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Topics - PepsiClock

General Discussion / better clockcrew forums
February 27, 2010, 11:46:11 PM
Me and weenie roast decided to open up a better clockcrew website for people who don't like leek and slurpee,
General Discussion / YES IM BACK THE KING
November 15, 2009, 07:08:36 AM
even your front page references to me! MATHEW LESKO THE MAN WHO WAS MADE FAMOUS BY QUASI QUCHING WHO WAS NONE OTHER THAN me PEPSICLOCK. wow surprise. I GIVE YOU THE ALL THE YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN PEPSICLOCK WHOS BEEN THE TRUE KING SINCE 2002. this is your last chance to choose pepsiclock over a false god in strawberry. he is dead he passed the crown to me here is the eveidence.

as you see i am the prophet of the great SBC. no other clock is mentioned more than I. so you true believers of the clock crew come follow me. the fakers in it for attention stay with your moderations and admins and keep those lips suckin hard cuz you wont get anywhere. come with pepsiclock and we will revolutionize NG and bring the glory back that was once the CLOCKCREW!!
Necrapolis / ATTN
May 20, 2008, 02:53:50 AM
Necrapolis / To all new clocks
May 17, 2008, 11:50:57 PM
Mrs. McGruder's House / king of the portal
May 17, 2008, 04:55:06 PM
Necrapolis / ATTN: LEEK
May 17, 2008, 04:35:55 PM
as king of the portal i demand to be promoted to admin this instant!
May 09, 2008, 06:32:37 PM
damn this site is fine as fuck
click ads too
SO THIS LITTLE SHIT THINKS ITS FUNNY TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD AND EMAIL? SO THIS IS WADES IDEA OF A BAN?! i didnt think id go out like this, goin out like wades bitch >=(
well clockcrew its been fun over these past 7 years, especially this past month. dont forget about me and dont forget what this asshole did to us. to me this looks like the beginning of the end of the clock crew if wade cannot be stopped

R.I.P. Pepsi Clock 2001-2008
never forget
its midnight eastern time, wtf
General Discussion / pico day flash finished
April 28, 2008, 11:27:36 PM
that money is mine
fuck the video game forum, i wanna know whos gettin it and if they wanna play live later tonight? its only 830 for me now but around 2am my time ill be down to play some live. IM me if your down to play
General Discussion / girls in clock crew
April 27, 2008, 10:46:49 PM
is ivysaur the only one?
General Discussion / RIP DURIAN VOTE 5
April 27, 2008, 10:10:06 PM
show the man some respect, vote 5. we'll miss you buddy, you'll stay alive in our hearts forever :(
General Discussion / best artist on CC?
April 27, 2008, 09:46:57 PM
i need some real good drawings for a flash, anyone want to draw some backgrounds? About 6 in total.
General Discussion / wheres durian?
April 27, 2008, 05:46:25 PM
i know he died a few times, got raped, turned to myspace, and now disappeared but has anyone heard from him in awhile? That is my adopted clock so therefore im responsible for him, where is he?