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Topics - CaramelAppleClock

I totally forgot to make this yesterday night but whatever.
I need help with a few lines of code I'm working for a commission.

Basically I have 10 movie clips that are invisible at the start. After they are all visible I want to do a gotoAndStop command. My current code is

if (med.visible && epa.visible && elg.visible && lig.visible && gov.visible && cst.visible && smt.visible && shr.visible && construction.visible && loc_com.visible){

I don't get any errors, but the gotoAndStop doesn't initiate when all movie clips are visible.

Any thoughts?
Entertainment / Help a fellow clock out!
April 25, 2012, 11:37:57 AM
So I've entered a remix competition for Demon Hunter's new single "Someone To Hate".
The top 5 most voted entries are gonna be judged by the band and the winner gets $1000 and their remix released on Solid State Records.

I'm currently in the 74th place, so I could really use some more votes since the voting period ends on Friday.
You can find the link below, click vote, put your email and confirm your vote.

Cheers :D
General Discussion / A minute of your time, Clock Crew
September 21, 2011, 07:00:21 PM
that is all.
General Discussion / Clock Day PSA
August 15, 2011, 05:34:48 AM
Get on the Radio for massive swag!
That is all
General Discussion / this is what i usually do
May 28, 2011, 08:48:49 PM
General Discussion / Help me get top 50?
May 25, 2011, 06:20:14 AM
Apparently my last flash Smile. went up pretty high in the last months, almost to the point it reaches Top 50, but someone keeps downvoting it. I figured if I'd ask you guys for some help we could make this happen. Here's the link :D

Cheers. :)
and I like it
General Discussion / An announcement
February 11, 2011, 06:24:25 PM
Just try this once in a while.
Entertainment / personal project
January 03, 2011, 11:13:48 AM
So during 2010 some of you might have noticed that my activity around here severely decreased. This is because I decided to spend most of the time trying to express my ideas and thoughts under the form of music. The latter half of the year proved to be a great success and I was thinking of participating in ClockCrew music events as well. My first track was a collaboration between LokiClock and me and I also talked with K3ltr0n about doing something related, although I guess I lost track of my projects.

So I would like you to drop by my soundcloud page and offer some opinions on what could be the project I worked the hardest on.
Necrapolis / what the hell
January 02, 2011, 09:31:45 PM
people seriously what the hell happened here
since when did the whole bbs turn into a raging shitstorm of unfunniness, most of the threads i read during the last half an hour have no intellectual worth whatsoever

also, why is the general discussion on the bottom?
Comedy Goldmine / why the fuck do pokemon have clothes
September 16, 2010, 05:06:57 AM
or they magically appear after evolving (Machop->Machoke)
Clock Day 2010 / I am not dead.
August 15, 2010, 10:54:28 AM
Here's my flash for you guys:
Mrs. McGruder's House / didn
July 13, 2010, 02:31:53 PM
when shit like this happened in your pokemon game?
Mrs. McGruder's House / UGH FUCK
June 22, 2010, 12:41:36 PM

(User was banned for this post; Reason: in befo - no, don't do that.)
General Discussion / consequence of ggggggggg (warpigs)
December 05, 2009, 05:01:07 PM
this was supposed to go in warpigs but more parts didn't arrive anymore
I heard they are restocking with prizes soon, and wondered if anyone else wants to join. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. If you need an invite post in this piece of shit topic, thanks!

Heck I'll even throw in a bonus picture
General Discussion / I made a youtube contraption
November 12, 2009, 05:16:34 PM
General Discussion / wowzers check my new movie
November 05, 2009, 09:16:43 AM