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Messages - Pube Ron Paul

General Discussion / Halloween Event?
October 09, 2011, 06:45:21 AM
Quote from: AnkhClock;1865369I'd be up for a Ron Paul event

Quote from: FloundermanClock;1865356ron paul event

I support these posts.

-Ron Paul 2012
Mrs. McGruder's House / Petition to deadmin Slurpee
September 29, 2011, 11:44:15 PM
Quote from: Pube Glenn Beck;1860961I for one am uncomfortable with having someone of his bedroom persuasion in a place of power. What if he legalizes clock-lock marriage? What if he starts making us wear assless chaps on mondays like al gore did when he was vice president? These are all serious things to consider.

What if you're an obnoxious bigot? What if your talk show sucks? These are all serious things to consider.

-Ron Paul 2012
John Locke's Jungle Gym / Does God exist?
September 20, 2011, 03:33:50 PM
Quote from: RibsClock;1856456God, as referred to in the words of Jesus Christ, I believe to be synonymous with several the same God of several other religions including, but not limited to, Judaism Zoroastrianism Hinduism (I'll explain this one in a bit) Islam (Qur'anic dispensation) and the Babi and Baha'i faiths.

While other deific concepts exist, in my experience they tend to be perversions or extrapolations on a single original Being or inventions based on individual imagined personifications of various paradigms and superstitions. The latter, for instance, would include the Japanese kami or the various Greek deities and demigods, ancestor and idol worship and the like. The former would include things like Levant Judaism, present day Hinduism, or the Pagan Arab religion in the time immediately preceding Islam, where aspects of these respective cultures' understandings of God (Elohim, Brahman, Allah) have been expanded to be themselves considered separate deities, or where God has been simply added to a tribal pantheon or humanized with more personified features such as offspring or partners.

Even in many of those former instances I mention, I find myself often suspecting monotheistic roots that have been extrapolated on so severely that they're unrecognizable. I find things that hint at this in the writings of Plato sometimes, for instance, and from Siddharta Gautama (though I find it very hard to tell what's genuine and what's the muddy waters of the ages...welcome to the problem with most religious scripture.) For the purpose of total honesty, however, I do not know how much of that is me reading too much into perceived subtleties out of the belief that humanity has always had some form of Divine guidance from the same single Source.

I'll try and keep this relatively concise but I warn you I can't do justice to years of investigation on the matter in a single post, I hope I can at least convey a general idea.

The short answer is "Yes, in the Revelations and conduct of the Manifestations of God, in their Prophecy, and in the effects of their Revelations on the human character and in the evolution of society as we know it, as well as in Creation itself."

I am fully aware that statement is insufficient to communicate how one reaches this conclusion through these things, nor would I expect anyone to believe in God simply based on that statement.

One of the keys to each Revelation is to consider it itself, and not the current standards amongst fellow human beings, to be the standard by which its own validity is judged. One would judge the Torah by the standard of the Torah, or the Qur'an by the Qur'an, etc. The claims which each make should be weighed against what it itself says.

Likewise, the conduct of the Manifestations must not be considered merely in the light of present standards, but in direct relation to the claim of their position, the nature of their revelation and, not least of all, the veracity of the account. For instance, one must remember with the Bible that loads of books of accounts were not considered accurate enough for inclusion, and there have been great schismatic battles over which are canonical and which are apocryphal. The same can be said for Hadith, largely in part due to Muhammad's longer life and greater span of sociopolitical prominence during His life, and also due in large part to the succession crisis and subsequent Fitnas and schism of Sunni and Shi'ite.

In terms of Prophecies, I could provide numerous examples but, if desired, I can provide a single one which I consider to be extremely clear and compelling. Doing so in this post would make it rather unreadable, however, so I'll do it in a separate post if there is any interest whatsoever. There are ones that are clearer and ones that are less apparent, largely in part due to the fact that such things often Prophecy more than one thing - the Qur'an, for instance, in accordance to its own teachings, alludes to every single thing in existence specifically, though it may do so in means so implicit or allegorical that it is nearly impossible to fathom (such as through the abjad numeration of individual letters of each word) as it would have to be considering the limited size of the Qur'an and the nigh infinite complexity of the universe. Other revelations, similarly, express things with manifold meaning, some literal, some allegorical.

As far as its effect on human character, one must consider things with due justice. It's easy to draw simplistic conclusions as "Religion -> Ghandi's Peaceful Philosophy -> Good/True" or "Religion -> Spanish Inquisition -> Bad/False". For this one, one has to be familiar enough with the teachings in question in the first place to consider where one is viewing the effects of those teachings being applied or merely the effects of those teachings being invoked. Both relevant parties, for instance, claimed to have based their deeds on the words of Jesus Christ, but the disparity in their conclusion and conduct is clear and apparent. One would have to be somewhat familiar with the actual teachings of Christ in order to determine which more accurately represents application of said teachings.

