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Topics - WildCherryPepsiClock

If I can't ask for help if I won't be helping the Clock Crew just say so and I'll leave. Firstly, I'd like to know how to make a different background for certain frames. Secondly, I'd like to know how to use fill color. Lastly, I'd like to know how to turn my object to the side. Thanks.
Necrapolis / Won
January 12, 2009, 11:00:34 PM
I won't be on here during the week often due to school.I'll try to be on when I can.
Flash & Flash Accessories / Object trouble
December 14, 2008, 01:04:30 AM
I can't get an object to move by itself.I have two objects together and I want to move just one.
Can I get an explination?
General Discussion / It is my birthday
November 14, 2008, 10:01:35 PM
I can't use the paint bucket tool in my flash movie. what should I do?
The paint bucket tool won't change the fill color for my first clock movie. What should I do?
Necrapolis / Education
September 07, 2008, 02:33:24 AM
I always felt that schools used to be a place for learning stuff but now it seems like My life is in the hands of a school staff and my parents gave my school my entire life to play with.CAN I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL? NO.CAN I KEEP ANYTHING PERSONAL? NO.CAN I ALREADY HAVE A FUTURE READY FOR MY SELF FOR WHEN I'M OLDER? NO.Is there a diference between getting an education and having a life anymore? Discuss this.
General Discussion / I'm back.
September 01, 2008, 09:23:57 PM
Yep. Sorry for being gone for so long but I am back.