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Topics - Solenoidclock

Reception Desk / Hot Strawberryclock on Disney Porn XXX
September 16, 2014, 04:52:44 PM

I don't know what you expected.

Also hi why are there still people here I thought the ââ,¬â€¹Loââ,¬â€¹ckââ,¬â€¹Legââ,¬â€¹ion swallowed you all up years ago.

Here's the high res version for perverts:
Hello everyone, I'm not entirely sure why I faded off of this forum but know that the CC has scarred me in a beautiful way and I've been ritualistically cursing you all before bed every morning.

Short personal updates for those that recognize; I got through some school, dropped out, got multiple jobs, rented a house, married someone, and put everything into developing a hackerspace.

I haven't had a television in a while, but my SO started drawing weird porn of a children's show called Gravity Falls. I questioned and was rewarded with a clip portraying an albino midget summoning Triangleclock for nefarious purposes. Triangleclock pulled a deer's teeth with his mind.

So, I started researching to find who was responsible for the character. I found this guy named Robert Ryan Cory, and he has a lot of cartoon gore and stuff like this on his personal blogs. He continues to work on the show:

In retrospect, the clear illuminati theme distinguishes the character from triangle, but still it's a clock.
Pokemon Stadium / Crowd drawing
December 10, 2009, 06:50:14 AM
So, there's a generative crowd drawing that some artsy guy made. The CC is grossly underrepresented in this crowd, so we should correct that.

 is the crowd these will show up in. It takes a week or so for them to be incorporated I think.
Okay, so I've been eating a lot of pasteurized cheese spread, the kind that you don't have to refrigerate which comes in a pressurized can. I've always had trouble with these in that they lose pressure when the bag gets smaller, making the cheese come out progressively slower and trapping some of the cheese inside when it seems to be empty.

I finally got fed up, depressurized a can, and split it in half to reverse engineer it. It's just a bag of cheese in a can with some kind of pressurized inert gas, the cheese isn't aerated at any point, it just flows as a function of the pressure difference realized when the little valve on the end is pushed open.

So, I pulled the little bung out of the bottom of a can, let the gas escape, and applied a Schrader valve and some teflon tape after reaming the hole a little larger. I now had a can that I could repressurize with a bike pump.

Since I hadn't measured what a can like this could take in pressure and calculating the factory charge level off of the flow rate of the viscous cheese was too daunting, I stashed the can in a little plastic bucket and buried it in heavy textiles, then ran my compressor until I felt the explosion. The brand I was using could take about seventy lbs, but it was probably designed for less than half of that.

So, now I'm staring at an interesting prospect. I could add a Schrader valve, along with a seperate one way valve or screw-off and bleeder mechanism to refill the food bag and make a rechargable food dispensing container. Sure, I'd take new measures in designing the can since I don't think the thin metal can take the fatigue of multiple high and low pressure cycles without turning into a time bomb, but it would more or less be a recognizable industrial package refitted for homebrewers.

So Clockcrew, what would you use this dispenser for? Peanut butter? Caulk? Hand soap? Water based lubricant? Gourmet sandwich spreads? Throw something interesting at me so I know that someone besides me will use a rechargable can if I make them.
General Discussion / I just took in 440,000 calories
September 22, 2009, 02:55:17 AM
and that was just a snack.
General Discussion / THE IDEA FARMING THREAD
August 12, 2009, 01:54:38 AM
In this thread, post little snippets and ideas, or expand upon ideas that others post. They don't have to be focused on anything particular.

Movie Idea: It's like the movie Crank, only combined with the movie Groundhog Day.

Speculations Groundhog Crank: Maybe the main character needs a constant level of adrenaline to keep the universe stable? I don't know. Bill Murray could still star. Maybe he is just trying to take advantage of the situation to make the most of his life, and his secret dream was always to be a daredevil. His motivations would then be a combination of those from Hot Rod and The Bucket List. Maybe he is an old hipster who just really liked playing grand theft auto before the deus ex machina curse and the dementia set in.

