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Topics - peyoteclock

i mean it made me an operator so im cool with that but whats the deal come on really
Necrapolis / Change Heineken's username From "The Nomble"
September 29, 2011, 08:09:15 PM
I move we change Heineken's username to something other than "The Nomble" on the grounds that he is not cool enough to be, "The Nomble".
September 25, 2011, 08:22:59 PM
Hi, i'm back. Is there still a rule against returning members reintroducing themselves in here? I hope so cuz I'M BREAKIN iT. Also I see I'm no longer a supermoderator. I deserved this. So what's up, fill me in dudes what should I know, who should I hate, EtcEtcEtc.
General Discussion / ATTN: DUTCH CLOCKS
February 13, 2011, 07:09:19 PM
my good friend jordan wants to register the domain name but he has to be a dutch citizen to do so, who wants to help him out? he rocks!

for reference:
General Discussion / Happy Holidays From Pepe Yote
December 25, 2010, 08:16:01 PM
Hey clock crew, long time no see, sorry i haven't been around much at all lately but i'm currently working two jobs, moved out of my parents into an apartment with my delightful !GIRLFRIEND! and we're still internetless because we're poor asses despite both working fairly decent fulltime jobs, christmas took alot of me cashwise as i decided this year to get everybody nice shit. That being said I've got a jerryrigged lightbox for animating and i just got a mac and installed flash and photoshop and shit on it today, so expect to see some animations coming out of this kid in the near future! besides all that jazz i've been working on some rap music, making beats and rapping so I'll have some of that to show off sometime soon too. merry christmas, i promise i'll be a more active member and smoderator once i get my internets back up.

merry christmas to all of ya especially dwarf, clam, cad, lifty, mspaint, sarez, umm i dunno albino, umm i dunno bluebeet if he lurks here, i dunno, rabid, fuxk, everyone from the old irc and shit, werd, merry chrimbus, happy hanukkah and merry traekwonza.

enjoy my epic 10 minute christmas flash from 2005 an oft overlooked clock crew classic which simultaneously almost killed me and saved my life.
So I've started a blog to document all the horror movies I watch this month. and probably eventually other stuff too. But As of right now it's all about the Horror baby. Anyway check it out, give me a read, I might turn you onto some good shit you've never heard of, you might turn me on to some good shit I've never heard of. We might turn each other on to some complete shit. We might just turn each other on. ;)

anyway, ROCK ON.
Entertainment / PeyoteClock's Hip-Hop!
September 26, 2010, 07:37:48 PM
as some of you know i fancy myself and emcee but i've also been dabbling in production for a little while too. this is the thread where i'll be posting beats and once i get some gear and a little studio set-up for recording vocals i'll be posting full songs. you all get to hear me grow as an artist aren't you excited!

anyway here's my most recent beat, feel free to critique it and shit or hey maybe just ignore me.

While i'm sure most of you are little kids (iphone users) I'm also sure there are some respectable Crackberry users kicking around the forums, so let's add each other on BBM!!

here's my barcode, ripe for scanning!

and for you folks with older blackberries here's my pin number!


Necrapolis / role reversal
July 28, 2010, 12:53:14 AM
ran into RR tonight and were not banging right now so im gonn throw out a few bans.

i dont care because im seeing someoneelse but if youree n ot a faggot you know RR is special, line up.
General Discussion / HAPPY CANADA DAY YO!
July 01, 2010, 01:11:42 AM

June 22, 2010, 03:29:59 PM

This show just ran for two absolutely brilliant seasons on HBO and was recently canceled. To be honest for me it kinda feels like Arrested Development all over again, not the show tonewise in particular just the fact that it's a really smart, absolutely laugh out loud hilarious show that isn't getting the treatment it deserves.

Join the movement here: Facebook Page

and try and spread the word of how great this show is to your friends because really, it's the funniest show i've seen in forever.
The purpose of this thread is to just discuss what we've been listening to lately, ask for recommendations, gloat over how your taste is superiour to others, etc. I might make a thread like this for each subforum because conversation on the bbs has been really slack lately and I feel like topics such as these would probably work better than individual threads.

So lately I've been on the hunt for new music, I'm really enjoying LCD Soundsystem and Dan Deacon right now. I can't believe i slept on LCDSS this long because they really are great and right up my alley, I also just got the new Janelle Monae album and i gotta say I'm really impressed with that as well.
General Discussion / wait a second....
June 07, 2010, 01:55:27 PM
...the lock legion still exists wtf
Entertainment / Lord Of The Barflies
May 21, 2010, 03:07:57 PM
Shape has a new free mixtape out, been spinning it pretty heavily lately and the whole thing is fire.

you can grab it here:

If you wanna try him out before you download the tape here's some youtube videos, seriously this guy fucking kills it and he releases all his shit for free on, so go grab alladat shit if you feel it.




Highlights of the mixtape for me are Frank Sinicetra, Can't Stop and Sing it.
Cooking & Food / Cheesy Bacon Chicken!
May 13, 2010, 06:25:25 PM
I don't really know what you'd call this so i'm going to call it.....

Cheesy Bacon Chicken

a peyoteclock pictorial

The ingredients are as follows:

  • Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts (as many as you want, I only used one as I was just cooking for myself)
  • 1 Onion, Small to large depending on your tastes.
  • Bacon, i used probably between 5 and 8 strips
  • Cheese, I only had mozarella on hand but i'm thinking provolone would be bomb too.
  • 1 Egg
  • Coating Mix, preferably something that takes well to frying, I used some Generic italian stuff I had in my pantry

get your ingredients together, you're gonna want a bowl to whip your egg in when the time comes.

