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Topics - DNAClock

So, I got an ipod touch on april because my old ipod (4G) broke, I couldn't get it to work so I put it inside a box and forgot about it until yesterday when I found it again, I saw some videos on youtube on how to fix it and after a couple of hours I finally made it work again, it still has some problems but... it plays music so it's cool, I was gonna give it to my mother but she pretty much flipped me off when I showed it to her.

So, I've been reading a little and I've seen some ipods that can run linux, that can be used as recording devices without a real microphone, i've seen them being smashed on youtube :(... Don't know what to do with it, any of you guys have good ideas?
General Discussion / Nice video, flash ideas...
July 13, 2009, 05:45:41 PM
So, yesterday I was browsing kotaku and I saw this little video:

It has sprites but at least they are not abusing of them like the 13 year olds at newgrounds, I would have never considered using sprites before, this gave me a couple of good ideas.

I love how the music is synched with parts of the animation, it has original pixel art and even though it's only the intro for a documentary it has some funny bits. So, do you guys like it? Would you work on something like this?

Know any good 8-bit musicians? I want to get a couple of songs to work with, but i'm fucking clueless on where to look, the audio portal of newgrounds is not that good :(

Bear in mind there's a degree of saber-rattling to this, but still; Activision boss Bobby Kotick has warned Sony that his company - the world's largest third-party publisher - may cease support for the PS3 and PSP.

Speaking with The Times, Kotick said "I'm getting concerned about Sony; the PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don't make it easy for me to support the platform. It's expensive to develop for the console, and the Wii and the Xbox are just selling better. Games generate a better return on invested capital on the Xbox than on the PlayStation"

 Subtle. But wait. It gets

 "They have to cut the price, because if they don't, the attach rates are likely to slow", he continues. "If we are being realistic, we might have to stop supporting Sony...When we look at 2010 and 2011, we might want to consider if we support the console - and the PSP [portable] too".

 In that absolute worst-case scenario, that would mean no Call of Duty for Sony consoles. No Guitar Hero for Sony consoles. No Tony Hawk, either. It probably won't ever come to that, of course, but Kotick's words are still worth noting. After all, when was the last time you ever saw a third-party publisher so openly threaten a major platform holder?

I'm no ps3 fan but that's kinda fucked up... coming out like that so hard. If it happened it could be a huge blow for Sony. Now, I don't know if Kotick tends to talk out of his ass like that all the time but every friend I have that owns a ps3 at least owns a call of duty or guitar hero game, they are some of the most popular games on every console. Are they really losing money making games for the ps3? Seems to me that Sony failed to cuddle with Kotick and he is super mad about it.
General Discussion / Drawing lessons online
June 16, 2009, 09:54:36 PM
SO, I was looking for sonic hentai on Newgrounds when I stumble upon this awesome shit: I found it on cast's profile (RIP nigga).

It's worth signing up, the lessons are free, the courses are very fucking expensive but FUCK THAT YOU DON'T NEED THOSE, OK? You want the free lessons, yes you do.

I know there are a lot of free resources on the internet for people who want to improve their drawing skills, so, if you have something better than this why didn't you posted it before, fuckface? WHY? That's selfish. Also, I know this should've been posted on artist lounge but most of the people that go there have decent drawing skills and you don't, so there, de nada cabrones.

TUTORIAL B02: SHAPES OF DUCK! Fuck that's awesome.

General Discussion / I'M RICH pt. 2
May 20, 2009, 10:40:32 AM

General Discussion / Power of three contest (NG)
May 14, 2009, 03:44:06 PM
Tom's post:

If you've got REAL TALENT and want to take a stab at game development, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME.

  We're organizing a summer event called "Power of Three."
  You have THREE weeks to organize a team of THREE people, most likely an artist, programmer and musician.

  By the June 5th team deadline, you must submit an application consisting of your team members and your game concept. You can PM this to me with the subject, TEAM APPLICATION.

Imagine a clock team winning this, it would be fucking awesome. I'd like to be an artist for this but i'm afraid I don't having any knowledge on making games.

