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Messages - Fireman

Reception Desk / hello, I'm back from a hiatus
January 21, 2021, 08:37:04 PM
Hello, I used to be on here a while ago and for better or worse I am back.
I wish to shed my fireman flesh and become duck clock.
I haven't animated in a while, but I am planning something forgettable for the 20th anniversary. I'm also glad to see duck.fla is still kicking about.
Gaming & Technology / The Official Valve Games Thread
October 01, 2010, 08:02:45 AM
Quote from: Blob;1787155I wish some people would play on Xbox Live :(

General Discussion / Oprah is generous
September 16, 2010, 07:19:30 AM
Quote from: TheCheshireClock;1784620This is just one of the many ways their government has screwed them over in recent years.

I doubt you are paying much attention to our government to say it is screwing us over.
General Discussion / Inceptionauts
September 14, 2010, 06:33:57 AM
That was fucking brilliant. I must play through Psychonauts again, it's an experience I cannot forget. Especially with Inception on the mind.
Gaming & Technology / Duke Nukem Forever
September 04, 2010, 07:44:01 PM
Ehh I think Valve would have their hands a bit full. Between the release of Half Life 2 and Episode 1 they released Day of Defeat: Source, Half Life 2: Deathmatch and Lost Coast. Those weren't exactly the biggest projects. Around a year later they released the Orange Box and since then have done Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Alien Swarm and are working on Portal 2. They've been actively creating content for Team Fortress 2 and the Left 4 Dead's and also updated their older multiplayer games to more modern versions of the source engine.
Personally I reckon Half Life 2: Episode 3 would come out in 2011, I don't expect it to be too short. I mean Episode 2 was a reasonable length and they've probably had to change the initial storyline a bit due to the Portal series having some relation to the story.

For you kids who are new at it.

If you are up for it then give this a watch, it's a bit long but the guys entertaining and helpful. Helped me with getting a hang with the multiplayer.
For an abridged version he says:
Make a mental loop list that you go through containing four or five tasks. His example was build workers, keep resources low, keep supply high, construct buildings and train units.
Make sure that when you go to use something you learn the hotkey, this sucka says to hover over the button with the mouse. Find the hotkey and then avoid clicking it and press the hotkey.
He says other things too but I am tired and cannot remember.

Some other general advice is to scout the enemy so you know what to expect and can find a way to counter it.
Learn to build up strong economies and constantly make use of your resources.
If you are Terran use supply depots and production buildings to block the ramps leading into your base. You can lift up the production buildings and the supply depots can go underground so your units can walk over them.
Learn about some builds and strategies, try them out yourself and also try to counter them. Chances are you'll see a lot of marines, marauders, reapers, zealots, void rays, roaches and mutalisks early on in some matches. BE PREPARED.
So yeah I can't think of much else.

In terms of the region l locked multiplayer, Blizzard has said they're going to make the North America region accessible to Australia and New Zealand. I haven't looked into this to see if any other regions are going to be included.
Entertainment / Musical Conffesions
August 18, 2010, 08:59:50 AM
I think IDM is cool and all but can never bring myself to listen to it.
I used to think Bloc Party was kicking rad but now I don't really care much for them.
I only started listening to music when I was like 15 which seemed pretty late to me. I didn't get my first album till I was like 16.
There isn't really much else to say though, I don't have any guilty pleasures or anything like that.
Entertainment / 3OH!3 + Ke$ha = fucking awful
July 24, 2010, 01:48:41 AM
I don't understand you guys. This isn't unlistenable. I don't really like it but it's just bland and boring.
I don't think anybody wants to travel to Perth. That's the most inconvenient place to live.
General Discussion / Clock Fortress 2
July 11, 2010, 07:30:38 PM
Quote from: Cowboy Bebop;1767302Steak and Frogbag are good suggestions here.

I particularly like Steak for Heavy, his minigun can just be him firing the laser beam from his clock. Also it costs $500 per second to fire.

I don't think there is money from where that clock comes from.
General Discussion / Clock Fortress 2
July 10, 2010, 06:57:25 AM
Quote from: VuvuzelaClock;1767175Never mind, talked him out. sent him url to thread and he is deciding himself on all of your post.
He is pretty good by the way, made me a pretty cool model that replaces scout with me with a mask and unzipped jacket with electric tape on my nipples please dont ask.

Could you show us the model so we can get an understanding of how good he is. We can't have him misrepresenting our sacred clock faces.
General Discussion / Clock Fortress 2
July 10, 2010, 02:20:45 AM
I reckon the heavy should be MeatClock or SteakClock or whatever you guys call that kid.
It just makes sense. He's incoherent, shoots at anything that moves and has a large shape that is top heavy. Plus I've already made a 3D model and texture for him for the TF2 map project that went no where.
I like Buttplugs suggestions for Strawberry and Carrot. Oh yeah if Olskoo was demo then you wouldn't even have to change the character model much.
I'd be cool to throw in Frogbag, maybe he can be the engineer and reach into himself to pull out sentries. If he were the scout then his run animation would be fantastic.
The new shotgun lets you get some actual combat and it feels so damn good being able to kill the sucka who destroyed your sentry.
The Wrangler just makes engineer so much more interesting, pistol is cool and all but shooting with the sentry is awesome as. It hasn't got a limited range but it's not as accurate as you might expect.
The mechanical hand is fun as well and the new sentry guns that you get with the hand are so convenient. Sure they are weak and break easily and can't be repaired but there is a great satisfaction in throwing one up and watching it shoot down an enemy or two and then take some turkeys out with your revenge crits.
I think it's the best update yet.
General Discussion / Clock Fortress 2
July 09, 2010, 01:19:53 AM
Quote from: Ned Flanders;1766913I should be the Pyro because my clock character is a type of hot sauce and I don't talk much.

fuck you I have an axe and a fire retardant suit
General Discussion / AT AT Day Afternoon
July 01, 2010, 09:41:47 AM
Quote from: Slurpee;1764914I can't tell if this is really good stop motion or really good cg so it just comes off as magic.

He did stop motion using a toy. Occasionally he would of used other tools/materials to assist the stop motion but he would use the magic of computers to hide that. There would also be the use of stop motion in front of a green screen and then composite that sort of thing with the live video.
Like the baby playing with the book or the dog running.
General Discussion / strawberts adventar
June 25, 2010, 03:05:55 AM
I liked ho heh haw the best
General Discussion / The Best TF2 Map EVER
June 25, 2010, 03:00:54 AM
my brother was showing me, he put it on his server today.
I was at GAME yesterday and one of the cats there said the issue was that the 360's didn't have a custom made disc drive, they were effectively the same as what you would put in a computer. He said that the disc drive is mounted on top of the graphics card and its heat sink and the fan inside doesn't even touch the area. He also said that the problem could be solved by throwing in another fan.
Pokemon Stadium / 3D renderings of some clocks
June 17, 2010, 09:19:22 AM
Quote from: Daves back;1760894Still can't find a way to make Disco's panels look right. Tried a bunch of color combos.. still not happy with it.

Are they reflective? or did you colour them individually?
Personally I wouldn't of bothered with the lines on discoball, I would of just made the material faceted.