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Messages - Thor

H e double hockey sticks? How are the gang gonna get out of this one?

uhhhh not sure witch circle I should take, I can do anything hmm hmmm
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: advanced haiku thread
August 25, 2023, 06:40:10 PM
the haiku was wrong
it had too many syllables
it made the nerd mad
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: someone reply to this
April 22, 2022, 07:23:31 AM
I thought gadget was british, the magical land where they smoke fags, put boots on cars, and get inspected
i was going to post "i'll tell you later" but that's too obvious, i'll come up with a better joke and post it in a bit
canonically, flounderman is the sexiest clock
Gaming & Technology / Re: Ohhhhhhhh elden ring
February 25, 2022, 08:16:23 PM
Elden Ring has a mechanic for online multiplayer where you can have a group code that makes you more likely to see other people with the same group code, for both their summon signs and also for floor messages. This is different from the online password system which limits the pool to ONLY people with that password.

So anyway, I was thinking we could in the clock crew all use a group code. Maybe just "clockcrew" as the group code. Probably won't randomly see each other too often, since I always get summoned within 2 seconds of putting down a sign, and the messages are anonymous so we won't notice who wrote it, but lets do it anyway
You know I retired from that life. I... I can't go back. son of a bitch, I'm in.
Gaming & Technology / Re: Ohhhhhhhh elden ring
February 22, 2022, 12:54:24 PM
Where my wretch gamers at
I didn't choose the wretch life the wretch life chose me
Gaming & Technology / Ohhhhhhhh elden ring
February 18, 2022, 08:46:26 PM
whomst've shat'teren'd yon elden ring???

who else is ready for elderly circle gaming in a few days
Gaming & Technology / Re: Yugioh Master Duel
February 18, 2022, 07:51:26 PM
Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on February 15, 2022, 09:37:41 PM
Quote from: Thor on February 14, 2022, 03:03:08 AM
I can totally see you as a skull chad. I tried really hard with the Ojama deck but unfortunately it SUCKS DICK. Too much inconsistency, too easy to brick if I draw too many of the normal monsters because Yugioh doesn't have a mulligan. Might be able to improve it though  if i used more expensive cards
they're shit but they're charmingly shit. my buddy bought me the last game a year or two ago, and when he wanted to test his shitty decks I would use this pure ojama deck with three copies of ground collapse and three of each ojama. bunch of negates too. it's a complete chore to play against.
Ojama has some really broken support cards to counterbalance the inherent badness. There's a really crazy combo you an use with Ojama to get out Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon (crazy card that lets you banish everything your opponent controls AND in their graveyard, on THEIR turn so you can wait till they use their normal summon) in one turn. You get that out and you win. The only problem is that you need your opponent to have a monster out in attack position, so you can't do it turn one and you can't do it if they have any negates and you can't do it if they just put everything in defense.
Basically you get Ojama Blue out (either draw it or with Ojamatch), then crash into an enemy to kill it, use Ojama Blue to search out Ojamatch and either Ojamagic or Ojamafication, then Ojamatch out another Ojama Blue (you can do this during battle phase), crash it again, repeat, use final Ojamatch to get out Armed Dragon Thunder lv 3, upgrade Armed Dragon Thunders up to 7 or 10, use two copies of Ojamification to get out your VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon, then bang you got your catapult cannon. Then Ojama Pajama gives really good protection to the Cannon and Armed Dragon Lv 10.

Anyway that's the only way I've been able to play Ojama that's not complete trash. Playing "pure" ojama is hard because there's no protection for anything and you're screwed if they destroy the field spell. So if they just have a Raigeki or Feather Duster you're screwed. Also as an aside, Ojama Trio and to a lesser extent Ojama Duo suck since they put Link monsters in the game since the opponent will just use the tokens for link monsters. I wish they would errata them so that they can't be used for links. At least Duo is good in the graveyard, though. Good target for Ojama Pajama and Ojama Country
Gaming & Technology / Re: Yugioh Master Duel
February 15, 2022, 01:51:44 AM
Haha, dragonmade you lo-

