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Topics - AlbinoClock

Get in get in everybody's here!
But then ban him.

I remember SBC saying this in a thing but I don't remember what. :(
What a great line.
In the spirit of posting the shit we've been working on, here's the shit I've been working on.
For the past few months I've been developing a world and D&D campaign setting (well, Pathfinder). For the maps I've been using Cartographer, which is a somewhat awkward but suitable CAD-based fantasy map making program. I put together a Player's Guide to Udenfor if you want to take a look. There's a lot more background to the setting than that, but all the other documents are packed with major spoilers. I've got a timeline going back a little over 25,000 years.
The plan is to continue to develop the world and the player's guide while running the campaign and basically fleshing things out based on where my parties go. Eventually I'd like to release a DM's guide and possibly try to sell both of them online under the Pathfinder OGL. I'd have to make some modifications to proprietary D&D monsters I've converted, but other than that it wouldn't be too bad.
Uh, keep in mind that as you may have already noticed, depending on what languages you speak some of the names used may themselves constitute minor spoilers, or at least hints.
At some point I'd like to run a game in this campaign setting on Maybe when it's a little more fleshed out and I'm not chasing my sandbox party around developing the unfinished parts of the world around the areas I think they're headed to.

Anybody else doing any worldbuildling? Writing? Playing D&D?
It was a one-shot variety show hosted by alien puppets with human performers. Trying to find a copy, but google barely knows it exists and nobody else seems to remember it. Also it may have only aired 4 times.

I haven't heard it in ages. Matt's doing this D&D webshow Critical Role that occasionally features a DM whose videos I watch. Made me want to listen to it.
General Discussion / Anybody want to play D&D?
June 29, 2016, 05:52:12 PM
Well, Pathfinder. We should get a game going. + Skype + PFSRD + Nethys  = fun
I don't want to run it, though.
Okay, I'm going to use this post here to do some explaining and link to some resources.


This is the PFSRD. It's pretty well organized and contains damn near everything you could need to know about Pathfinder. There are some gaps, though. Pathfinder is open source, but you're not allowed to use the intellectual property of the setting (world, gods, proper names), on a for-profit site. So the PFSRD organizes a lot of the rules well, but it can't tell you much about the game world.

The Archives of Nethys, on the other hand is a non-profit site. This means they get to carry all the flavor stuff that the PFSRD has to leave out. It's also not as easily browsable, but if you're looking for something just googling it with "nethys" in there somewhere will usually get you there easy enough. is a site that lets you play various tabletop RPGs in a browser, with maps, minis, spell effects and all. It also has die rollers and I believe it handles some of the rules, though I don't know how to what extent.
Between these, it should be simple enough to work out most of what you might need to know. The internet is full of build guides and discussions about Pathfinder rules. You'll see a lot on (the company that owns pathfinder), as well as Order of the Stick. If you're looking for an official ruling on a question, people who have red names on the Paizo forums are Pathfinder devs. A "red post" is generally considered the authority on rules decisions RAW (read as written vs RAI or read as interpreted). Of course a DM can do whatever they like, but Pathfinder is a complex system that it's easy to break by modifying things without fully understanding them.
There's also this list of guides. They're a bit older but generally still good. 
Character Creation

The first thing you'll want to do with a new character is get your stat block. This is either done with point buy (described here) or by rolling. In the group I play with we roll 4d6, rerolling 1s, and drop the lowest. We make two stat blocks this way and pick one. If neither is as good as point buy would make there's the option to do point buy. Usually one of the two stat blocks will be significantly better than point buy would have been able to generate. I'd recommend we go with this method personally.
Once you see what sort of numbers you're working with you can figure out what sort of arrangement would be decent for the kind of class you want to play. If you only roll one good stat, for example, you won't be a very effective paladin. Your class may also influence what race you want to play, because different races get different ability bonuses and other sorts of bonuses. Usually only the core races are allowed, though the DM might also set an RP limit for races. In most of the games I've played in it's been 11. 
Race and class aside you'll also need to pick feats, traits, and skills, as well as buy gear and sort out your final stats. Feats depend on your level and class, though humans also get a bonus feat at first level. To figure out how many feats you have you'll need to look at Character Advancement as well as the page for your class to see if it offers any bonus feats. Feats are a significant portion of your character and both expensive and time-consuming to make changes to, so make sure to plan your feats ahead of time and choose them carefully.
Traits are minor bonuses accompanied by background flavor that you pick at character creation. You get two traits that need to be selected from different trait categories representing different parts of your background. If the DM chooses to allow it you can also take a drawback to allow yourself a third trait.

