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Topics - Epic

Pokemon Stadium / I'll make you Pixel !
February 10, 2011, 08:26:07 PM
That other probie made an 8bit thread i found quite nice. To express my love towards all of you I'd like to make a

100x100 px nonanimated gif
containing exactly 4 colours + transparency(authentic)

I can make your clock identity or just whatsoever you fucking want, I'm on vacation right now, a bit pixel practice would be nice.
Thread ending after 25 finished gifs
What you post :
A) whatcha want on that fucking gif. ie "my mother"
B) the colour you want me to use. ie "panther pink"
C)OPTIONAL: i want a specific background. ie "pirates of the caribbean"
otherwise i will pick a background on my own (which works well for you if you are lazy and have no standarts [demands?])


Now post ITT, op will delivar right after he regained consciousness
Pic related. It's the pic of your mom in panther pink with pirates of the caribbean background you already know from my reception desk post.

General Discussion / What is a failure ?
February 02, 2011, 08:02:57 AM
Story time.
So far I passed every exam I'm doing by actually doing nothing. I came in drunk, without sleep and one time even without knowing what I'm going to write. Today I had my last exam this semester and 2 weeks ago I decided to make it awesome. You know, when winter goes away (here in europe) and your feelings and the weather brighten up you wanna do kinda stuff like that.
The last 2 weeks were fucking awesome, I learned a lot, worked out regulary, parties were going on - the perfect balance was found. This exam had to be a fucking ACE.
This morning I woke up with a great feeling, went into the kitchen and met my housemates who were all in a good mood, we had an awesome breakfast and talk together and unlike all the other exams I wanted to arrive 30 mins earlier. It was supposed to be awesome.
So I go down to the tube and wait for it. They say there's a small problem, gonna be fixed in 10 minutes.
No prob, that's why I came so early.
10 minutes pass (the time I need with the tube to my university) and there's still no progress. Walking could bring me there just in time but you know ... the tubes gonna work.
Another 10 minutes - "we're sorry, the problem won't be fixed for another half an hour".
I take my fucking legs and start running and running. I arrived 5 minutes late, come in and they say "yeah the test has already started, you cant participate anymore (go fuck yourself faggot)".
So i walk out of the building and suddenly turn pale and want to vomit. This is how I get rewarded for wanting everthing to go right, for my efforts and trying hard.
It's like destiny (I don't believe in predetermination) wanted to tell my WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TRYING HARD WHEN YOU CAN HAVE IT WITHOUT THE EFFORT?
After the test i came in and explained my situation, they are going to let me rewrite it in march.
I'll just defy destiny here and I'm going to improve furthermore. When I'm done with the test it's gonna have rectal bleedings for the rest of it's life. The professers who will be correcting it will be paralyzed and realize that this faggot didn't only learn, he also understood and interpreted, criticized and simply send the test to hell.

Now to the rest. Since a few months now I haven't been confronted with a failure or loss. Everything went well even though I'm not even trying. Hell, basically i provoked failure. But not on this day.
I was looking half assed for a job. Now I'm getting 15 € per/h for basically nothing.
I acted like a complete asshole and made more friends than I can handle.
I never learned for any test yet I'm better than 2/3 of my class.
Hoping for a failure, that would just hurt me so much I would fucking wake up and try harder.
And then there comes the day where you try hard and your reward is a dissatisfactory Failure.
Hell NO! If I didn't pass the test i could say "yeah, I just didn't learn enough" but this way .... it's just shit.
People say I'm the worst "loser" they know, because I never lose at anything. And if I do it's an attack, an insult towards me. I work on myself to correct it and become stronger and smarter  through that failure.
I don't know how to handle this kind of failure because it just wasn't deserved.
Additionally, all the traffic jams were red when walking back and i missed the tube (which is usually the other way around).
So what is a good "loser" ? A guy who loses at anything and then just says "ha, that's okay"
Or a guy who loses and says "Never again" ?
Flash & Flash Accessories / looping
January 17, 2011, 08:20:18 AM
Hey there, it's your local freshman

I wanted to express my current state of feelings and wanted to get into flash a bit (and i think im making some progress there) but unfortunatelly i still have no idea of the whole thing.
so basically what i want to do is to loop this thing here, without the preloader popping up after the sequence is over. Also i want to play an ambient track in the background and it would be nice if it wouldnt start playing from the beginning or overlap after those 30 seconds. Help me out plz :-X

here's the swf (18 kb lol)
and here's the track I'd like to play in the background

Another question: I wanted to align a simple glow to the tv screen but i couldn't find an effects/filter menue anywhere. I know it can be done so WHERE IS IT >:C ?!
I suck.
General Discussion / Beat my score
January 15, 2011, 01:21:26 PM
because you can't

