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Messages - Aleister Fawkes

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on January 25, 2022, 12:55:19 AM
of course I wasn't using it it's meant to sit there and enhance the ambiance. brings the whole fucking room together. it's like every time I visit my parents, I've lost more communist biomemorabilia. it's not like I can afford a refrigerated storage unit and they'll just steal the heads anyways.

I think what she meant was that you weren't staring lovingly into its eyes enough, or using it as a sock puppet enough. As with all art, some of it brings the most curious utility.
Quote from: VCRClock on January 22, 2022, 12:07:53 AM
Greatest of people's Soviet enginhyurings for make of distant talking to hometown sweetheart assigned to Siberian bear fighting station.

Have also nicer one for diplomats.

Don't you just love that industrial feel on it? When that thing rings, you KNOW someone has some cocaine to give you! lol.

Quote from: VCRClock on January 22, 2022, 12:11:30 AM

Have seat. Relax a while.

I mean, you'd probably see that style for toilets in future Mars colonies, in all honesty. It just looks so futuristic!
General Discussion / "Vintage" Russian (Soviet) Items?
January 21, 2022, 06:29:49 PM
How does everyone feel about Soviet-era Russian objects?

I love them. Russian guitars are so cool, appearance-wise. People say that they are not well-made in terms of the sounds they produce, but I have never played one. They just inspire me- in a similar way, I will note, to how the clock crew inspires me- in the seemingly implied sense that "we struggle(d) for money and happiness yet we still produced material with a high enough quality to make entertainment that was/is inspirational nationally, if not- now- worldwide.

I found an orange clock (PLEASE don't ask me what I was trying to find on Google) on Etsy recently that looks really cool that is from the Soviet era. Trigger warning on the listing's title; it is 2010's eBay-esque, but: and, I mean, look at this thing! Sure, Americans did this style from the 20's to the 60's, but everyone was obsessed with the color green. THIS THING IS ORANGE! ORANGE!!

Not to mention that ushankas cannot be beaten, regarding headgear. (Why is headgear in the spellcheck dictionary but not hatwear...?) Is it too hot outside to look intelligent while wearing one with the flaps down? Solution: flaps up! Congratulations, you now look like a mushroom, albeit a very stylish one. Cold weather abound? Flaps around! (Your head, that is.) And they're fuzzy and they have a very large area in the front where you can show off your Pokemon league badge(s)/pin(s). And if we extend further out into just... generally... umm... Eastern Europe, the cossack hat is both unique and relatively warm. The taller variety doubles as a mask without eye or noseholes! (Why does "variety" accept singular verbs, whereas "varieties" exists and is commonly used? Ugh. Pardon my verbose linguistic digressions...)

Oh, and have you ever seen a mint set of Soviet-era coinage? I do not intend to come off as if I am bragging, but this came to mind because I received a set recently as a gift. This one dude invented, like, over 75% of the coins used and they still all look unique and pleasing to the eye. (Well, my eye, at least.) What is ironic about believing that is that the primary difference is the numbers displayed on them, as the backs all have the same little world-encircled-by-entwined-wheat-grains look.

Their architecture from this time period- as well as any time period, although not generally considered an item in the sense that I am trying to invoke, is strikingly beautiful, too.

So what are your favorite Soviet-era, Russian objects and items?
Gaming & Technology / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy?
January 21, 2022, 06:05:10 PM
Quote from: PannacottaClock on January 21, 2022, 02:38:42 PM
You know what Origami King is worth playing too but not for the traditional RPG experience

It looks good, but there are two types of people: Those who love the Nintendo Switch (I think the original joke was with the Wii, but I didn't exist long enough in the 90's for this to be accurate. lol.) and those who stopped praising their new releases and p[nope!]d every NES game in existence instead. (The redacted word is pooped.) Yes, if I didn't have -$30.00 to my name and maybe a job, I would be buying the new stuff, too; there has never been a bad Legend of Zelda game, there has never been a bad Mario game, and hell, every Metroid game is solid, too, aside from the Gameboy version(s?) lacking the luster of a better internal processor..

However, as this is a post specifically about Final Fantasy, I will add this: the Japanese are masters at making video games. (Some part of me feels like I either already said this) Americans are worthy opponents on the field of violence. I mean.. Counter-strike? Do you ever hear anybody talk about the racism inherent to the game's mechanics? No. Everybody loves it. DOOM? Nobody talks about the psychological damage we inflict upon ourselves to play this. Call of Duty? Battlefield? It doesn't matter how many gods you kill in Final Fantasy; the violence in these games is equal, if not unmatched. Regardless, in the realm of RPGs, aside from maybe Chrono Trigger or that other game on the SNES about a magic sword that talks to you or whatever, Final Fantasy is the victor every time.

What do you guys want to see in future games, though? Of course, barring the inevitably present chronological struggle of humanity to coral the power of either technology or magic.
Gaming & Technology / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy?
January 21, 2022, 10:52:16 AM
Quote from: PhantomCatClock on January 21, 2022, 04:11:39 AM
Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on March 13, 2019, 07:15:54 AM
I only ever beat 1 2 and 4 (and smrpg best rpg EVER)

I love SMRPG and kind of avoid final fantasies because it feels like they would go on for eons, but are 1/2/4 comparable lengths? I could handle that

They are of comparable lengths. The Paper Mario series, in my opinion, is just as good- RPG-wise- as SMRPG. The only downside is not being able to play it because you can't control Goombella without three hands.
Gaming & Technology / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy?
January 20, 2022, 02:34:49 PM
Quote from: NintendrCkolc on March 06, 2019, 10:34:25 PM
They're all garbage.