Now what you're going to want to do next is grate your cheese and chop your onion, this is the first step as you'll probably have a fair bit of cheese and onion left over for further adventures in cooking and you don't wanna get your gross raw chicken or bacon covered hands all over them.

fun fact: both cheese AND onions are delicious as hell!

I enjoy this part, you're going to need a fairly sharp knife, i recommend against using anything serrated, a nice and sharp butchers knife is what i use and it works wonders. You're gonna want to leave your bacon strips stacked on eacher like they are in the package, and slice through them in sections, leaving you with about 4 "cubes" of bacon, then you're gonna wanna seperate each layer of each cube as best you can and throw it in your frying pan with your onions, feel free to salt and pepper your bacon and onion mix or even spice it with whatever's on hand, i threw a little salt, a little pepper and then a dash of montreal steak spice on mine.

It's gonna look like this once you've got it all in the pan and frying, feel free to add a little butter or oil if that's your thing, you wont really need it though.

While your bacon and onion is frying away you're gonna want take your chicken breast and slice it in two, again I wouldn't recommend anything serrated, I used the same butcher's knife i used to slice my bacon. now the way you're cutting the chicken is essentially through it so you have two thinner chicken breasts essentially. once you have your two slices, pound them a bit with your fist to make them even thinner, this is important.

go ahead and salt, pepper and season your chicken breast on both sides now that you have it sliced in two.

Now feel free to spend the next 20 minutes looking for tooth picks because they are essential to this recipe and you're too big of an idiot to make sure you have them before you went through all this work.

Give up trying to find said tooth picks and go out on a limb and use raw spaghetti instead.

Here's where it gets kinda difficult, crack your egg and whip it up in the bowl, add a layer of cheese to both your chicken breasts then spread your bacon/onion mixture also over your chicken breasts then add the rest of your cheese over top of the bacon and onion. open your italian coating mix. roll your chicken breasts up lengthwise, i don't have any pictures of this im sorry. push the raw spaghetti (or tooth picks if you're not an idiot) through the chicken holding it in its rolled up position, baste your chicken lightly with the egg then roll in the coating  mix and toss in your pan thats full of delicious bacon grease and onion juice. repeat this for your second chicken breast.

Let those bitches fry up, melting the delicious and cheese and letting the yummy bacon and onion flavours permeate throughout, omnommmmm

While your chicken is frying flip through the channels on your tv, futurama is over and you're not a fan of the canadian made shows teletoon airs at this hour of the night, delight in discovering the homie Anthony Bourdain is in Columbia and there's still plenty of episode left!

Feel both good and bad because you love this show but you're a terrible cook and Tony would probably laugh at you then drink all your liquor.

almost done!

Now that your chicken is done frying, attempt to pull out the spaghetti, notice that only the hard ends will pull out the rest has turned to mush inside the the chicken , smile out how lucky that is and put your chicken on a plate, completely ignore anything resembling a side dish or presentation, it's 4:30am and all you wanna do is eat and pass the fuck out.

note the complete lack of presentation and/or accompanying side dish

And now for my favourite step, eat the fuck out of that deliciously chessy, bacony, oniony, italiany chicken, eat it dead, for the love of god you've earned it.

General Discussion / need four letter words
April 17, 2010, 01:19:26 PM
i'm getting a celly hit me up with some 4 letter words so ill have a cool number
General Discussion / TALLY IT UP!(what did you get)
December 25, 2009, 12:56:24 AM
so lets see whos families are wealthier and/or who loves us more.

i get to open one gift on christmas eve so....

i got:

from my brothaz:
a pair of skullcandy "hesh" headphones, i feel them, step above my current mangled ipod earbuds, quite a step actually and they look fly!

a posable gumby toy!

from me and my parents:
i paid for 90% of it but yeah i got a 40in 1080p 120hz sony bravia and a bluray playa.

more presents in the morning when i unwrap them.
General Discussion / unban ampm i always liked him
November 18, 2009, 05:28:36 PM
ampm says:
 hey man
sloth- damn it feels good to be a gangster says:
 hey now
ampm says:
 wanna appeal for my unbanship and that there clock crews?
sloth- damn it feels good to be a gangster says:
 yeah np
 is there already a thread
ampm says:
 we can really stick it to the man this time
 Nope you gotta start it
 thanks dude i owe you one
 you already said youd do it
Necrapolis / what up clock crew
October 07, 2009, 07:20:59 PM
this place has been so boring lately, don't tell me some shit went down and you all got lives, fucking entertain me or soemthing jesus.
General Discussion / Lego Appreciation Thread
September 23, 2009, 09:45:18 AM
so i stumbled across the lego thread on SA and i've read like 50 pages in 3 days and it's definitely rekindled my childhood obsession with lego. so i started trying to sort my lego, i have probably 500 pounds of the shit so it's a pretty big undertaking, so last night i took a break from sorting and took a hike to wal-mart and bought this:

50.00 bucks plus tax, having fun building it, i wanna get into making some of my own models, like a mech or a spaceship or something, i also want to build a big city and cars and boats and shit to populate it. anyway any other fucking nerds in here also play with lego?

p.s. here's a link to the amazing thread on SA, fucking inspirational shit!