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Topics - DeadTreeClock

General Discussion / I apologize.
June 25, 2013, 10:26:34 AM
Hey guys,

I'm here to face the jury, so to speak. This is a really difficult thing to do, because I always hoped that when I finally did it, I'd be able to in the light of setting things straight. LumpClock and I had a great conversation that convinced me that I shouldn't wait for the ââ,¬Å"perfectââ,¬Â time.

For years since my mom suddenly passed away, I've struggled with really severe depression. It's made it really fucking hard for me to make a living and put food on my own table, on top of having to deal with legal obligations related to both of my parents and my mom's parents, all of which passed away in a pretty short period of time.

I spent a lot of time selling things that belonged to them to clean up their messes and make ends meet. At one point, I sold something valuable that was in my family for a long time. I fucked up by sending it via USPS without any tracking or insurance, thinking it would be fine. When it didn't get where it was going, the PayPal dispute sucked the life out of my account, which I was stupidly using alongside the Clock Crew's money. It's fucking stupid and it's 100% my fault.

I've perpetually been in a state of it seeming nearly impossible for me to put food on my own table and take care of myself. My financial situation sucks. I've interviewed for all kinds of jobs and repeatedly been told that I wasn't a good fit. My mental state has been shit, without family or friends to help me figure anything out. Certainly I've had no help figuring out my depression and my legal obligations. I've had no insurance for years and any medical problems I have just come out of my own pocket, which is virtually empty most of the time.

It's been the worst for me, and to top it off, I've felt guilty the whole time because I'm not good enough to fix my stupid mistake here. I never felt like I could show my face here without being ridiculed, unless I was immediately prepared to set things straight by making a SURPRISE! I FIXED IT announcement. And even if I could I still expected to be hated and ridiculed for my stupid mistakes.

Shame is the real name of the game here. I'm ashamed of my mistake and the way it hurt a community that I loved giving my time to. I'm ashamed of the circumstances that put me in a situation of living from eBay auction to eBay auction and even then, being barely able to make ends meet and move on with my life. I'm ashamed of not having a family to spend holidays with, or to encourage me when I struggle with this shit over and over again.

Since the beginning of this year, things have looked up a little for me. I've had some great freelancing clients that have helped me take care of myself, put food on my table, cover my expenses. I have had some promising interviews and other job prospects on the horizon.

I talked with PatriotClock and we're going to talk more about ââ,¬Å"replacing the treasury through installment payments or something of the sort. Really anything would be a sign of a serious desire for forgiveness.ââ,¬Â When I work that out with them, I will tell you all the details myself and let you know how I'll be held accountable for everything start to finish.

I never wanted to fuck this up. I made stupid mistakes at a time in my life when everything was falling apart. It would've been better to never have touched anything financial for you guys in the first place, which was also my mistake.

Any ridicule or hate I get, I probably deserve, and I don't expect to be very liked here even when things do get worked out, and that doesn't matter because I want to set my wrongs right however I can, however long it takes and whatever I need to do, no matter what anyone says to me about my past.

I also apologize for anything I said that gave any of you the impression that I was taking credit for your work. I'm just proud of the things I was able to be a part of here, and I hoped that pride would help me stand out to a good company, and help me get myself into a position that would let me set things straight here. I'll just strike my work here from the record and find another way to talk about the things I think I'm good at. I don't deserve to be able to associate myself with this place anymore, I've thoroughly un-earned it.

I didn't imagine my life going the way that it did, and I'm sorry that I've deprived you guys of an important resource because of my mistake.
I won an auction for some Bleach manga and the seller told me they were on the way. Then I got an e-mail about a little mistake, shouldn't do any harm because it's been corrected now. The ending of the e-mail, though, caught me off guard.

QuoteOk, so I kinda made mistake. You see I shipped the mangas to you in an old box I had. It probably won't be shipped by ups, in which you paid 4.00 for. So if you want the 4.00 back I can give back to you, no problem.

P.S.   Please remember this is my first sell on Ebay, so i'm inexperience.

P.P.S.   OMG, I just realized your part of the Clock Crew! I love you guy's work. I watch them all the time on Newgrounds. I am forever Honored that you are my first seller!

