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Messages - CaramelAppleClock

General Discussion / Re: hey
August 18, 2015, 07:33:05 AM
Hey Coal, glad to hear from you again
General Discussion / Re: .CC IS CLOSED FROM POSTING
August 16, 2015, 03:21:30 PM
Quote from: PatriotClock on August 16, 2015, 12:30:36 PM
Quote from: CaramelAppleClock on August 16, 2015, 07:30:11 AM
Quote from: PolyhedronClock on August 15, 2015, 03:08:16 PM
but it redirects though

Only the homepage, I had a bookmark taking me straight to the General Board that would 404 me instead.

your weak bookmark game isn't our prob tho

It's even weaker now with the new site not even having a favicon :'(
I totally forgot to make this yesterday night but whatever.
General Discussion / Re: .CC IS CLOSED FROM POSTING
August 16, 2015, 07:30:11 AM
Quote from: PolyhedronClock on August 15, 2015, 03:08:16 PM
but it redirects though

Only the homepage, I had a bookmark taking me straight to the General Board that would 404 me instead.
General Discussion / Re: .CC IS CLOSED FROM POSTING
August 15, 2015, 03:05:08 PM
Because people like me that don't visit that often. If I didn't see the .net moving thread the other day I would have assumed CC finally died out.
General Discussion / Re: .CC IS CLOSED FROM POSTING
August 15, 2015, 02:06:11 PM
You could've still let .cc be at least for Clock Day.
It's almost been 1 year since I got my Bachelor's in Advertising. I'd like to get my Master's as well but I wasn't satisfied with what I learned in university (mostly marketing stuff, I was interested in it for the artistic part); I want to get into video editing and digital arts kind of things but there is no such program in my country so I guess I have to actually save up so I can afford a Master's abroad.

However, in order for me to do that I need to get a job that actually pays well in another city, and salaries like that are kind of scarce. I want to become financially independent but it's a struggle. I am also kind of fucked in the head in the sense that I'd only get a job working something I enjoy. I got an internship offer in the music producing business which has my interest and I could go from there, but the vast majority of internships here are unpaid so how the hell am I supposed to move cities and work with no pay.

For a couple of years I've been working online as a video editing freelancer, but there isn't a constant work flow since I don't always get projects to work on. I have currently saved up about $1000, looking to get to around $3500 and see what I can do with that, possibly move abroad to work there.

In the meantime I just waste my days at home with my parents, playing a lot of DotA 2 and getting involved as much as I can in the local esports scene in hopes of landing a job in that direction.
Ask him if he's ice cold
General Discussion / leekclock
March 18, 2015, 08:48:53 AM
Quote from: FloundermanClock;1981524//

I'm getting a 404, bb10 must've started covering his tracks :sherlock:
What do you mean, we are in fact running on the new server as we speak.
General Discussion / leekclock
March 16, 2015, 09:27:14 PM
I feel you Spud, I am also having a hard time thinking of an actual colored tattoo I would get on myself.
Time to lawyer up, boys.
Btw I'd probably also buy some CC magnets.

On a related note, are there still CC T-shirts sold online? I could a use a new T-shirt or two and I find real-life shopping very tedious.
I might get in on this
I can post now! It's a Christmas miracle!
Necrapolis / Permaban BB10
December 10, 2014, 08:16:53 AM
How about we ?scramble? him? That used to be fun.
I do have some event listeners for buttons that toggle those movie clips' visibility on and off. However, the whole timeline is only 2 frames long.

Btw what does ._visible offer in favor of .visible?
Hey Durian what decompiler did you use/ is good nowadays?
I remember using Sothink's one, I had a really good version that would also work for getting actionscript, but when I needed a reinstall I couldn't find it anymore.
General Discussion / Chat
December 09, 2014, 05:55:20 PM
Quote from: MarshmallowClock;1979423what the shit you jerk

[10:16:56] CaramelAppleClock joined the channel.
[10:17:18] CaramelAppleClock has quit (Client exited).

im idling in this chat all god damn day the last 2 days and the only person that comes in just leaves immediately

grow some manners, gosh

Hey if it makes you feel any better, I'm not getting AIM either.