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Messages - Alpha

Reading and Writing / Bond Of Clocks: FIXED SKETCH
August 13, 2010, 02:39:24 PM
11 Clocks, Orange, Strawberry, Leaf, Pineapple, Apple, Bananna, Carrot,Zipstyke, Dew, Raspberry,
and Grape are soldiers who enlist for the Lock Vs Clock war. IT is World War III. The allies are
Clock Crew, Barney Bunch, Block Band, Star Syndicate and the axis are Lock Legion, Glock
Group, Dock Division, Plastic People, and the Uzi Union & kitty Krew. The Eleven soldiers all enlist
onto the Clock Crew for that is where they were born. It was the year 2000.
They all learn about the Nuclear Technology and the ingrediants to it. They all pass training
and when they are ready to go for war Bannana escapes in a plane admitting he was a Lock
and brings the Nuclear Ingredient with him.
When there plane is ready to drop the now 10 troops the plane is hit by a shell and Grape: The
squad's leader is killed and Zipstyke's hand is burnt black. Everyone jumps and the remaining
nine soldiers all survive it. But they are seperated in 3 groups of 3. Apple, Raspberry and Carrot,
also Leaf, Pineapple and Orange and lastly Strawberry, Carrot and Dew. Strawberry is put in
charge since he was originally second in command. Eventually they all meet up but Zipstyke
has been shot in the foot by a Lock Legion member. They take as many Locks as they can
with them but it gets to crowded and they go to take 1 of 2 of Lockepedia's military towns.
They take the first one succesfuly and to take the second they must cross a tank guarded bridge.
Dew, being the oldest climbs in one of 3 tanks and shoots the driver and shoots a second driver.
The other 8 watching from behind a hill realise Dew has no way of getting that final driver.
Dew has no choice but to light his TNT and dive into the tank killing him and the tank.
He does exactly this. They cross the bridge but 3 more tanks come. Pineapple lights his and
Orange's TNT to blow up the bridge behind them. There are to many Locks guarding the final

town so the Clocks climb to the top of a skyscraper and snipe them out. Strawberry, Orange
Zipstyke and Raspberry are the only ones with Sniping experience. Zipstyke is to injured
and Raspberry is afraid of heights. Orange and Strawberry need help as being outnumbered.
Raspberry overcomes his fear and snipes out all the locks but one last one snipes him over the
edge of the apartment building. They start taking the town with bad luck as hundreds of locks
are closing on the 7 remaining Clocks. They must dash through the field. Strawberry
leads his men through the field as machine guns and tanks are firing at them and Zipstyke
is shot a fourth time in the knee and falls. Also Leaf is hit in the head and the Crew knows

he's dead for sure. Carrot even checks and that statement proves true.
The supposedly remaining 5 soldiers make it through and bomb the artillery bases successfuly.
As their about to head on to the final mission, sneak by lock tanks and cut off lock Legion
supplies when Zipstyke emerges from an old creek with a burnt hand, bullet in his knee,
bullet is his chest, and one in his arm.
Two tanks block there path and the 6 clocks cannot pass them. They need a distraction.
Zipstyke, ready to die after four injuries, begs to go to heaven. He runs in front of the tanks
and runs away leading the tanks away the crew cries for they may never see him again.

They find there former allie previous enemy Bannana's body. It was hit by his own mine.
They are half happy half sad for he may have been a spy but he had been there friend.
The crew sneak past a final tank and fight four 5 men lines of locks.
Also a tank is with these lines. The clocks kill the first two lines successfuly. But 5 clocks
is not enough to do the job. The 10 locks all fire at Apple who is reloading his gun.
He's shot in the shoulder while the other 4 are killing them.They have a quick flash
back of all that has happened to them so far.
The remaining 5 locks are firing and one snipes out Apple.Strawberry can't stand