Reading and Writing / Correction Required pl0x
January 14, 2011, 06:06:09 AM
This is a tale inspired on ClockRadio's "quest for true love". People say I'm quite a good reader and I've won some contests waaaay back but it wasn't in english so I don't know how things are gonna turn out but all i can do is try.Some musicians i know will help me recording this eventually with their HQ mics although i never properly recorded my voice so far;nevertheless i think it won't be Epic Fail. My idea for clockday 2010. Please help me out by correcting all grammar and vocabular mistakes, suggesting better words/phrases here n there and  telling me what you think. Shanks

After Strawberry has wandered this world for decades in his search for true love, one day he stopped.
He couldn't believe that all his efforts to find something that simple had not beared any fruits yet.
"If i can't find true love", he said ,"I should try finding true hatred (hate?). They are forever doomed to stick together, like day and night, one couldn't exist without the other. The moment I find true Hate, true love can't be far away."

And so he began to walk and listen to the rumors of the people.
There was a small group of extraordinary individuals who practiced the fine arts.
However, they were hated by common people.
Strawberry approached the people. "Why do you hate these men?"
"Because their so called art is plain shit"
Strawberry looked at their crafts. They were beautiful.
"Your hate is not pure. you hate because you're too afraid to tell the other which glorious pleasure you feel while watching their crafts. I feel nothing but despise towards you, cowards."
He spit on the people and moved on.

He came across a creature which was held in iron chains, raging violently, screaming incomprehensive bits of speech.
"What's with him?", asked Strawberry the guard.
"This is a Monster!", the guard replied ,"He killed 20 men before we could put him in chains".
Strawberry looked at the beast. He saw the truth.
"His hate is not pure. He is a monster because you treat him as one"
Strawberry approached the monster, unlocked the chains and gave him to eat.
The creature kneeled down before him, crying in awe of the great Strawberry.
"I feel nothing but pity for you, poor thing."
He ignored the speechless guard and moved on.

He came across a nobleman who was about to be hung.
The crowd was yelling and throwing rocks at him.
"This man is guilty because he surpressed the people and put up high taxes, making it impossible for us to live. He shall now die by the rope!", announced the executioner.
Strawberry looked at the crowd and at the nobleman.
He stepped up to the Executioner and spoke to the people:
"Your hate is not pure. You are all afraid of choosing your own destiny and therefore you want to be lead by others. Release this man, he is nothing but a scapegoat for your own insecurities"
Everyone was quiet.
"I feel nothing but shame for all of you", said strawberry and moved on.

He had soaked up so many negative emotions. He had desperately sought true love and hate his whole life but he couldn't find either.
A blind rage blocked his view.
A passionate fire burned inside of him.
He took an innocent white sheet of paper.
And he took his own hate infused red blood.
He made a stroke for the Cowardice(?).
He made a stroke for the Hyporcrisy(?).
He made a stroke with his pure Hate towards everything.

General Discussion / Epic Flash Movies!
January 13, 2011, 01:10:16 PM
are going to be rather rare in this thread i assume :-> Anyway as long as i dont have a proper ng account i will post stuff in here. don't know why the preloader isnt working ( CS5 2010) but HEY ITS THERE! Based on real events. Enjoy.
Reception Desk / New Apprentice Get!
January 12, 2011, 06:45:27 AM
Greetings Clockcrew! _praiz_
Some of your flashes are so inspiring, I just had to join you.Here's my skills portfolio: I suck at everything I do, I'm neither a sonic fanboy nor a furry and i don't have a single license for any program I use.
On the other hand, I've been lurking this board for about a week now and I think i can contribute.
I love FUClocks flashes and the on the bridge series, but your January flashflood also brought some great results! Just recently I've seen Radioclock's "Quest for true love" and that was it. I suddenly felt the urge of signing up in here and tell you all THAT YOU ROCK.:rockin:
Anyway I'm gonna buy myself a nice version of flash right in the next few days and start producing crap.
I have a Newgrounds Account (not a clock)  but actually I want to make a new one once I'll be worthy to be called a clock so disregard that.

I also haven't thougt a lot about my clock avatar but I checked the list and I didn't find any books /except bookofmormonclock lol) and so i thought I'd be GrimoireClock if that's cool for you because once in my live I want to act like I'm smart and GrimoireClock could do that for me ;-).

Also I have to apologize for my horrible english but I'm not a native speaker so in the case of occuring misunderstandings please don't go too hard on me.

Shoutout to Blob, his Flashflood thing was really epic (until like 2 days ago)

Love and Peace