So, anyone thinking of making a team?
Come out, don't be shy, I need you for a flash animation. Please pm or post here :D

General Discussion / Windosill
May 04, 2009, 02:42:24 PM

Download it, it's fucking great. Go to for more cool stuff.
Necrapolis / Influenza epidemic in Mexico city
April 25, 2009, 08:30:11 PM

I don't go to  classes until may 6th (if the disease is controlled by that time) but i'm STRONGLY ADVISED not to go out of my house... Fucking shit :mad:.
So, some of you must know EEGRA now, if you don't know it then you should definetly check it out: great comics, great reviews, great parodies but my favorite stuff of the site is the analysis they make of articles they find around gamespot, gamedaily, IGN, etc. Stuff like this:

Who is Kevin VanOrd and why is his jaw tired

Basically they write about articles they find on popular gaming sites and subtly mock them for their lack of professionalism. For example, another must read is this one:

An Email to UGO

So,  I was wondering what us clocks could do with stuff like this. Find a lame ass article, post it here and do what you want with it: review it, send an email to the site (See the UGO link),  make a comic or a flash animation out of that, make a video, there's a lot of possibilites. I'm already working on a little article I found somewere, will post it here soon.

I leave you with this...

Too late, a year late, but it's finally here!

Vote 5!

Holy shit
General Discussion / Porn industry question
March 23, 2009, 03:22:04 PM
Soz, I've been thinking what I want to do after I finish med school and, well, while I want to be a cardiologist or a specialist in infectious diseases there's been a couple of ideas flying around my head for a while.

Have you ever heard of a doctor that exclusively dedicates his time and knowledge for porn? You know, it could be a great profession! Who handles all those bleedings on the filming set? Who treats all those cases of prolapse? Who screens the actors for diseases and gives them advices on health? What if one of the girls in the movie can't lubricate? What if somebody needs to give CPR ? There's a lot of specialists involved but not just ONE. There should be just ONE doc, only one handling all those problems, ladies and gentleman, that guy, will be ME!

So, I want to be a porn doctor, yeah I just made that up, and I think this has a lot of future. Have any of you guys heard something about that?
General Discussion / NG drama
March 20, 2009, 10:25:35 AM
So, basically, this sirtom93 dude (he has some clock flashes, you can see them in his profile) went to newgrounds and made a thread:

I saw the thread before, I thought it was all bullshit but 10 minutes ago I found this =/

And i'm like holyshitwtf.
General Discussion / Where is GreyClock?
February 28, 2009, 03:36:26 PM

He is not even making animations anymore, that's not very GreyClock! Come back!
Necrapolis / I have a HUGE issue with deviantart
February 16, 2009, 10:02:26 PM
It's this kind of shit:

Like I bet that 1/4 of all the content is these bunch of photos of girls that just happen to be: FUCKING HORRIBLE.

That's not the worst part, you can't say shit to them, everything is art, it's a free speech community, therefore I have to shut the fuck up. I just can't do that.

Even a pic of a can of coke with a titty on the background is art, it doesn't matter if it's the shittiest, most horribe and old titty in the world, IT'S ART! Some dude taking a close-up of his cock? ART! Some nasty skank covering her vagina with fake blood? ART! This bothers me and I can't take it out of my system, i'm not even complaining about furries and all the shitty poetry that flood that place. There is some quality stuff in there, great art but all the rest of the crap abhors me.
So I go to yahoo and watch this:

It's freaking stupid and I can't believe anybody agrees with this, the term "obese" is a clinical term, sadly the freaking game is not calling people porks, that way maybe some  idiots would kill themselves and leave more food for the rest of the world or maybe some fat dipshits would take this thing more seriously and actually lose some weight.

Not only are people dying because of the weight and it's complications, YOU CAN'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING EVEN MILDLY REALISTIC TO THEM, like if their lack of self-esteem was the game's fault, it's probably their already obese parents who rather shove a hot-dog in their mouths than teach the kids something about respect of their own bodies.

PS. I'm I'm a edgy teen too for not knowing how to write ELISABETH HASSELBECK, thanks
General Discussion / I hate mondays...
February 08, 2009, 11:27:04 PM
And I know that a lot of you probably hate mondays too.

I don't know why but every monday feels like it's gonna be the shittiest monday of my life, no matter what. It even happens when i'm on vacations. Some times it's so bad I start feeling shitty on sundays, like "fuck it's sunday... tomorrow is monday, fuckfuckfuckfuck".

So i've been trying to find ways to start mondays feeling great but it really sums up to this:

-Getting high (which is not really an option when I have to go to the hospital).
-Waking up earlier, have a nice breakfast, play videogames very early before I head to the hospital and listen to nice music (problem is, I hate waking up early, especially on mondays).

So, any ideas on how to quickly cheer up mondays? Something quick in the morning (not sex related)? Anybody else has these pathological mondays where everything sucks?