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Messages - SoBe Clock

Gaming & Technology / do you play cs:go? let's do that
December 08, 2014, 06:40:33 PM
Floppydisk and I play from time to time.  I think I removed you from my friends by mistake last time I purged it of everyone I don't know. I didn't remember who you were with that name. I'll re-add you.
PC and PS4 cross-platform play confirmed. This is likely the real reason it's not coming to xbone since Microsoft has always refused any attempts devs have made to make cross platform play with Playstation and Xbox. Capcom seems to want a unified playerbase this time around and I'm all for that.

Regarding that gameplay video, I'm pretty hyped. I'm still playing SF4 every week since I picked it up nearly two years ago.
Quote from: AnkhClock;1979236i've literally never heard of "movie studio platinum" before

Sony Movie Studio Platinum is to Photoshop Elements as Sony Vegas Pro is to Photoshop, essentially. It's just the cheaper, easier to use, and simpler version of Vegas. Still does everything I need with video editing for a "let's play" channel. Vegas pro also costs hundreds of dollars and I got MSP for $40.
The official launch of my youtube channel is on the way. I've been putting a lot of work into this, excited to start uploading.

Reception Desk / Guess whos back
December 02, 2014, 02:24:38 PM
Welcome back
Quote from: pop-tart;1979120I haven't figured out which clock should be the grandmother.

Me, obviously
Quote from: PatriotClock;1978725
Quote from: pop-tart;1978708Every time I see one of those 'autocorrect fail' images online, I'm like 'fucking fake gimmie a break..'

Today my sister texts me "Nana told me to let u know we are out of surgery"

I'm like WHAT?

She meant sugar.

fucking fake gimmie a break..
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
November 21, 2014, 08:32:36 PM
Quote from: AstronautClock;1978713man i want to get that pokemon remake but ive been playing hearthstone and i need to save money to buy christmas presents

The silver lining, I suppose, is that if you have Pokemon X/Y, you can still battle and trade with people playing Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
November 21, 2014, 08:12:41 PM
Gaming & Technology / Games you got recently.
November 09, 2014, 04:29:14 PM
We should play Mario Kart 8 sometime.
Quote from: Slurpee;1976894Yoshi for motherfuckin life yo.

Y'know, as much as I wish Captain Falcon was my best character, I really am far better with Mario and Yoshi.
So uhh...

Am I the only one on the internet that just likes to play games

and have fun with games

I don't know, I don't really care enough about gaming journalism controversy to get involved I just like to play some video games and enjoy my free time.
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1977221i might get it for my steam, but:

at the install box of payday: heist...

it says ''free for 24 hours only''...

so... after tommorow, this game wont be free for me to play, right?

or, if you get it right now, it will be free for your steam forever?

anyways, i installed it tho.

As I said in the opening post, download it and it's yours forever. After today it goes back to its regular retail price, which is why it says free for 24 hours.
As the title said, Payday: The Heist is free on steam today. Download it and it's yours forever. Payday 2 is also on sale and free to try for the weekend.

Payday is one of those series I always wanted but just never got around to buying. I might pick up Payday 2 in addition to the free Payday 1 since I was planning on buying it anyway.
Interesting, I didn't know Carmike was that large a company. There's one right near me too, and I'm out here in PA.
Quote from: MelloYelloClock;1977148I just tried the 1v1 option in For Glory mode, and I can't believe the shit people will do to get a win. This person was using Link and all they did was spam boomerang and arrows then finished me off with side-A. Welcome to online gaming.

It sounds to me like he was zoning you out. That's not spamming, it's a legitimate tactic if you couldn't deal with it. Link's kit is well designed for a keep-away style of play. Zoning can be very smart if you're playing to win. There are characters that are even better than Link for zoning (Duck Hunt, Villager, etc.) You'll need to learn how to approach around projectiles if you want to get good at 1v1. It might sound mean but as someone coming to Smash4 from Street Fighter, I can tell you that you will not improve with that mentality of "he's just spamming"

If you don't care about getting good than I'd say weenie roast's advice is sound.
Quote from: BilliardBall10;1977090ok, so my options are:

1. record everything via a PC/PS3 connection/capture thingy

2. get the game capture program to do it for me?

i guess there is no way to trasnfer replay files via an other way, like via a program that could convert them into avi/mp4 files?

Unless the game has a way to directly export video files, then you'll have to rely on third party hardware and software, such as that capture card I linked. The replay files in your game are stored as raw game data, the only thing that can interpret them directly is the game itself.