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Topics - Flounderpa

it looks like I was "awarded" a five-use key for the beta for Battlefield play4free, seeing that I have no friends that have computers that can't run anything except Office, I'm asking YOU if you would like such key, and if you do, PM me.
General Discussion / Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time
January 25, 2011, 02:59:03 AM
Gaming & Technology / Splosion Man
May 05, 2009, 08:42:37 PM
for everyone who thinks that plataformers sucks I flip you the middle finger,

for now, I say this is really awesome, the next game from the creators of the Maw
A new trailer of the new Phoenix Wright game (now, luckily, in English).
I am no genius but it says something you play as an attorney?, I mean The name was Perfect Prosecutor, now is Ace attorney, well just time will tell

Oh, and they give you another (not so useless) partner
Gaming & Technology / Snes in sale
February 22, 2009, 12:38:54 AM
I was in my school on Saturday ( I have to do shit in there even in weekends) and I found a Flea Market there, It was very variable and found some things you can only find from a person that think that it is garbage, so I found a to Snes, one was about $30 the other was about $25, and the thing I want to know is:
  • Should I buy it
  • If I do, what games Would I buy
  • How Much Would I pay for that game
I know its a classic console but I feel that it's kinda expensive and feel that it is cheaper somewhere else
Necrapolis / hey Clockcrew
February 12, 2009, 06:14:11 PM
is it bad to make twitards and narutards cry? because I can do that, and I feel good when doing it, I'm doing wrong?
Gaming & Technology / a little question
February 04, 2009, 10:01:28 PM
you see, me and my brothers have bought a new xbox 360 and we aren't familiar with the platform, and all of us have different gamertags because we farm our own achievements, and my free one month gold membership has expired, and I was thinking... If I bought a 3 month subscription, it let's me renew all of the consoles accounts?, or just one?
General Discussion / tequila's challange
February 01, 2009, 01:14:44 AM
IAmMonodi (10:11:34 p.m.): ok ok
ToxicMayhem1 (10:11:51 p.m.): ok I'm going to be baned for three days if I lose
ToxicMayhem1 (10:12:12 p.m.): and you have complete control over username avatar and signature
ToxicMayhem1 (10:12:21 p.m.): your turn
IAmMonodi (10:12:30 p.m.): sweet
IAmMonodi (10:12:41 p.m.): I lose, I am banned a week and have the same penalty
ToxicMayhem1 (10:13:01 p.m.): ok, any way to make this official?
IAmMonodi (10:13:01 p.m.): 3 weeks of punishement eaach of us
IAmMonodi (10:13:09 p.m.): uh
ToxicMayhem1 (10:13:08 p.m.): oh yeah
IAmMonodi (10:13:30 p.m.): SPIC DUEL!!!

so if the Steeleers win I have kind of like the patriot, marlin bet, If tequila wins he does the things stated above to me
Gaming & Technology / The Conduit
January 19, 2009, 08:12:44 PM
another FPS, It would be really boring or obscure if it was released in The xbox or ps3, but this one is a kinda special, because it is released in the Wii.

It's kinda promising if you ask me

Entertainment / I'm watching the Iron Giant
January 13, 2009, 05:36:46 PM
it is being aired right now in Cartoon Network

a cool movie

PS: only in Latino America
as already some people might know, with Christmas we got some money to spare, and I feel like getting some games. Same rules like my other thread.
  • NO FPS
  • NO PS3 (I'm not rich)
  • must be something that can be found on a shelf of Wal-Mart (I might do a pit stop on a gamestop but is not so probable)
General Discussion / The guy who ate a plane
December 10, 2008, 06:22:29 PM
I remember sawing on the news that some guy was trying to eat an airplane, I don't remember when or who but I got curious and diced to research, someone knows of the whereabouts of that guy, if he ate the plane or something?
General Discussion / Graphic Card
October 23, 2008, 09:35:11 PM
I'm planing to buy myself one

Can someone suggest one that can is not too expensive or too shitty?
looks like the bots know that Strawberryclock is king of the portal.

any backup plan?
General Discussion / Is that time of the year again
September 13, 2008, 09:50:45 PM
The time of the year when I get eaten by mosquitoes, fleas and any other parasite that drinks someone else blood to survive, and to make it even worse it's the worst time thay can came, It's fucking hot outside, even on the night and when I I go to sleep I can't because it's fuckng hot so I need to open the Window and what happens? they fucking ate me alive. any backup plan?
Gaming & Technology / Hazardclock Great Shopping Trip
August 24, 2008, 03:59:06 PM
Well, I finaly have my passaport and Visa so I can visit the other side of the border, and I am planing to buy some game but I can't find nothing good, can someone reccomend something, I money for only one game.

some advice:
-No Sports games
-No big franchise (Mario, Zelda, Metroid)
-It must be something that I can find on the shelfs in WalMart
Gaming & Technology / the best era in gaming
August 22, 2008, 09:43:04 PM
who is the winner

Clock Day 2008 / GreyClock Detective
August 15, 2008, 05:34:49 PM
Things that I can Made in 15 days
General Discussion / Achmed the Dead Terrorist
July 31, 2008, 04:09:51 PM
Better than the Muppets
