikachuClock for a while, people remember he was. He was pretty well-known as Pikachu, so to me PikachuClock actually does have a legacy even if he goes by a different name now. That should still be considered off-limits.
Reception Desk / Re: I'm back
November 11, 2019, 09:10:59 AM
I know I really should've gotten a real computer by now, but I still have nothing but a shitty Samsung tablet. It's a newer one at least, not the same one I made this thread with, but still a piece of shit nonetheless. So I still can't watch any flash. Only reason I could watch Clock Wars was because someone put those on YouTube. Was he a real guy? The comments kinda make it seem like the whole thing is a joke.
Reception Desk / Re: So....
November 08, 2019, 08:14:08 PM
Everyone grows outta that shit. I had an economics professor who came from Russia and he always made it a point to teach us just how stupid most of us were for ever thinking communism was a good idea. You know they eat fruit over there for dessert? Fucking madness
Obviously albino.
Dig'em broke my heart when he changed the recipe. Smacks suck ass now, and not in the erotic fashion Flounder is talking about.

Does it have to be a pure frog? Like, say hypothetically, there was one that was half paper bag?
Reception Desk / Re: Name Suggestion Megathread
November 08, 2019, 03:28:05 PM
Reception Desk / Re: I'm back
November 08, 2019, 03:25:04 PM
Quote from: GreyClock on November 08, 2019, 08:34:57 AM
I'm sorry man I can't actually read, don't get all up in shaky arm about it.

These jokes working for you at all?

IrnBru never forget. But we did forget, didn't we.
Yeah I prefer the jokes to sympathy honestly, save that shit for if I actually do die.

Like I said he was only around for that summer really. He was actually pretty well-known, though not all that well-liked by some, during the time he was around. In particular MountainDewClock had a major hard-on for him, which is kinda funny since whether he realized it or not that was pretty much his status among the crew too. (MDC wouldn't believe how many IMs and PMs I got on the down low thanking me for threatening to ban him, he always thought he was hot shit when a lot of people couldn't stand him either.) But IrnBru was hardly a legend or anything like that. I wouldn't expect anyone that wasn't around back then to have any idea who he was.

Who was BlueGasMask? Sorry I don't mean to be insensitive, it's just there's like a decade of stuff I missed out on here. I didn't think we had anyone confirmed dead besides Bru. Statistically speaking though, all our current and former members probably add up to at least a thousand something. Among all those guys that just vanished, there's gotta be more out there that have died over the years. Hell there's probably others that died in car crashes too. Statistically speaking again, that's the most common way for people to go when they're young I'm pretty sure.
Reception Desk / Re: I'm back
November 08, 2019, 07:36:10 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on November 07, 2019, 03:15:32 PM

PS Who died?
Seriously dude? I said it right in that same post and I mentioned it before in this thread. IrnBruClock, the original, not that poser that showed up later.

Wednesday, April 25
Gregory Berry
ALEXANDRIA, Va. â€" Gregory Joseph Berry, 18, of Alexandria, entered eternal rest on Thursday, April 19, 2007, surrounded by family and friends at Inova Fairfax Hospital, following a courageous battle from injuries in a car accident on Dec. 26, 2006. Greg was born in Alexandria, on Oct. 30, 1988.

Greg was a senior at T.C. Williams High School, Alexandria, and previously attended Blessed Sacrament School, Alexandria, and Sacred Heart School, Bennington, Vt. He was also a band member of "Every Fading Memory" and employed at Fairlington Sunoco.

Greg was the dearly beloved son of Timothy L. Berry of Keene, N.H., and Polly A. Berry of Alexandria; brother of Kevin D. Berry of Alexandria, and April Berry of Cameron, N.C.; and grandson of Edward C. Murphy, USAF Ret., Alexandria, and Wilda T. Berry, Arlington. He is also survived by numerous uncles, aunts and cousins in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina, California, Missouri, and Kansas.

The family will receive friends from 3 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, at Everly-Wheatley Funeral Home, 1500 W. Braddock Rd., Alexandria, VA. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Interment will follow at Ivy Hill Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial gifts in memory of Greg be made to either the Trauma ICU at Inova Fairfax Hospital, 3300 Gallows Rd., Falls Church, VA 22042 or CaringBridge through their online donation section or 1995 Rahn Cliff Court, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55122.
That's him. He stayed with us over the summer of 2002 when his family went back to Virginia and he wanted to stay here in Bennington. He saw me on the old site one day and to my surprise he took an interest when I figured he was going to rip on me for it. He was only really active that summer, he later moved to Springfield and eventually made it back to Virginia with his family, where he seemed much happier. Everyone who gets out of Bennington is much better off, this town is like ground zero of the small town opiate crisis. We're that little Vermont town that was on the front page of the New York Times several years back, I shot dope with that girl in the picture back in the day. Sucks he got in a car crash but honestly he for sure would've OD'd if he never got outta here. If this place can turn me into a junkie Greg never would've stood a chance.

