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General Discussion / I got bored and made an app.
September 03, 2012, 12:40:11 AM
It always annoyed me that google trends let me only do 5 terms at a time, and Insights is far less precise.
So yesterday/tonight I made this google trends thingie...

It totally violates the google trends system since they don't have a real API, so it will likely implode when it reaches their internal rate limiting. Till then, enjoy.



and here :)
See this thread.

So far the following have come forward with a desire to help.

Right now I just need an owner, someone to hand the keys over to. Who they choose to fix it up and make it more awesome is up to them.

Help me choose... And because polls are fair and balanced ;)
General Discussion / dies in 14 days...
August 19, 2012, 07:58:14 PM
Unless someone upstanding is willing to take the reigns by then.

I know I said the same thing a few months ago, but nobody really stepped up with a definite yes.

You will be applying to be owner and operator. There are no perks (except that you could spy on people's uploads I guess). It will cost money to run, but very little.
General Discussion / Myfrogbag for sale - $10.00
February 08, 2012, 11:34:37 AM
I got several people pinging in a few weeks ago when went down due to an error on my part.

I have no time nor desire to keep maintaining it. Honestly, some of the photos on it could become a legal liability and I don't want to be responsible for this.

Since that hosting expires soon (I have been renewing annually), and will require renewal in the next couple weeks, I need to know who's going to take over. It's a very cheap thing to host. It's about $10/mo (cheaper if paid annually). I enabled CDN support recently and it's running far faster than before, reducing bandwidth constraints by a factor of 5+, but the code needs some work. I have spent good money to transfer some unused domains off of that host, but now nobody is contacting me about who to transfer ownership to... so...

To be clear, I don't want anything from this, I just want to get it put into someone else's hands right now. Preferably someone who can fix it's issues and take care of it. I have far too many other services to maintain/build and this is my least favorite.
It's still pulling about 5Gb of bandwidth a day, with over 70k files in it. MOST of the bandwidth is from SKEET_FIGHTER (sigh), some Egyptian rebellion flashes (go figure), and some random CC signatures.

I literally have not touched the code in years, and it's very poorly written. I'm honestly shocked the thing still works.

I don't want to pay another $120 per year on it (I know, its an amazing hosting deal I locked in ages ago), and it's not really earning it's weight in advertising to cover hosting anymore (only about $50 over the last year)... UNLESS someone would like to take the time and revamp or improve upon the site, I might have to let it go.

SO, I'm offering to hand over the reigns and see if someone can do better with it, if anyone is interested.

Anyone an aspiring PHP coder who would like to dabble in image/flash hosting? The database structure is pretty solid, but the PHP is entirely procedural (about 5k lines), needs an MVC architecture (prefferably on a framework), new templates (that are actually browser-tested), and some rewrite rules to get rid of the php extensions. Meanwhile the file structure needs to stay the same and support legacy file links as well. Any takers?

I'll be transferring a bunch of domains off of that acct to another service, so that all is left on that host is I can give you full control. There is just over a month before the acct would need to be renewed for another year, and I won't be renewing it unless someone can really do some magic and make the site profitable, or at least self-sustaining again.
General Discussion / Flamethrower vs Fire-extinguisher
August 03, 2010, 09:45:39 AM
Epic music video
General Discussion / HO-LY-FUCK
July 06, 2010, 09:42:04 PM

So there's this movie being made about newgrounds... Kinda grassroots/underground, but it looks awesome.

Also, check out the last couple seconds. The king makes an appearance.

my example:

Also note, yooouuutuuube got a java upgrade... nice
General Discussion / CS5 - love it or leave it?
June 26, 2010, 03:33:09 AM
I just rebuilt my pc and have finally taken the time to start diving into the new master collection...

I like what I see. Dreamweaver is MUCH better than before, even better than some high-brow open-source coding software I'm used to. It is still missing a couple features from other free software that I would like, such as mouse-scroll zooming and bracket selection (without the weird fill it does). But the auto-syntax warnings have already been a huge time saver. I still wish they had some color theme options that didn't require you to specifically define every single color... uhg. But once all the settings and preferences are set this ends up being a really snappy and helpful coding tool, for php/javascript apps. They seem to have fixed a lot of the FTP issues I had with CS3/4.

Flash doesn't seem all that different to me, aside from the iPhone portability that is sadly no longer an option. Other than that it has a bit more of the old feel that Director once had. I have had less and less projects involving large flash, since clients are no longer asking for them... I spend more time in jQuery land nowadays which is often faster than simple flash, but we still use flash as a 'garnish' for sprucing up sites that need to feel reactive. CS5 seems a bit more stable than CS4, which is good cause CS4 was crashtastic when it came to heavy movieclip nesting. Still waiting on 64-bit version...