Damn, out played
Gaming & Technology / Re: Yugioh Master Duel
February 14, 2022, 03:03:08 AM
Quote from: PhantomCatClock on February 09, 2022, 11:14:08 PM
Yeah yeah, yugioh. WhatEVE——

did you say dragon maids
yee dragon maids is like top 5 deck types. The gimmick is that each dragon maid has both a humanoid waifu form and then a dragon-like also waifu form. Lots of fusion summoning and swapping monsters around

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on February 09, 2022, 11:48:26 PM
Quote from: Thor on February 09, 2022, 10:30:03 PMPersonally I play the best archetype, KING OF SKULL SERVANT and I also made a shitty Ojama/VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon deck
my brother
I can totally see you as a skull chad. I tried really hard with the Ojama deck but unfortunately it SUCKS DICK. Too much inconsistency, too easy to brick if I draw too many of the normal monsters because Yugioh doesn't have a mulligan. Might be able to improve it though  if i used more expensive cards

Quote from: K-9_CLOCK on February 10, 2022, 07:10:51 AM
I played a little bit of master duel with one of my friends who is HARDCORE into yu gi oh, I think he has 400-500 hours in duel links lol. It seems p good but I was getting destroyed trying to play a blue eyes deck, I didn't really know what was happening.

i remember him calling me really really drunk and trying to explain to me how abyss actors work for literally 35 minutes. I still have no idea lmao.

the screen looks like fucking MUGEN when he plays abyss actors jesus christ I can't keep up with whats happening lol
blue eyes as an archetype unfortunately sucks ass even though it has like a million support cards. It's kind of crazy how much blue eyes stuff there is yet it's still not good. Red eyes is actually pretty good though. Also Cyber Dragon kicks ass

as for the crazy stuff happening... really it doesn't matter what the other player is doing during their entire turn until the battle phase for the most part until battle phase, and at that point you can just pause and look at their cards then. Almost every deck has like a 50 move combo to bring out everything they want but most of the cards are just stuff like "lets you special summon itself in X situation".
If you have hand traps, just use them as soon as you can and if you have traps or spells, just use them as late as you can (you can activate a spell/trap in reaction to it being targeted). Easy.
Gaming & Technology / Yugioh Master Duel
February 09, 2022, 10:30:03 PM
i see some clocks are playing like pinclock and unreal
it's a pretty good yugioh game, you can make pretty much any deck with just the free dust from the single player content so it's not really pay to win, although if you want multiple different archetype decks you need to make an alt account or grind like crazy (or spend IRL money if you're a PATHETIC whale)

Personally I play the best archetype, KING OF SKULL SERVANT and I also made a shitty Ojama/VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon deck
anyone wants to D-D-D-D-DUEL me hit me up although I got bored of doing ranked because fucking everyone is running the same 3 meta decks (Eldlich, Dragon maids, and some link thing)
Quote from: VCRClock on January 15, 2022, 09:55:02 PM
Quote from: RobClock on January 15, 2022, 06:18:40 AM
I thought it was extremely touching when knottsberry and strange got together through the lonely hearts dating program and then butt fucked in front of the Lincoln memorial on MLK day

question: how do you insert something into a strangeclock orifice
non-Euclidean erotica is truly an unexplored field and untapped market
Quote from: RobClock on January 15, 2022, 06:19:36 AM
I also liked the resolution to thorclock breaking free
w-well you see it was all very  meta... and the... um, he was breaking free from the very idea of complete stories and... *mumble mumble*
Quote from: PannacottaClock on November 03, 2021, 04:30:12 AM
i fear my pacemaker may be haunted

it goes haywire when i look at a specific person?
That's normal behavior, it's either fear or love. Probably both.
for me it's when strawberryclock beat the undertaker and won wrestlemania
General Discussion / Re: Fun Lord of the Rings facts
January 09, 2022, 03:58:47 PM
I can't believe he actually named the character that has to "throw" the ring "back in" to the fires of mount doom "Throw-o Back-ins". And who takes and advisor named Wormtongue?
Tolkien is such a hack!