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Topics - SpudClock

Mrs. McGruder's House / Wow
February 03, 2015, 12:47:20 PM
I take a bus to Brattleboro everyday, and today on the bus I was shocked and disgusted. Someone on the bus asked if anyone liked Foamy the squirrel and said he loves Foamy. He then proceeded to show Foamy videos to people on the bus, it was just awful. You mèet a lot of terrible people on the bus, but this was a new low.

Thankfully my one friend on the bus said it was fucking stupid. I really wanted to just blurt out how I was one of those guys that jacked illwill's account and uploaded that fake video that one time. It was bad enough to find out he had fans on Cracked, but now I actually know one in real life. I feel so dirty.
Wade close that stupid anime girls topic, its full of naked well drawn stick figures and graphic pictures of shit.
Reception Desk / I'm back
January 09, 2015, 11:34:41 PM
For those of you who don't know me (which is probably most of you), the name's SpudClock. I originally joined back in the glory days of the original .cc site in 2002. I was a pretty active member all throughout the life of the site until that fateful day in the summer of 2003 when Pintey pretty much destroyed the site (it had become a total joke, I don't blame him and from what I heard Orange gave him the greenlight). I hung around WTFnoob for a while, but eventually I just lost interest completely as it just wasn't the same.

Flash forward eleven years and these days, much like when I first joined, I have very little going on as I lost my job recently. I was on some other message board and someone mentioned illwillpress (still a talentless hack) and it made me think of my long-lost, long-distance old friends. I was surprised to see someone revived this site, when I googled ClockCrew I was expecting to find some crappy BBS like those god-awful sites a few of the old members tried to make after this place crashed and burned. It even looks like the old site, I'm impressed. I see Durian's still here, any other old members still hanging around? It's been too long. And for those of you that don't know me, it's a pleasure to meet you.