Seriously though I only said that because how freaky would it be if the only two clocks that we for sure know are dead are related if it did end up happening? I'm really very likely not going to die, the people that die from Wilson's usually only do because they never sought treatment or did it way too late. And there is still a chance, slim as it may be, that this isn't even Wilson's. It could just be copper exposure but I don't work in a factory or anything like that so I don't see how I could've been exposed to copper. Wilson's is where your organs don't secrete enough copper into your bloodstream and instead they retain it. Very unpleasant but usually not fatal in a young person who came in and caught it early enough.
Reception Desk / Re: I'm back
November 07, 2019, 01:45:15 PM
Quote from: SpudClock on October 25, 2019, 09:08:50 AM
At least it's less creepy when we do it now, there's a much more balanced teen boy to older creep ratio these days. Back then it was too much boy for just Bio and Zen to handle. And I think there was someone else who was like 30 or pushing 30 when I was a kid but I forget who and I might be remembering that wrong.
I think it was F8L actually.

Anyways speaking of clocks getting diseases and what not, I spent all day in the ER other day. My left arm won't stop shaking unless I'm moving it already, I can't hold it still aside from like a few seconds if I try really hard to. I was pretty relieved to hear they don't think it's Parkinson's even though they can't totally rule it out yet at first. Then they told me they think it's Wilson's Disease. We won't know 100% for sure until all the test results come back but when I looked up Wilson's yesterday and read through the symptoms it was like a checklist of everything wrong with me lately and the copper blood test doesn't look good. It could be copper exposure but I don't see how the hell I could've gotten that when I don't work around it or anything. But I have been assured that when caught early enough, most people with Wilson's live a relatively normal lifespan and most of the people that died from it did because they never sought treatment until it was too late. But the key word there is most. I'm not fishing for a bunch of "aw poor Spud"s here, but it seemed like a good time to mention it while we're sort of on the subject here and it's my thread anyways. Just putting it out there that if I vanish and don't eventually come back again like I usually do, like if 3 or 4 years go by and I still haven't made any kind of least take solace in the fact I finally got my arm to stop shaking and I'm partying with Irn Bru and Boysenberry in hell.

But seriously I probably won't die. The only thing Im really worried about is that they usually can't reverse the damage that's already been done. So while I probably won't die I probably will have the Michael J. Fox arm forever. Just my luck that I'm left-handed huh? I just want it documented somewhere here on the very, very low chance that I do. It would be a really morbid but interesting cliff note in our history I think. The only two clocks confirmed to be dead and they were cousins. Freaky right?
Quote from: PatriotClock on December 05, 2014, 12:26:12 PM
Woah. Am I the only one who appreciates the fact that it's alphabetical!?!?!?
You know ever since I found my way back here 3 or 4 years ago I've come to this thread and looked at the picture every single time I visited. And I never noticed that until today.

Quote from: BilliardBall10 on April 04, 2017, 04:23:29 PM

do you have more stories like this, spud? i would love to read them, those things are perfect.

Tons, but they tend to be distracting and long-winded and I'm sure some people are just thinking "we get it already dude, you were around in the glory days."
General Discussion / Re: Question
November 07, 2019, 11:24:01 AM
The fuck kinda how to is that picture from?
General Discussion / Re: So Newgrounds deleted my movies.
November 05, 2019, 08:46:58 PM
Wait it's lost? And it had shared access? I always thought he was just Tritoch goofing around on another account, hence the quotes around his name. Well I guess the quotes still work there but damn, I figured Tricrotch just got sick of playing the character and that's why we stopped seeing it. And I always thought he exclusively had access to it. But yeah Fun Stuff was great, it was a chance for those of us who weren't around during the Founding Fruits days to make some old style spam movies and actually get away with it most of the time.

And the YouTube thing, I meant like we should actually get into live action movies. Well really I was just kidding but in that hypothetical that's what I meant. I know our Flashes have zero chance on there.
General Discussion / Re: So Newgrounds deleted my movies.
November 05, 2019, 06:41:19 AM
At least you still got your account. I guess I might too for all I know but I don't even remember the name of it nowadays, let alone the password. I think my only surviving Flash on it was one of those "Fun Stuff" movies we all made around the time when "RC Cola Clock" joined anyways. But yeah, Newgrounds is dead, we gotta learn to YouTube.