the memories of his other men that have died in this journey and yells at the tank
to shoot him and the tank blows him in two. Orange takes out the remaining 5
while Carrot distracts the tank and pineapple hops on and throws a grenade in.
They had won the war and were ready to go home. They lived on to be Veterans
and the three won the Medal of Honour and several other awards.
Grape-Killed by shell
Dew-Killed by TNT
Raspberry-Sniped By Sniper
Leaf-Killed By Machine Gun
Bannana-Killed By Mine
Zipstyke-Killed By Unknown
Apple-Killed By Rifle
Strawberry-Killed By Tank
Orange-Died July 15, 2040 Age: 60
Pineapple-Died January 2, 2037 Age: 57
Carrot-Died December 21, 2071 Age: 91
Reading and Writing / Bond Of Clocks: Rough Sketch
August 13, 2010, 02:38:33 PM
11 Clocks, Orange, Strawberry, Leaf, Pineapple, Apple, Bananna, Carrot,Zipstyke, Dew, Raspberry,
and Grape are soldiers who enlist for the Lock Vs Clock war. IT is World War III. The allies are
Clock Crew, Barney Bunch, Block Band, Star Syndicate and the axis are Lock Legion, Glock
Group, Dock Division, Plastic People, and the Uzi Union & kitty Krew. The Eleven soldiers all enlist
onto the Clock Crew for that is where they were born. It was the year 2000.
They all learn about the Nuclear Technology and the ingrediants to it. They all pass training
and when they are ready to go for war Bannana escapes in a plane admitting he was a Lock
and brings the Nuclear Ingredient with him.
When there plane is ready to drop the now 10 troops the plane is hit by a shell and Grape: The
squad's leader is killed and Zipstyke's hand is burnt black. Everyone jumps and the remaining
nine soldiers all survive it. But they are seperated in 3 groups of 3. Apple, Raspberry and Carrot,
also Leaf, Pineapple and Orange and lastly Strawberry, Carrot and Dew. Strawberry is put in
charge since he was originally second in command. Eventually they all meet up but Zipstyke
has been shot in the foot by a Lock Legion member. They take as many Locks as they can
with them but it gets to crowded and they go to take 1 of 2 of Lockepedia's military towns.
They take the first one succesfuly and to take the second they must cross a tank guarded bridge.
Dew, being the oldest climbs in one of 3 tanks and shoots the driver and shoots a second driver.
The other 8 watching from behind a hill realise Dew has no way of getting that final driver.
Dew has no choice but to light his TNT and dive into the tank killing him and the tank.
He does exactly this. They cross the bridge but 3 more tanks come. Pineapple lights his and
Orange's TNT to blow up the bridge behind them. There are to many Locks guarding the final
town so the Clocks climb to the top of a skyscraper and snipe them out. Strawberry, Orange
Zipstyke and Raspberry are the only ones with Sniping experience. Zipstyke is to injured
and Raspberry is afraid of heights. Orange and Strawberry need help as being outnumbered.
Raspberry overcomes his fear and snipes out all the locks but one last one snipes him over the
edge of the apartment building. They start taking the town with bad luck as hundreds of locks
are closing on the 7 remaining Clocks. They must dash through the field. Strawberry
leads his men through the field as machine guns and tanks are firing at them and Zipstyke
is shot a fourth time in the knee and falls. Also Leaf is hit in the head and the Crew knows
he's dead for sure. Carrot even checks and that statement proves true.
The supposedly remaining 5 soldiers make it through and bomb the artillery bases successfuly.
As their about to head on to the final mission, sneak by lock tanks and cut off lock Legion
supplies when Zipstyke emerges from an old creek with a burnt hand, bullet in his knee,
bullet is his chest, and one in his arm.
Two tanks block there path and the 6 clocks cannot pass them. They need a distraction.
Zipstyke, ready to die after four injuries, begs to go to heaven. He runs in front of the tanks
and runs away leading the tanks away the crew cries for they may never see him again.
They find there former allie previous enemy Bannana's body. It was hit by his own mine.
They are half happy half sad for he may have been a spy but he had been there friend.
The crew sneak past a final tank and fight four 5 men lines of locks.
Also a tank is with these lines. The clocks kill the first two lines successfuly. But 5 clocks
is not enough to do the job. The 10 locks all fire at Apple who is reloading his gun.
He's shot in the shoulder while the other 4 are killing them.They have a quick flash
back of all that has happened to them so far.
The remaining 5 locks are firing and one snipes out Apple.Strawberry can't stand
the memories of his other men that have died in this journey and yells at the tank
to shoot him and the tank blows him in two. Orange takes out the remaining 5
while Carrot distracts the tank and pineapple hops on and throws a grenade in.
They had won the war and were ready to go home. They lived on to be Veterans
and the three won the Medal of Honour and several other awards.
Grape-Killed by shell
Dew-Killed by TNT
Raspberry-Sniped By Sniper
Leaf-Killed By Machine Gun
Bannana-Killed By Mine
Zipstyke-Killed By Unknown
Apple-Killed By Rifle
Strawberry-Killed By Tank
Orange-Died July 15, 2040 Age: 60
Pineapple-Died January 2, 2037 Age: 57
Carrot-Died December 21, 2071 Age: 91
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General Discussion / Great!
August 12, 2010, 10:16:32 AM
Can't wait to see what the new preloader is.
There hasn't been a Clock Day preloader that hasn't dissapointed me yet.
ClockDay 2007's preloader was good but I honestly didn't really enjoy that year.
Flash & Flash Accessories / Am I good enough?
August 06, 2010, 09:51:52 AM
Quote from: PatriotClock;1774624Came here to post these
Yeah thanks for pointing that out guys if you guys didn't show me that I'd be submitting videos as an imposter. How do I change my username?
Also I know you don't have to be that good, but what I mean is it actually funny, because frankly I don't get a laugh out of them.
Flash & Flash Accessories / Am I good enough?
August 03, 2010, 10:45:46 PM
Oh crap wrong one just type in Herblinland it will come up as Herblinland studios
Flash & Flash Accessories / Am I good enough?
August 03, 2010, 10:44:36 PM
Go to and watch the medieval retard series lol I'm not good at all but I was wondering would I be good enough for anything?
I was thinking soon enough I should make a list of all the monthly flash winners and update it every month I thought it was a good idea but I wanted to check with the community first.
Quote from: DiscoBallClock;1749008More votes, more
It's a monster was amazing but I kind of enjoyed Thor Clock a little more.
General Discussion / Mystery of Clocktopia Pt. 1
February 03, 2010, 09:08:32 PM
Quote from: x x z x!!;1725704
vote 5
I saw it and voted 5 it rocked AWESOME flash man, it said views 3 when I clicked it.