like 15 years ago
it was alright, persisted in limbo for a decade until invisionfree collapsed
forums are basically dead though, a casualty of the mass-homogenization of the internet and collectivization into mass social media giants instead of more splintered special interests communities, basically what VCR was saying
it's really hard to get people back on that path because nobody really wants to manage 20 different accounts for their mario spinoff fetishes
discord serves much of the same purpose but more hidden to conceal the vast amounts of shitty furry anime porn which 100% of the time only serve to drive away the less degenerate members of a community and only leave the diaper rape fags or w/e
i also fucking hate the new culture of PLZ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE & SUPPORT MY PATREON TO GET ACCESS TO MY SEKRIT PORNO DISCORD, GOYIM which is prevalent almost everywhere you go
like 15 years ago
it was alright, persisted in limbo for a decade until invisionfree collapsed
forums are basically dead though, a casualty of the mass-homogenization of the internet and collectivization into mass social media giants instead of more splintered special interests communities, basically what VCR was saying
it's really hard to get people back on that path because nobody really wants to manage 20 different accounts for their mario spinoff fetishes
discord serves much of the same purpose but more hidden to conceal the vast amounts of shitty furry anime porn which 100% of the time only serve to drive away the less degenerate members of a community and only leave the diaper rape fags or w/e
i also fucking hate the new culture of PLZ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE & SUPPORT MY PATREON TO GET ACCESS TO MY SEKRIT PORNO DISCORD, GOYIM which is prevalent almost everywhere you go