Counterintuitive Idea: Molotov cocktails made using sugar glass bottles.

Speculations: Cleanup would be a snap, might be a fun and tasty way to serve a flaming pepsi.
General Discussion / Defcon 17 anyone?
July 22, 2009, 04:54:08 AM
I'll be at Defcon in Las Vegas from the 30th of this month on to the third of August tutoring people in the lockpicking village and dicking around at the Riviera. Does anybody else plan on going or being in the area?
Okay, so a little over a year ago I got this project in class where I had to combine some works of a favorite artist, anything goes. There were a lot of bad not-quite-anime Vitruvian Mona Lisas and some arguable Pollock on top of Pollock paintings, so I tried to be a little offbeat.

I had been looking through a lot of your doodles, so I got some of my own graffiti stuff and scoured the supply closet since this was one of the few projects where you weren't restricted to one material or another. I had printed off some of your stuff for reference and to prove to the class that you existed.

I ended up with this:

Now, I didn't really have much of what you'd call "fine motor skills" so the images I made were usually not how I wanted them to look. I didn't want this to happen with this one, so I made it hella big.

But that's not the cool part. The cool part is I had a lot of glow in the dark nail polish and some glowing spray paint.

You can read by this stuff.

The head was originally the only part I wasn't satisfied with, but it's grown on me. You see I couldn't seem to draw a good ZL style head and I was running out of sharpie, so I soaked one of the reference images in glowstick juice and pasted it on.

Happy Birthday ZL.
General Discussion / Rip: Farrah Fawcett
June 25, 2009, 05:44:08 PM
Farrah Fawcett.

Died today of anal cancer.
Please answer in the form of a question phrased with context-free grammar.

Everyone else:

I've been having lots of lucid dreams lately. This is partly because I have no AC, partly I'm taking large amounts of wormwood-based parasite remedy. I'd been trying to devise a way to steal details from my dreams. I found that if I obtain a coffee mug with print all around, I can do this using a specially devised process.

 I concentrate on one detail exactly as I saw it, then to find it by continually turning the mug. It never comes, but I remember all the weird stuff I see afterwards. It's like I rob myself of some vital bit of memory used for fleeting dreams and it all goes into the same area as concrete experiences.

The actual content was horrible and meticulous, like the works of Hieronymus Bosch. I witnessed in vivid detail the surgical process required to disguise a pig as a skink, and a man made of faces bathing in a pot of black fire. Everything was black and blue and made of benday dots.

So anyways, that was the first weird visual induced hallucination. I wish I had the powers of Lichtenstein so that I could behold some fragment of this fantastic mug.
If you were in this situation, what would you do with their tombstone or obituary? Would you say, "well, I guess it was all for naught"? Also, he comes from a long line of solipsists. What do you say to his family? Do they believe they brought this upon themselves? Do they mourn?

For those of you who don't see what a bizarre thing this is, solipsism is the belief that nothing is known to exist outside of your own mind. Other minds cannot be proven, as can't the rest of the universe. Everything is seen as a construct of his own imagination.

He is my friend because I used to screw with him constantly and he concluded that I couldn't be from within his own mind because I confused him so much. He is really very interesting to talk to, and I'm sure he'd write a book if he believed in legacy.

He might not die, but I worry about it.
I often read through large webcomic archives in one sitting. This has the effect of absorbing most everything in one dense packet that takes a long time for my brain to dissolve and index.

I just got a flood of memories from one such webcomic, and I think someone referred me to it here. It was a dark comedy about future soldiers fighting in an endless wasteland. They all wore suits and most characters were fairly indistinguishable from each other except for specialty-related symbolic markings on their helmets and differences in suit make for opposing sides. I would have read it a long time ago, around the time Slurpee was reading achewood. I have no idea what it was called and all of the dialog I remember doesn't work with google.

tldr; I can't remember the name of a webcomic I read over a year ago because my brain is short-circuiting, but I remember details of it
I was spurred to resume search of this communist soda I drank as a kid by the discontinued soda thread. I found it.

