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Messages - LimewireClock

General Discussion / Re: Clock Crew News.
August 24, 2015, 04:48:17 PM
Reception Desk / Re: Hi guys.
August 23, 2015, 12:40:26 PM
welcome or something
u wot m8?
Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1906332whats your steam name limewire?

Playing now.

That was good! Took me a few tries to figure out what the hell I was meant to do. I missed a few things by the entrance, maybe I should be more observant.
I just played Vuvu's maps. All get thumbs up from me!

I played Love Can Deceive first, a good little trick map, made me laugh! Then I played Surrounded. The lasers and reflector cubes had me going, I was there for a few minutes trying to figure out where to aim the lasers at, but then the solution hit me. Lastly was Balls of Fury, probably the most fun map I've played so far, took me several tries. The room with the turrets in is fantastic, I wouldn't consider it a bug to strafe left to avoid being shot at, it gives the player a glimmer of hope of completing the puzzle.

All in all, great maps!
Quote from: GearBoxClock;1906321I only have two chambers right now.

They were good! Quite fun to play, especially the tall one.
Hey guys, long time no see. Anyone else seen/tried out the new Portal 2 map editor on Steam?
Make maps and share them here, unless there's already a thread for this, in which case you know what to do.

LimewireClock: Timed Water-based Hydraulic Fun
LimewireClock: One, Two, Three.
GearBoxClock: Simple Bounce
GearBoxClock: Tall Chamber
VuvuzelaClock: Love Can Deceive
VuvuzelaClock: Surrounded
VuvuzelaClock: Ball of Fury
VuvuzelaClock: Cubeless Test
If I stub my toe on the door, it's gay for being open.
If my internet is slow or if my computer isn't working right, it's being gay.
If my friends are being dicks, they're being gay.

I don't associate the word with homosexuality when I say it in a responce to something being bad.
But when I say it like that, people get all uptight like I'm the bad guy and I'm all "MY FUCKING TOE IS BLEEDING norwegian SHUT UP"

Ugh, gays.
Necrapolis / Why WoW wont die...
October 18, 2011, 07:36:16 AM
"I played it for a week, decided it was not for me and uninstalled it. "
Gaming & Technology / Old Minecraft Server
October 13, 2011, 11:15:38 PM
The title says the server is creative but it's survival.
Or does it mean creative in the sense that you can /give yourself stuff?

I don't know.
We should start the Kyle Krew
October 08, 2011, 09:47:29 AM
Screwdriver you lucky bastard! I wanna chill with kelsy
Entertainment / Possible Simpsons Cancellation
October 07, 2011, 09:10:23 PM
Quote from: FloundermanClock;1864739back on the subject of family guy:

wow this is actually really neat

Ha, that episode cracked me up. Me and my housemates all cringed when Brian cut his ear off.
Entertainment / Possible Simpsons Cancellation
October 07, 2011, 08:40:52 PM
My initial reaction was "YES!"
I grew tired of the Simpsons a long time ago, along with the likes of Family Guy and South Park (the former being more tolerable than the latter). In my opinion, The Simpsons should be long dead by now. Like South Park, the humour is dry and like Family guy the animation style is very dull and boring. I guess there may be some die hardcore fans of The Simpsons out there somewhere who will disagree (along with 99% of the population of Earth who will also disagree with me about my views on South Park and will most likely shun me for them) but this is just how I feel and it is how I have felt about the franchise for a good few years.

That's my long post done for this year, see you 2012!
Gaming & Technology / Best Console Commercial Evar
October 07, 2011, 01:47:09 PM
General Discussion / Steve Jobs died
October 05, 2011, 06:58:11 PM
Roll on the jokes, boys!

rip though