I lol'd
Hey everyone. I've just posted the Clock Crew page on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, you can click "Become a Fan" for it to show up in the "Pages" section of your profile.

I've also added Clock Day to the page's events, so check that out too. I'll add more events as they come to mind.

Click here for the discussion thread >>
Hey everyone. I've just posted the Clock Crew page on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, you can click "Become a Fan" for it to show up in the "Pages" section of your profile.

I've also added Clock Day to the page's events, so check that out too. I'll add more events as they come to mind.
General Discussion / Haltman is dead.
April 23, 2008, 11:47:22 AM
You're welcomed god damn it.
Old pic thread is goldmined now: [linky]

Here's my latest adventure in photography:

Clock Day 2007 / !! rearranged !!
August 15, 2007, 09:02:55 AM
Threads are now sorted according to when they were submitted, so nobody's movie will be buried in the rush --

Can't wait to see all of the movies when I get back from work tonight. :D
Old News / Ventrilo Server Information
June 11, 2007, 06:50:53 PM
SUP GUYZ, today I set up a ventrilo server to hang out and chat on. Lounge is the main chat, and then there are some sub-channels for things like gaming and CC Academy. Switch to Be Right Back Room when you're going AFK.


Port: 3809

Password: None for the server; The Lounge pass is "fifen."

And don't come into main chat without testing your mic first. Click "Setup" and the test options are in the bottom left.

Don't have ventrilo? Get it here.


Click "Setup" and set a Global Hotkey for Press-To-Talk, or you can set up more customizable binds like so:

Comedy Goldmine / Generic thread about religion.
May 29, 2007, 01:50:28 AM
Generic post in which I pretend that anyone cares about my shitty theory.
Pokemon Stadium / Clock-A-Day #9 - PirateClock
March 30, 2007, 12:47:23 AM
Everyone loves pirates, unless you're a stupid faggot.

Try to make it interesting and not necessarily anything like past renditions of him.

Backgrounds are highly encouraged to enhance the drawing overall. :)
Pokemon Stadium / Clock-A-Day #1 - Strawberry
March 22, 2007, 02:15:59 PM
ATTN If you're going to post, have a drawing ready!
Pictureless comments will just be deleted!

Every day i'll post a new Clock for everyone to do their own take on; doodles, sketches, drawings, Flash, whatever you want -- just draw something new instead of posting old work. We'll start with some well known ones:

Some color pencil stuff I doodled in class. Maybe i'll do one in Flash later?


Also working on a webpage to post everyone's work together. Kind of like that one site, with all the hobos.
Pokemon Stadium / Avatar/Sig Thread Volume II
March 20, 2007, 01:29:02 PM
The old thread was getting too big. You can still see it here:

My avatar is one of the cooler characters from Bleach, Urahara Kisuke.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
December 20, 2006, 11:48:42 AM
When you get a new game post here.

At the beginning of break I got:

Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Now, Gamestop and EB are having a buy 2 get one free sale on used games this week so I went and bought:

Battalion Wars
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Tales of Symphonia
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

They are all very fun ;)
Take as many as you can, upload to imageshack, and post LINKS TO THEM so they don't stretch the tables.


also someone post the dancing puppy, I lost it
Rules of the Request Forum (Pokemon Battle Arena):

- No casting call topics, just like in the Flash Animation forum.

- Give your topics titles that reflect the purpose it serves.

- Please, do not make MSPaint threads, unless it is a thread about spriting/ pixel art. Pixel art done in MSPaint can look nice if you use it right. 99% of you don't. You will recieve a warning for this.

- No posting inappropriate material. Use common sense here if that's at all possible.  :dork:

PRIME EXAMPLE of how a request thread should be done. <3

EDIT: From now on, to reduce clutter in this forum, instead of stickying threads I will highlight them with the symbol to the right of the topic name.

If you want me to check out your thread to see if its well organized and active and warrants such a tag, send me a PM.

The reason for this is that if a thread goes inactive I want it to be out of the way so that other threads will be seen. If you've got a good thread going this also encourages you to keep working on it so that your work will be seen.