Photoshop has a host of new tools, and I really like the way they've thought out the tools and layout. Makes work go quicker, which is the whole point I guess.

pretend there's a moderately censored goatse here[/image]

Anyone else into CS5 yet?
General Discussion / The first Smurf game
June 04, 2010, 01:24:40 AM
This game is truly epic.

And yes, these 3 minutes show pretty much the entire game. This had commercials, and people went out to stores to buy it. The time it took to purchase the game was, on average, more time needed than it was to finish the game.
General Discussion / Mac radiation
April 30, 2010, 12:37:23 PM
A co-worker's Macbook Pro was running slow and making random clicking sounds. She asked me to take a look at it, and as soon as I heard the clicking (obviously coming from her dying hard drive), I stepped away from the laptop with a wary expression.

"Whoa, that is not good!!" I say.
"What? What's not good?"
"Uh... Thats' you're internal geiger counter. You've got a leak."
"A leak?" she asks.
I stare in mock disbelief at the laptop "I've never heard one that active before.."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your Mac's uranium-ion battery is leaking radiation."
"What?! Are you serious?"
"Dead serious" I say with a grave expression, stepping further away from her desk. "This clicking started with just the occasional click, and continued to get worse and worse right?"
"Uh, yea" she says, now looking a little white, stepping back with me.
"Yep. It's your geiger registering the rads from your battery. At least you caught it early, after a couple hours it could have done you some damage." I lie, unable to hide the curl in my smile.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you're lucky you didn't just leave it running like this. You could have been given cancer by the end of the day." I pick up my cell, pretend to dial a number and ask a co-worker:
"Hey dave, we have any lead-lined laptop bags left? I've got a really hot one here... Yep, the iGeiger is screaming mayday. Probably one of the older batteries..." Meanwhile the poor lady starts to visibly tremble.
"What is it? You look pale." I ask, ending the call.
"Uhm.... its... it's been clicking like this for weeks. I think."
I step away from her, wiping my hands on my pants. "Oh god, you've probably been contaminated by Mac radiation."
The lady starts to cuss at this point, saying she's going to sue Apple, when finally another co-worker hiding at the door starts busting out laughing.

- Lesson of the day. Don't ask the programmer for IT help.
General Discussion / WTF is up cc?
April 06, 2010, 01:55:21 PM
Haven't been around lately... Just noticed that we hit 31 GIGS of traffic on a single day last month at myfrogbag... WTF have you guys been uploading? lol

My hosting company prolly hates me for taking so much advantage of their 'unlimited' bandwidth policy.
General Discussion / Story Behind the Still
February 10, 2010, 03:00:37 PM
I was in a short film as an entry to the Story Behind the Still competition (you should check it out first, if you haven't already)

See if you can guess which extra or character I am :O

P.S. How awesome is it to be able to have a gun at an airport and get away with it?
General Discussion / Best web-design company ever
January 29, 2010, 01:45:25 PM
... in the history of the universe...

I give you:
General Discussion / Calling all hackers
January 23, 2010, 09:55:44 PM
I'm developing some web software thats getting a few months away from the point where we can release it as a web service in a much larger scale.

When that time comes I'm going to need to do some rather extensive testing to check for potential insecurities and bugs.

I don't have many friends left in the hacker world, so is anyone here interested in a challenge?

Oh, and I can pay if you help me find and plug any holes in my security.
Flash & Flash Accessories / Flash on iPhone
January 13, 2010, 12:00:55 PM
This is the first successful way I've seen of forcing flash to work on iPod touches and iPhones...

I haven't tried deploying it yet, but aside from some drastic frame rate reduction it seems to work well.

It's a flash runtime that is entirely written in javascript. (does not work in IE, cause IE sucks balls at JS)

In safari/chrome the fps is exceptional because of the JS engine.

I'm wondering if this works with actionscript and such...
General Discussion / Value of a Clock
January 07, 2010, 02:18:02 PM
This site has an estimated worth of $4131.80

There are 7062 member accounts of this forum, of which only 2133 accounts have actually posted.

Thus the average estimated worth of the contributions per poster are approximately $1.94

Well, I say you are each worth even MORE than that!

You are worth at least $2 each to me!

Entertainment / I'm on to you Hollywood!
January 05, 2010, 09:59:37 PM
All of YOU people are starting to piss me off...

You know, when YOU make those episode recaps, or trailers and slightly change what was said in previous episodes on TV, and mis-represent what's said in the movies. Well I DO! I notice every fucking time and it is incredibly annoying! You are totally destroying the continuity of the shows, and for what? So a few people catch on a little faster? Well it's just making you seem ridiculous... Just stop it... NOW.

...or else.


...that is all

General Discussion / 8-bit Melodeon
December 28, 2009, 05:56:11 PM

This guy took a toy melodeon an arduino and skill and came up with a fantastic instrument. It can do more than just mario sounds of course, but I thought it was terribly awesome with the 8-bit sounds.