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Messages - Smegheadclock

I apologise and accept that my part is not of sufficient quality to be part of this collab. I believe that pop-tart is correct and I am not ready to be a part of this. I rushed in early and acted like a noob through it all. I need to have a long think about myself and what I do. I was cocky and should've gotten more experience before accepting something like this. I need to mature as a person before I attempt to do something like this again. I'm sorry for the time I have wasted during this collab. Do what you wish with my part. Whever you want to keep it as an easter egg or remove it completely - I will accept it. I have things I must learn from this.
Quote from: PhantomCatClock;1978723Also, a similar problem has been plaguing people off and on since the dawn of time. Nobody's even mentioned trying #2 from this list and all of my desynced flashes export right, now that my computer isn't old and shitty

Thanks for that. Oddly enough, it was #2 that I did which fixed it. It still lags if I put too many sound files in a short period of time though - I'm just going to get around that by making it look crappier. Other than that, it does have some tips I found useful - and it reminded me where the onion skinning button was.

My part is basically done. I just need to get some music to go along with the crappiest fight scene ever animated by somebody over 12 years old.
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1978683hmmm it plays normally on me.

(if there's a lag, its a small lag to me)

if your changes worked with the audio settings, then you are very lucky!
good part, BTW.

That's odd. I hope my different settings won't mess up when we get all these put together or else only some of us will be able to watch it.

Also, does anybody know where I can get sword fighting sounds so that I don't have to record myself smashing forks together?
Quote from: Silly Putty Clock;1978680Yeah, it's definitely something in the flash. It's lagging on my end. The files shouldn't be very large, though. The only sound I hear is Speakonia voices.
Anyway, it's good to hear that you're having luck with the settings.

It is only speakonia voices - which is why it confuses me.

I think it's the sound files being too big. If I change the audio stream setting it seems to be fine.
My part is lagging heavily for some reason. I don't know what's causing it.
By the way, Can somebody explain rule 1 in greater detail? The way I'm interpreting it is that I have to have my entire movie as 1 frame and everything is contained inside a "movie clip" type of symbol. Am I wrong?
Quote from: Silly Putty Clock;1978640I'm on it.

Thanks! I've got it. Now to think up an idea.
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1978558why do we hate leek clock, again?
i dont see any reason for that.

actually, that is an awesome 11 yr old dream. no, really.
if you will not make a game out of this, i am willing to animate it.
(but after the holiday collabs are over, and after i do 1 flash needed for a private project).

its a romantic, maybe corny, but cool dream-story, with some action, betrayal, and drama.
i like it alot.

i once had a dream where i was a clock and i was running around, throwing away cardboard boxes.
so your cc dream is infinitely better than mine.

(PS: BTW, your bb10-game would be a platformer, or a sword-fighting game, like streetfighter (but with swords!).
i will make a fighting game, if i find a good coder.)

Sure! Go ahead. I don't own any sort of copyright over my dream. I'd be pretty proud if a dream of mine got animated - especially if it's by somebody else. A slightly more detailed (and much more immature) version is in my old NG news posts. It also includes a picture I drew of rosianaclock so if you want then I can link you to it.

I don't know why but I find your dream really funny.

Also, a platformer or fighting game is way outside of my skill level right now. I have an idea for a BB10clock 2d platforming hack and slash style game that I'm thinking of making using unity. Unfortunately I have no idea how to use unity right now and may not know how to until next year so that will have to wait for now. There is a game jam next week though so I may just pop in and watch people making games so that I can get a general idea of how to use these things.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Happy Birthday Renegade Clock!
November 15, 2014, 07:03:51 AM
Happy birthday!
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1978531hmm. ok, will your gameboy game have any clocks in it, tho?
and what was your other dream about? (the other one that you wanted to animate, but abandoned it... -PM me if its too secret-)

I was considering making you (BB10clock) the main character (because swords) but I haven't learned how to add sprites yet. This means that I have to code literally every pixel. It's not good to do art that way. Not to mention that I have to pixel by pixel health bars too.

Also, you've already read up the dream that I had believe it or not. It was about a female clock - named somthing like rosianaclock. I saw her being attacked by a monster so I went to help her but it turned out that she was an anticlock (with a hatred towards rupeeclock despite having similar avatars) so she left me to die when I went to fight the monster. She then joined the lock legion and I respawned. I got right on to sending her a threatening PM but the PC was laggy and it didn't send before I woke up.

God that ending reeks of 11 year old. It really shows my age when I had it. It's still in my news posts if you want to read the story as written by me when I was 11. I seem to have remembered a very romanticised version where I hacked into the newgrounds servers to stop her uploading a wave of hatred but that was proved wrong when I read my accounts of what actually happened.
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1978498well, for you, i can do it for free!
that's an interesting dream, smeg.
can you do such a game? or even a small animation of the dream?
i like the story.

I won't be making it in flash unfortunately. I'm terrible with actionscript. I'm making something similar for the gamebody advance (for my university coursework) but I'm modifying it so much that it's hardly similar except for the idea. I'm not going to animate it either because, last time I tried to animate a dream, it took a horribly long time and I had to abandon it halfway through.
I just had an odd dream involving the clock crew. Robclock was in Scotland for some reason so we both went to the same library to work on our pass the flash (I don't think it was a real one) projects. I eventually finished mine and Robclock's entry was right after mine so I got to see it before everybody else did. It turned out that he'd made an RPG. It was quite simple (It was basically click the buttons to level up the skills) but it was actually quite fun. It was still an RPG though and I was confused about how this was going to fit into the pass the flash format. I think Miraclefruitclock was up next and he had also made a game.

I was going to use the idea to create a GBA game for university coursework but one of the requirements was "must include animation" which it didn't really have much of so I'm not sure anymore.
Quote from: MelloYelloClock;1978454alright so, i obv need to do some polishing before the collab is done, but here is my end result for the first part. hope you all enjoy, hopefully its not something hard to follow.

view here : Christmas Collab Part 1

yer up Patriot.

I can't stop watching it! It's brilliant! It gets me all hyped up every time I watch it. I'm excited about how it's going to turn out. I just hope that I don't get my part early because I go back home this weekend and I don't want to be working during my brief holiday.
General Discussion / VOTE FOR THE CLOCK CREW
November 08, 2014, 08:17:38 PM
Congratulations to everybody who got a flash on to the rankings! As I said, last month was a great month for the clock crew (and newgrounds as a whole) in terms of output. Hopefully we can do the same thing this month and produce something a bit higher up the rankings.

We seem to have an extremely low amount of views compared to the other top 5 movies though. I guess it's somewhat of an achievement to get that far up with such a low amount of views.
Quote from: RubberDildo;1978360DONE.

I finished a hell of a lot sooner than I thought.

Damn, that was really good.

I need to stop spoiling myself here but it's too interesting to see if you guys can get back on track after de-railing yourselves off a mountain. RubberDildo has done a really good attempt at that.