Skills are mostly non-combat things that your character does, though sometimes they apply to combat as well. Knowing about things, picking locks, looking for traps, convincing people of things, sneaking around, playing music, intimidating people, crafting, these are all handled by skills. Each skill has a relevant ability. You apply the bonus you have from that stat to the skill. Every class has some specific in-class "trained" skills, listed in their class description. If a skill is trained and you invest points ("ranks") in it, that counts for +3 to the skill. So if you've got a Dexterity of 16 that gives you a +3 modifier (+1 for every 2 above 10) and Disable Device is an in-class skill for you, if you invest 1 point in Disable Device your score will be 7. Likewise, if you're a wizard, for example, with a Strength of 9 you've got a -1 bonus (8-9 is -1, 6-7 is -2, etc) to Swim, which isn't a class skill for you (no +3 from trained). If you don't have any points invested in Swim you start out with a -1 from your weak ass muscles. Now of course, your weak strength and your out of class ability don't really matter if you give yourself +30 swim with Touch of the Sea. +29 is still nothing to sniff at. There are also some skills that you can only use if you actually have ranks in them.

Skills are determined by your class and your intelligence bonus.
Gear and spells are the last bit that requires decision making. If you can craft something, you can get it for half the normal price. If you're a wizard, spells you copy into your spellbook cost one quarter of the cost to buy the scroll. At level 1 your starting gold is determined by class, beyond that (if you're starting out with a higher level character), it's also on the Character Advancement page.
All of this and more is covered on the SRD, so check that out!

Roll20 has a log, so if you want to go here and roll up a stat block, we'll have it in a log and know that nobody cheated. :p

You will need to make an account.

This video shows how Roll20 works.
Big ones.
Gaming & Technology / Day Z, Trading Posts, Teamspeak
February 06, 2015, 01:05:27 PM
Hey fellas. Three quick things I wanted to throw out there. First, I've been playing the shit out of Day Z and some of you guys should come join me. I have four accounts, so if I know you and you want to try the game out I could probably let you use one.
Next, also Day Z related, I have been running a weekly trading post in Day Z since August. We get together every Saturday at 6p EST/11p GMT and guard one of various compounds so that people can come trade with one another. I always need more guards for this, so let me know if you want to join up or just come take a gander. Lots of info on this at

Finally, I have a teamspeak server that you guys are welcome to make use of. It's primarily for Day Z, but play whatever you like! Even if you just want to hang out, we could use the activity. That's over at

Let's do stuff!
Entertainment / The Life and Times of Tim
October 01, 2014, 09:42:12 PM
Y'all seen this? It's pretty great.
Gaming & Technology / Who else plays Day Z?
April 16, 2014, 09:01:50 AM
I've been having a lot of fun playing Day Z, but it's much more fun with a group. Vuvuzela and I were running around yesterday and I'd love to get a bigger group together, find a decent base of operations, and have some real fun. It seems like you're much more able to keep high quality gear when you've got a group of friends guarding your corpse, so this really seems to be the way to play the game.
I'm albino_clock on steam. Vuvu and I are both logged out of regular mode in the military base south of Vybor and Kabanino. Let's get a big group going and own this game.
If you don't have Day Z, you should totally go get it. The physics are a little glitchy and sometimes it feels like a jogging simulator, but I've never played another game with the type of player interaction you find in this one. Some people you find will be helpful, others will try to kill you on sight, some may even pretend to be your friend before stabbing you in the back at a convenient moment, or lure you into a trap where you'll be robbed or killed by their friends, taken prisoner, or be forced to give a blood donation at gunpoint. Blood type matters, keeping fed and hydrated are top priorities, and all the signs are in Russian. If you can get over occasional glitches and wonky physics, and if you enjoy unique and interesting player interactions, this game is incredibly fun.
Gaming & Technology / Let's play Civ V
March 24, 2014, 07:53:30 AM
Do it. :(
General Discussion / Stop virusing the clock crew
September 14, 2013, 06:30:01 AM
General Discussion / Your mom's house
July 24, 2013, 06:48:48 PM
I just got back from there. It's smelly. Smellier now.
So now that I've finally got a machine that can run games that weren't made in the 90s and aren't MMOs, it's time to play a little catch-up. What games should I play? Right now I'm playing Skyrim, then I'm planning on checking out the Fallout series but I'm not quite sure where to go from there. Suggestions?
Anyone remember that article Leek posted about making sure not to alienate the core userbase? It was way back when he and Sage were admins. It was good and I'd love to dig it up again.
I'm on Shadowlands, playing as Discordja. Play this shit it's awesome. Star Wars immersion. Get all the macguffins. Be evil because good is dumb.
Mrs. McGruder's House / This guy
November 12, 2012, 08:23:28 AM