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Messages - TurdClock

Still being a fucking Turd. Some things never change.
General Discussion / New TurdClock Movie!
May 16, 2009, 01:03:15 AM
Quote from: Best Basketball Game EVER;1579760Indeed, it could also be looked at on a much more personal level. Turdclock is the cartoonist's Gregor Samsa, inserting himself into a ghastly physical form in order to express his self loathing to the world. Indeed Turdclock is a masochist, a living peice of shit who punishes himself by staying with the person who made him feel that way in the first place. If this is the case then the cartoonist is using the story as a means of venting his homoerotic fixation on his abusive father.

spot on_praiz_
Necrapolis / fag
June 30, 2008, 04:28:38 AM
i ain't one
Comedy Goldmine / Real-Life Pube Muppet
August 10, 2006, 02:51:45 PM
That is beyond brilliant.
ItÃ,´s a little distorted but you can clearly see my real face.

Comedy Goldmine / Post a Pic of yourself
September 08, 2005, 02:29:59 PM
Me 2 weeks ago: