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Topics - Yarn

I've been told I should hang out in forums more often. So here I am
Reception Desk / Hi. I make plushies
November 18, 2020, 01:24:34 PM
I've been talking on the discord for a couple months but just started posting my stuff on the forum.
I'm new as fuck and couldnt draw if you paid me, but I make cute stuff, so here I am :)
Pokemon Stadium / Clock plushies (pannacotta in comments)
November 14, 2020, 12:31:56 AM
Hi! So i've been posting these on the discord, but you have to scroll a bit to find any, so I figured getting them in one place would be nice.
Here's my dolls :)


Technically not a clock, but still posting it

The first 2 SBC

3rd SBC.. Theyre really easy to make so i don't mind making more of these at all



Rabid was by far the easiest to make so far

I needed something easy to make to beat burn out, and I want to remake all the dolls with thread eventually, so this is mini Rabid. I want a mini collection of all the dolls at some point

This is poop. Dingleberry to be specific

Absinthe. Someday i'm going to try to remake it with the stupid fancy clock and label. I did my best damnit lol

Topcatyo. Def could be happier with it, might try to reposition the paws before i send it to him. I'm told by several people it looks like a pokemon *shrug*

The tail for topcatyo is flexible tho, so that makes up for what i wasn't happy with