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Topics - Fireman

Reception Desk / hello, I'm back from a hiatus
January 21, 2021, 08:37:04 PM
Hello, I used to be on here a while ago and for better or worse I am back.
I wish to shed my fireman flesh and become duck clock.
I haven't animated in a while, but I am planning something forgettable for the 20th anniversary. I'm also glad to see duck.fla is still kicking about.
so I made this.
You get the idea!

Get some friends, paint ourselves and run up the hills in the moonlight.


Finish a decent animation.

Listen to swell swell swell music in the dark.

General Discussion / could it B!?
January 28, 2010, 10:41:25 AM
General Discussion / Australia's Internet Filter
December 15, 2009, 08:26:35 AM
THE federal government has green-lighted its highly controversial censorship plan to introduce a mandatory internet filter that will block refused classification content from being accessed on Australian soil.

Basically Kevin Rudd has been inspired too much by China and is now bringing up a filter to block content.
Although it is intended for good use, I can't help but think that I am losing some of my freedom here and that this can easily be used in favour of a politicians opinions.
The fact that I do not actually have freedom of speech within this nation adds to the paranoia.

So in a nutshell.
Pokemon Stadium / these are fun
December 01, 2009, 06:09:49 AM

join in the fun
Entertainment / Central Market - Tyondai Braxton
November 06, 2009, 04:10:14 AM

I got this today and it is nice nice nice, I really enjoy the mood and feel this gives off and the variation within it.
The beginning of the album is a bit more cheerful to the point of the absurdity but by the end of it the mood has taken a completely different direction.

The song that takes place upon the centre of the album, just before the twist in mood, is one of the stand outs for me. Platinum Rows is quite fun, I think and I have been really digging the vibe it gives off. It is like it is poking at my brain and getting me to imagine all sorts of landscapes, stituations and characters.

Another one of the standout songs, J. City, is part of the different mood towards the end. I am reallly digging how Tyondai's vocals are really prominent within this one. The song itself gives some nice contrast in comparison to the rest of the album.

What thoughts do you tickity-tocks have upon this album, or just Tyondai Braxton in general?
Entertainment / GET COLOR - HEALTH
October 09, 2009, 11:27:38 PM

I've been trying to hunt down a HEALTH album for quite a while now and last Tuesday I finally got a hold of one.

Now that I have GET COLOR, I must say it is pretty awesome. Although it is just under 33 minutes in length, it feels good all the way throughout.
The vocals are incredibly ethereal and really sound like an instrument of their own. I would love to know what they are singing but people have only guessed at what it could be.
Die Slow, Before Tigers, Eat Flesh and We Are Water our really sticking out for me. Eat Flesh is a suitable name for that song, I can just picture flesh being shredded by teeth to it.

The band also released a music video to the song Die Slow. Apparently they directed it themselves. I'm digging this too.

I really have been enjoying this album a lot, I'm surprised I've managed to listen to anything else over the past 4 days.

How about you guys? Do you dig it? Also any suggestions to something of a similar nature?
General Discussion / This one time...
July 11, 2009, 10:58:56 AM

I quite enjoyed it.
Entertainment / Bruno
July 08, 2009, 10:43:10 AM
Saw Bruno earlier today, was quite good.
I don't believe it was as good as Borat was. Bruno is essentially the same premise as Borat, the plots do bare some similiarities too.
Bruno does appear to use many more actors then Borat(which had 3 in all I believe). The use of more actors does make the film feel a bit more dull at moments. But I am under the impression he has done much much much more extreme things then in Borat.
However the many things Sacha Baren Cohen did were quite humorous.
Anyone else seen it yet?
Thoughts on it?
So yeah been thinking of doing an animation for clock day about the creation of B.
Wanna make it all pretty looking
So this was just a mock concept image of a scene, originally a test for some of the illumination settings on an Arch & Design material from 3ds Max.
StrawberryClock is a bit on the low poly side, not much effort put into him.

The terrain is the same as this terrain right here, but the lighting from B and possibly the camera angle have  changed the overall look of the terrain for the worse.

Still looks entirely different here but I was originally intending for their to be other light sources then just the B.
It looks like some kind of mist or fog.

So yeah.
Comments, ideas, critiscisms, suggestions and etc?
and apparently most schools in the area got it.
I lol'd
General Discussion / hur hur whut colur are ur socks
March 18, 2009, 06:53:06 AM
mine are white with red on the toes and heal
General Discussion / Please Say Something
February 27, 2009, 07:11:52 PM
I have been waiting for this to come out for quite some time!
You're best off watching it in high quality.
General Discussion / AUSTRALIA DAY
January 25, 2009, 10:27:42 AM

So what are you kids gonna be doing on this great day?
I'm gonna go see them fireworks in the capital.


I can't be fucked adding anything else.
He is rather confused and angered by B, I'm not sure why but maybe you guys can help him get a better understanding of B.
A lot of other people don't seem to undesrtand either, I must say it's all a bit odd.
General Discussion / is it just me
December 30, 2008, 10:30:32 AM
or does heinekens avatar lady look a bit like poison shroom?

General Discussion / B.I.L.L. DEFENDER OF FREEDOM
December 12, 2008, 05:55:17 PM

I am sad because I tried to make this stereoscopic but could not find the premiere equivalent off a screen layer :0
General Discussion / Octocat Adventures
December 12, 2008, 01:43:11 AM
the second video, watch and admire him as he struggles to find his parents.
Pokemon Stadium / Gonna Get You Boy
December 09, 2008, 01:04:29 AM
Made this a little while ago, 3rd time I've done stuff with charcoal.
The feet of the honkey at the top kinda got smudged out and some other things are probably smudged out too.
And yeah, c&c?

You guys wanna go play some of that shit online now?
made a match called Joey.