As far as the above, the concept of progressive revelation also deserves mention. The laws of Leviticus, as is apparent to anyone who has truly read them carefully, would be completely incompatible with humanity today. One must consider as well the time and state of humanity for each revelation.

Finally the last one, Creation itself. One can draw loads of information from every single thing, from the behavior of a single atom, to the vastness of the heavens, to why your dog stares at you when you're taking off your clothes. Me? I dunno I'm not that smart. I think conservation of matter and energy coupled with the fact that anything exists and moves in the first place is a good place to start though, as well as the nature of both biological and structural evolution, and human consciousness. I kind of reached a dead end at the existential nature of fallibility in our perception and memory, particularly from viewing time third-dimensionally (I'm sure I've brought up this subject quite a few times before on the boards). This did help me to understand my lack of a frame of reference for something infinite that transcends the third-dimensional physical reality box we're trapped in, and helped me to understand things like part of the wisdom for God communicating through intermediary Manifestations.


That really ties into what I was saying earlier about God and the Fed. Having federal officials, whether judges, bureaucrats, or congressmen, impose a new definition of marriage on the people is an act of social engineering profoundly hostile to liberty. We've got to oppose this type of change. Keep same sex marriage decisions in the hands of the couples, not the hands of a bloated bureaucracy.

-Ron Paul 2012
Quote from: Kodiakclock;1856457Ron Paul is insane, Butt option has been mentally scanned and evaluated by top doctors to prove he doesn't believe in such crack-pot theories

Now that's just not true, on all accounts.

There's nothing wrong with being a Conservative and coming up with a Conservative belief in foreign policy where we have a strong national defense and we don't go to war so carelessly. There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.

God bless the US of A and make the right decision when it's time to do your duty next year as a citizen-- your duty as an AMERICAN.

-Ron Paul 2012
Mrs. McGruder's House / Blob's New Name?
September 20, 2011, 03:19:05 PM
Quote from: DWARFINATORclock;1856475you left out the option where we vote for you to leave and never come back

You don't have freedom because you are a hyphenated American; you have freedom because you are an individual, and that should be protected.

It's just great to see how well the kids are identifying with my campaign and my messages so far. It just goes to show that your "repu" ain't all about age, it's about how much of the "hips" you can rock.

-Ron Paul 2012
Mrs. McGruder's House / Blob's New Name?
September 20, 2011, 03:05:46 PM
When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads. I choose to abstain.

-Ron Paul 2012
Mrs. McGruder's House / Blob: Change your name.
September 20, 2011, 03:00:12 PM
If, as the staff claims, we are a true democracy, then I must promote a laissez-faire type of policy regarding name protection. The original Blob clock did not ever think to protect his name, did he? It's not the place of the government (the staff) to make such decisions. I've always said that all initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals. The late philosopher Ayn Rand would surely agree with me in that the new Blob simply capitalized on the chance to assume a name which appeared to be brand new, or only slightly used.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.

-Ron Paul 2012
John Locke's Jungle Gym / Barack Obama
September 20, 2011, 02:31:46 PM
First I'd just like to say God bless America and God bless the President of the United States.

Second I'd like to say that the moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people.

-Ron Paul 2012
Unlike certain candidates, which I won't mention by name, ^ ^^^

I've already taken a very modest position on the monetary system, I do take the position that we should just end the Fed.

-Ron Paul 2012
All this talk about hats reminds me of my own childhood, growing up directly exiting the great depression, I learned a lot about economics, financial cause and effect, and how to put a country back on the track to financial gain and national debt reduction. Yes, I'm that old.

I also was given a neat hat just like this by my late father.

-Ron Paul 2012
Quote from: PubeHuffington;1856379You're a bit leftist for my taste, dear.

How about a prime sample of American Pride from old Uncle Paul? I may have a few years behind me but just like my political views, I shoot straight up the center.

-Ron Paul 2012
Quote from: Sombra;1856366Communists and Illuminati sympathizers in the white house.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. The freemasons built the Washington monument but it is now owned roughly 80% by the Chinese government. The Statue of Liberty? Once a gift from France, it's now in the process of being smelted down for raw materials after the North Korean government acquired the statue through a massive counterfit money laundering operation just being uncovered now, far too late to do us good.

-Ron Paul 2012
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces. How is that relavent to the thread, you ask? Well, right now we're just sitting here dwelling on a bunch of negativity.

There are far better ways. Complaining and focusing on what bothers you, I would think, would only make you feel worse. Why focus on what's terrible and irritating? We've got to pull ourself from this state of self pity and focus on the things that matter! Erosion of the constitution. Communist leaning tendencies in the white house. A unwinnable unfundable war on foreign soil!

-Ron Paul 2012
John Locke's Jungle Gym / Does God exist?
September 20, 2011, 01:44:24 PM
We shouldn't be wasting time pondering lofty questions like the existence of god, we should look at what we've got on our plate right now which is a foreign war we can't afford and a domestic war against drugs that was doomed from its conception!

-Ron Paul 2012