Same tbh.

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on December 14, 2020, 06:00:03 PM
I sometimes forget how pretty FFX was

This clock speaks the truth. Or tpyes it.

Quote from: DiscoBallClock on November 11, 2020, 07:16:54 AM
I'll take the opportunity given to me by this megabump

It's 9. 9's the best one, hands down. Although 10 and 6 come right after

9 Looks SO pretty, but I want to play them in order, if I can. Also, it is not a megabump. I just keep forgetting my password.

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on March 20, 2019, 03:13:38 AM
damn I got confused and was talking about last remnant nevermind lol. I confuse those two games all the time.

The Last Remnant is amazing, from what I have played of it. I really really really really really need to finish it, for real.


I ran away from home recently after my mom said that I couldn't vape (nicotine) in her car on the short drive to the gas station to get beer- after which, I took her wallet from her purse and hurled that bitch (wallet, not mom.) as far as my weak little arms could throw it into the yard. The latter portion- and her threatening to call the cops on me with her phone out- were (was) why I decided to take a fucking hike. ANYWAYS, I brought my phone with me and I found a nice bench at a church that was a few miles from my house and I sat there playing Final Fantasy 1, at night. Apparently, she told my father that I took her wallet with me and he kept sending me texts saying that if I spent anything on her cards or took any of her money that they would be taking me to jail. I eventually walked home and, out of the goodness of my heart, found her wallet for her, and the proceeded to throw it at her 2nd story window repeatedly to get her to open the door for me. (Phone was dead. Talk about a useful item!) The bug screen fell off. Doesn't really matter much since they don't open their windows.

The moral of the story is: I still can't finish FF1. :capper:
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: have you ever sent a fax
April 06, 2020, 11:54:21 PM
Can you sex with a fax machine?
I have not had it in so long. I crave it. I crave that royal chocolate. I crave it so. Happy Birthday, Mr. Valentine.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: Josh Bedn is gay.
March 13, 2020, 11:51:08 PM
Josh Bedn is gay. LSDClock keeps the street kids straight. No one gets banned. No one gets hurt. Everybody tries to skateboard once in their life.
It is very useful for tracing bitmaps, even up to what I consider medium quality images.

But no, other than the equations for evading my cripping anxiety, I am not using any maths for this art. It is just stored that way in the file, which I think is very cool.

By the way, here is some more. I call it Tomato Soup.
General Discussion / Re: Alright...
March 13, 2020, 11:42:28 PM
What's SMF?
General Discussion / Re: Alright...
February 27, 2020, 03:40:16 PM
Quote from: RobClock on February 27, 2020, 05:22:03 AM
If you're the programming saviour with free time to spare we've been waiting for, VCR is the man to message
I- I'm still learning C I swear. Terry and I have just been down a rough path recently.
Pokemon Stadium / Re: Making Hot Garbage With Inkscape
February 27, 2020, 03:36:30 PM
Some fresh garbage. I am contemplating making something similar on canvas right now with lime green for the blue but I don't know if I want a solid shape in the middle. It is so hard to imitate real brush strokes in Inkscape. This is as close as I've been able to get so far in three years of using the program. I also have the language set to Japanese because I am learning it. That may be holding my art back just a tiny bit.. lol.
Pokemon Stadium / Re: Making Hot Garbage With Inkscape
February 23, 2020, 08:08:08 PM
Happy Birthday, PhantomCat. :(
It was originally One Step Two Step but I now call this one Happy Birthday PhantomCatClock. I believe what we call our art can also affect the perspective that is used or taken upon looking at it. All of these are self portraits btw. I also added a gray background so I'm hoping that it helps a little bit.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: Officlail Valentien Thraresd
February 23, 2020, 01:02:08 PM
godiva is trash. ghirawrdelli is where it is at.
Pokemon Stadium / Making Hot Garbage With Inkscape
February 23, 2020, 12:55:09 PM
Hello. I have lots of ideas to share with you all in what I consider to be my collection of art. Most of them are me moving scribbles and circles around on a page in Inkscape until I find them pleasing to my eyes. I call this first one "Haha Very Funny". I am also curious if any of you fine folk are using Inkscape for your work. A lot of artists I enjoy looking at do not deal with vector images but use programs that have digitized brush strokes to imitate the real lifes. But let me tell you something: there is nothing more REAL. LIFES. than a mathematical equation.

Let me know if you want to see more. Also share some attempts at making vector art or vectors used in art below.

Gaming & Technology / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy?
February 27, 2019, 12:05:45 PM
15 is garbage from what I read online. I'll have to look into that dialogue though. I've seen translator oopsies in several animus and games, but never scripting being ultra abysmal from the source itself.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: shit
February 27, 2019, 11:46:29 AM
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: This One Time
February 22, 2019, 03:58:18 AM
Plus the CIA was watching me the whole time so now I get emails in my spam folder talkin about "Check out THESE jugs!!!" and all that. Really gets me just the slightest bit irate.
Mrs. McGruder's House / Re: This One Time
February 22, 2019, 03:56:55 AM
Yeah it really sucked having to redownload everything, not to mention getting my ween stuck in the bottle was a pain. Word to the dumb: don't use the thin gatorade bottles. That opening is way too small..