General Discussion / Hard things made very easy
May 02, 2009, 07:07:24 PM
I learned that one of Wikipedia's languages is 'Simple English'. In this thread I would like to see people posting hard subjects written using simple English words. The large hadron collider page is a good start.

QuoteThe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator. It's a machine used to shoot very small particles into each other at high speed. When the particles hit each other, they explode, and the machines catch a glimpse of the flying pieces. By examining the pieces, scientists can figure out what the particles were made of. This is necessary because we do not have any tools small enough to take apart such small particles.

The particles mainly used by the LHC are called protons. Sometimes the nuclei, or centers of atoms, of lead (the smallest amount of lead you can get) will be sent around the ring. Protons are smaller than even the best microscope can see. These little particles are moved around the Large Hadron Collider in opposite directions at high speeds by magnetism. The protons hit one another close to the speed of light and break into even smaller pieces. By looking at these pieces scientists hope to learn what makes up the universe.

The Large Hadron Collider is at CERN which is on the border of France and Switzerland, mostly in Switzerland. Scientists hope that it will prove the existence of the Higgs Boson, the only particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model that has not been seen yet. If scientists can find this it will help show that the Standard Model is right and show what the universe is made of.

It has been theorized that the crashing of the particles will make tiny black holes. Some people think this could be very dangerous, but scientists say that any black holes will be so small that they will disappear in an instant, long before they can suck up even a few particles.

Scientists also say that the LHC won't be dangerous to the earth because particles from the sun (called cosmic rays) are always crashing into the atmosphere with much more power than the LHC. Since none of them have destroyed the earth, the LHC won't either.

The LHC was first used on October 10, 2008, but it did not work because a cooling system broke, which was important for the magnets that guide the protons. This caused part of the facility to collapse. The winter shutdown means that it will not be used again until September 2009.

The LHC can only be used during the summer because of the huge amount of power it sucks up.

The rest of this thread should be written in simple English too.
Necrapolis / Passive exercise technique discussion
December 18, 2008, 02:36:45 PM
I hardly get any real exercise outside of the work of a regular day, and those are pretty minimal. What are some good exercises that don't take any dedicated time to do, or can be done on a whim while doing other things?

For example, I'll jog whenever possible and do isometric exercises when seated. I'm healthy, but there is a lot to be desired and not ever a good time in my schedule to just start doing jumping jacks.

It sounds silly, but does anyone think the extra weight from one of those 30 lb vests they sell at walmart would add healthy exertion to daily life? What other things have you tried or thought of?
How would you initiate it? Where would it be, in what manner would you develop its infrastructure, and how would things be different from other nations once it's had a chance to develop?
It's easy. Just manipulate an image of the instructables robot and mail it to:

Eric's Boring Wall
489 Clementina St.
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Deadline is December fifth, it doesn't matter if you manipulate the image before or after you print it (or both), and you might get spotlighted. Not folding would be cool, but that is unnecessary. This seems like a great real world spamming opportunity with a low effort threshold.

This is everything I just said only it's straight from the horse's mouth.
My most recent one was with my friend Zach L, whom I always thought knew enough about maintaining computers to keep out of trouble.

Zack: asjdifhaerjkvnh;vsioerg!.1>!..1!!! You hav to come over here, everything about my computer is unstable, I checked with all the antiviruses but they keep breaking and sometimes I can't close things and everytime i crash or reboot the virus keeps clonening it self into my proceses!

Me: Shit, give me ten minutes to get ready.

ten minutes later..

Zack: (running up to my car window) Okay, I have no idea how I got it since I always run my browsers sandboxed and scan torrents.. blah blah.. but I went Ctrl-Alt-Del to kill a browser window and there it was, the Svchost virus! I don't know how long it's been running dormant, but I think I pissed it off when I tried to kill it because it kept resurrecting itself! Now everytime I try to remove it the computer crashes!

In response, I stood on my accelerator.