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Topics - SoBe Clock

Every PC gamer should add all of their non-steam games to their steam games list. Really, it's pretty handy. At first I didn't think there was a point to it, as I had shortcuts to all the games in a folder on my desktop, but it's really cool. If you do add your non-steam games to your steam games list, and then just use steam to open the games, you can access the steam in-game menu by pressing shift+tab like you can with Steam games. For those of you who don't have steam, you could compare the in-game menu to the XBOX-Live or Windows-Live in-game dashboard menu. By doing this, you can stay logged in to steam, and you can access all your steam settings, your friends list, (including all the steam friends chat functions) the entire steam community, (including all group chat functions) and if you recieve any messages, the little Steam alert window still pops up in the corner even on non-steam games.

TL;DR version: Opening your non-steam games through steam allows you to access the steam in-game menu to use the steam community and your friends list and all steam chat functions no matter what game you're playing.

Example, right now I was playing Oblivion while using the steam dashboard to chat with someone.
I like all the gaming consoles and handhelds and the PC, so I'm not biased, I'm just questioning if I have any need for a 360 after I buy a PS3. I'll explain my line of logic first.

I already own a spectacular gaming PC, which already has access to most games the 360 has.
What ever games the PC doesn't have that are on the 360, are on the PS3.
The PS3 has exclusives that aren't on PC or 360 like God of War and Metal Gear Solid.
I can't think of any good games for the 360 that aren't also for the PS3 or PC.
If I have a gaming PC and a PS3, why do I need a 360?

That's my line of thought which brings me to my main question:

What games are for the 360 that are good and aren't also for either the PS3, PC, or Wii?
(Other than Halo of course, but I only like that for the multiplayer and one game isn't enough to justify me spending over $500.)
Necrapolis / sse = kh2 FACT.
July 01, 2008, 09:59:03 PM
Breaking the rules in this thread. I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

I'd take 100 SSE's to Melee's crappy adventure mode. I had fun with it. Yes, I'm aware it was repetitive, you don't need to inform me, but can anyone possibly say that Melee's Adventure mode was even remotely as good? Just about all of it's creatures were the same thing and used the same  moves, they just looked different. There were no interesting boss fights, there was nothing to follow at all, and it was predictable to the T. No matter how many times you played it, the enemies would always be in the same spot, they would always attack you in the same way, and there wasn't even the slightest bit of challenge to it.

The new characters are fine. If you die against them a lot you just suck at fighting against them, this game is three times more balanced than Melee was. Being a tournament competitor, I can say it's pretty clear that almost any character can be extremely deadly in the hands of players who know what they're doing. It really isn't the game's fault if you suck.

Final smashes are cool. Certain ones are stronger, yes, but I get just as many kills with Samus' smash, Mario's smash, and even Peach's smash as I do with Sonic's smash or Fox's smash. Even the ones that don't usually get you kills  do huge amounts of damage if you use them correctly.

Funny how everyone was going crazy for the soundtrack a few months ago and now suddenly everyone has jumped on a bandwagon of hating it, eh?

The online works fine for me. It may take a little to connect, but once it does, I see virtually no lag and I never drop out.

How could anyone possibly prefer Mario Kart Wii to SSBB? It's  the worst Mario Kart in ages.

The wiimote + nunchuck controls work very, very well, as do the classic controls. Admittedly, the solo wiimote controls are utter crap, but they still did a good job of giving people variety.

Yeah, stickers are kind-of pointless after you beat SSE, I'll give you guys that one.

Brawl > Melee in terms of Graphics, Physics, Control, Variety of stages, Soundtrack, Characters, Online capability, Customization, Game modes, and Variety of items.
Gaming & Technology / Just got a PS2
June 19, 2008, 06:08:39 PM
Yeah so I bought my friends PS2 and some stuff to go with it off of him. For $50, I got:
-A PS2, the old, big kind
-An 8 MB PS2 Memory Card
-2 Controlers, one with a R2 trigger I have to fix since it's stuck, and a custom MadCats brand controller
-Armored Core 3
-Guitar Hero 2 /w Guitar
-Megaman X8
-Soulcalibur 3
-Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
-Need For Speed: Underground

Opinions on the games:

-I've always loved Armored Core 3, and now that I have it I love it even more. I've heard that Armored core: Formula Front and Nine Breaker are pretty shit though, so I'll get the other two sequels for the PS2: Armored Core: Nexus, Armored Core: Last Raven
-I've always had fun with guitar hero. It's nice to finally own it
-Megaman X8 is just as fun as Megaman X4-X6. Pretty neat game. It's one of the only sidescrolling shooter series I've actually found fun enough to go out and buy. But I'm still waiting for a Megaman game where the story and voice acting aren't kind-of lame.
-THPS3 was fun about 6 years ago, and I don't like the Tony Hawk series enough to buy all of the games in between. I'll probably just get Project 8.
-I've been a soulcalibur fan since it first came out on the Dreamcast. It's nice to finally own the third game.
-I wasn't expecting much out of the DMC series, but I was delightfully surprised. The game is really fun to play. I'll pick up the first two games before continuing in the third though.
-I already owned Need For Speed: Most Wanted for the gamecube, and Underground is pretty fun too. I'll probably get Underground 2 and Carbon.

