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Messages - LimeClock

Reception Desk / Re: i have returned!
March 27, 2020, 09:03:08 PM
Quote from: PhantomCatClock on February 15, 2020, 04:57:20 PM
get me a list of the medals that can still be looked up—collabs that haven't been removed, writing contests that are still tucked away deeply in the forums—and images if possible, or just a Web Archive™ page where I can see someones medals that has a bunch, because i have no life

re: could never fathom anyone, including myself, undertaking the effort to redistribute them.

The only two I really recall are the pooping thing and the clockday 06 one, I know I had like a dozen others for writing contests and stuff, hell I still have all the submissions in my hotmail but I have no idea what it was called haha.  I thiiink it was halloween themed. :D
Reception Desk / Re: i have returned!
March 27, 2020, 09:01:31 PM
Quote from: pop-tart on February 13, 2020, 08:44:16 PM
Do you still have access to your NG account?

We're doing this thing called the Flash Flood. We've dumped over 70 movies into the Portal in the last two weeks. You should make stuff. 

Also, hi.

Hmm I should check that, let's see...yes I do, but I don't have flash anymore lol
Reception Desk / Re: i have returned!
February 13, 2020, 08:28:00 PM
Woah I remember that, I do feel better. I was dealing with the flu and pulling my back skiing, it was a painful few days fooor sure.

Wish I had my awards back, like clockday 06, the pooping collab participating one, etc (Hard to remember all the way back to the mid 00s)

I found my way back because I got invited to the new discord then found the old one, then discovered the forums were back up again.

Reception Desk / i have returned!
February 12, 2020, 09:28:01 PM
Howdy yall,

LimeClock here, I had no idea the forum was back up and running!  Reading through posts I wrote  almost 15 years ago is crazy to contemplate. 

Mild intro for those who don't know, I live near Chicago.  I speak German and love political debates to some extent. I also sometimes troll a bit...

Not sure what else to say, how are you all doing?
Reception Desk / What IS love? Baby, Don't hurt me.
February 02, 2011, 07:48:19 PM
Shanks shanks errbody.

Currently down with the flu.   (but I got prescribed some nice codine sizzzurp.)


Edit:  Oh yea, I still wear my Clock Day shirt from 2005, despite it being small as fuck now.
Reception Desk / What IS love? Baby, Don't hurt me.
February 02, 2011, 01:24:21 PM
ehhhhh.  I can't change my location, shits fucked up. Maybe ill just keep it where I had it last time I changed Switzerland :D

I should redownload flash.  and write an interesting  TIEM article. yeaaaaa.
Reception Desk / What IS love? Baby, Don't hurt me.
February 02, 2011, 01:18:54 PM
Hey CC, what's good?

Limey here, thought I'd see how the crew is doing. Happy to see nobody deleted my account, despite it's inactivity hah

personal update: No new flash ;/ nor has my artwork improved. Oy vay.   I live in Colorado now, which is awesome.

Necrapolis / Ready for the coming NWO?
March 06, 2009, 09:03:06 AM
Slurpee calls me crazy.

Look into this stuff, look into things like the thousands of planned and already built consentration camps.   At those camps, millions of large multi-person plastic coffins.

Bush put into law a thing where the president can call the entire country into Martial Law, removing OUR RIGHTS...whenever "the need" is present.

Proof is everywhere, just look for it.
Necrapolis / Ready for the coming NWO?
March 06, 2009, 12:10:19 AM

are we ready for the new world order?  

The coming north american union, and the currency that comes with it? (AMERO)

Ready for more and more censorship? RF-ID chips?

FEMA camps?

What does the clock crew think about the pre-made economic crisis? A Crisis that is not only bushes fault, but also Obama.  Its the same shit.

Necrapolis / Internet Addiction
July 27, 2008, 08:47:46 PM
Im a WoW addict.  :(

when I cant play ill start getting violent. Yeah. ///wristss
Necrapolis / Global Warming = The Green Scare
July 27, 2008, 08:44:13 PM
Global warming is a hoax made to make people vote democrat. lawl.

Al Gores facts are flawed, he says there have been no fluxuations, and in his charts it shows that...however the medieval warming period was rubbed out? Curious.
Hellz yeah.
when does a new page come up anyways?