Now I need to know what games I should go out and buy. I've got a pretty good list going but I want to know if there's any that I missed.

My current "to purchase" list is:

God Hand
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
God of War
God of War 2
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Need for Speed: Carbon
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 12
Guitar Hero 1 /w Guitar
Guitar Hero 3 no guitar
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault
Shadow of the Colossus
Megaman X7
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Last Raven
Tony Hawk's Project 8
+ Psychonauts
+ Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
+ Twisted Metal: Black
+ Alien Hominid
+ We Love Katamari
+ Beyond Good and Evil
+ Okami
+ Disgaea

Anything I'm still missing out on if I get all of those?
General Discussion / Back from Bonnaroo
June 19, 2008, 04:31:18 PM
So I've been gone for like a week. Maybe a little more.

Bonnaroo was great, we caught a Pearl Jam concert on the way back as well. As of right now we're renovating most of our house, so I won't be on too much, but I'll probably have time to log in for at least a small visit most days. What's been going on here? Any drama I should know about? Anyone leave or come back? What's been going on?
I'm just about done completely re-drawing all the clocks in my FLA pack, but I'd like to at least double the amount of clocks in it as well. I'll take at least twelve requests.

There may be a few clocks that I can't yet draw, as my art style is still evolving over the years, and certain things still evade my 2D artistic abilities.
Gaming & Technology / HL2 is crashing.
May 25, 2008, 09:21:51 PM
I followed Valve's steam games troubleshooting guide, and it's still happening.

-I've been playing the orange box since last christmas, so it's not like having AVG on my computer would just start making problems now, after all these months.

-I verified the game cache/files, they all check out.

-I defragged the game's files, but they weren't fragmented to begin with.

-There should be no need to update any of my drivers, as I've been playing the orange box for months without problems.

-I Tried booting the game with -autoconfig in so that all the settings would be at my system defaults.

-Half-Life 2 is not an online game, so my router isn't the issue.

-TF2 and Portal still work fine, so whatever the problem is is specific to HL2, not Steam.

-Last time I made a thread about the HL2 games not running, back when I got the OB, I was told to set the DirectX level to 7, and I did, and then the games ran fine. Now, out of nowhere, they aren't running again.

What happens in game is that whenever the game stops and the Loading box appears in the middle to load the next area, the game freezes and my computer crashes and reboots. This happens at any in-game load screen, not just one of them.  Help me clock crew!
Gaming & Technology / I have a few WoW questions
April 13, 2008, 04:35:19 PM
Now that I'm getting a stable/steady job, I'll have the money to be able to play WoW, but I have a few questions.

Before any of you go "NO DON'T PLAY IT!" Keep in mind I've been a warcraft fan since the first warcraft game, so I'd like to be able to continue the story, and from what I've played, WoW does seem like a fun game.

Okay, here are my few questions.

I was looking on the WoW site and say that the activation fee for my trial account will be $20, 'with a monthly subscription fee.' but it doesn't say what that monthly fee is. Is it $15, $10, or what?

I was researching good character builds on, and the warlock build I want to use has a first stage build, and a final build. These builds have two completely different skill assignments, so how do I reset/change my skills in game?

I was playing my two-hander Tauren when after looking at my skill build I want to use, the first skills I need are Deflection, Iron Will, and Improved Overpower, Cruelty, Unbridled Wrath, and Piercing Howl. I can't find any of them at the warrior trainer in Bloodhoof village. Are there other skills that I need first that aren't listed on this talent calculator?

Is there any way to bring up quest locations on your map, or do you just have to find them?

Since there are skill builds based purely for them, I got curious as to what 'raids' actually are. Please explain.

Is there a CC WoW guild? If so, what server are the WoW Clocks on?
General Discussion / SERIOUS BUSINESS
April 02, 2008, 06:06:25 PM
Do a little research, this came out last November!

I'm picking it up in a few days, I've played it and it's really fun, and has 32 person online multiplayer, which means we finally have our first wii online shooter!

Anyone here actually own it yet? Discuss it here!

I didn't play it long enough to know just how many weapons are in the game. To anyone who has it; how big is the variety of weapons?