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Messages - AMPM

you write em, i'll flash em
ur old
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 27, 2013, 08:33:28 PM

General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 27, 2013, 06:57:58 PM
its cuz it never did
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 27, 2013, 05:44:38 PM i'll just leave this here in case anyone has some more good advice
HEY GUYS so I finally got my street fighter 4 working online, I'm ready to play, I hear Thor is pretty good, I'm the best street fighter 4 player i know in person so lets do this shit, my steam name is "ampmcl0ck" no connection.
Ralph Bakshi fucking blows fat dicks and his films are totally unwatchable imho

Blue Jasmine - Incredible acting, slightly less incredible character study, and substantially less competent plot and pacing. A little dull, but at times breath taking. An almost perfect film. 8/10
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 07:39:48 PM
Quote from: Slurpee;1958560I'm probably not the best person to be doing this, honestly, because I'm really not very good at it, myself


Aaah my GOD all of that makes so much goddamn sense, yeah I will really take all that into consideration, thanks again so much for going over it more and making the mock up, really that helps a lot. thanks thanks thanks
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 11:28:16 AM
Thanks Billiard, that really means a lot that you'd say that!
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 05:38:58 AM
just read the comic
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 05:30:13 AM
Honestly Slurpee, you were the guy who I was hoping would respond to this, and you didn't disappoint, thank you so much for taking the time to look through it.

You telling me that I lack a hook is something I really needed to hear because I do think that is really goddamn important and it's something I'll give a lot of thought to. If you have any ideas as to make what Ryland is to you on page 22 readily available to the readers on page 1, let me hear it as soon as you do, because at this moment I'm drawing a blank, and I wanted to start redrawing this in a few days, and now that is going to be a nagging problem I'll want to fix, ha ha.

the geometry of the room, I suppose, is a problem of not watching the details enough. But maybe in mspaint you could demonstrate how I could really make the Alan bursting in bit work, because as I doodle, I'm also just not feeling it, though that again, thank you so much, these are really fucking good critiques, anything else like this, and I do mean anything, is greatly appreciated.

I really wanted you to tell me what you thought because I remember back in the day you had said that reading some stuff from Lamezone made you feel like how you felt being a fourteen year old going on walks and trying to figure stuff out, and I could really relate to that, I felt like I knew what you meant, and that always stuck with me, and yeah.
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 04:47:43 AM
Yeah, that was most certainly not tldr, those are really interesting points, and something I should remember when doing my panels, like you, I doubt I could reach that level of page design and panel layout but your points are really something good to think about.

I'm kind of taking my cues from Hate magazine's buddy bradley stores in a lot of ways, i think particularly in the backgrounds. And a lot of other things, but let's not point out how I'm a rip off artist.
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 04:05:19 AM
Quote from: CandleJack;1958433see his example actually gives you another option if you open up the size of your cells and make it less cluttered would help a lot too.

Yeah in the redraw I hope to really make good use of my panels and use of word balloons, i'm gonna be drawing on larger paper so that should help.
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 04:04:20 AM
Yeah, I've actually been told it looks like my characters aren't in the environments but floating in front of them, but they didn't have anyway of solving that either, necessarily. And yeah I'm not quite sure, looking at this krazy kat comic, which I always forget exists but then I see it and I'm like, wow this is amazing, but yeah, I don't really see what he's doing there to make his backgrounds backgroundy besides be a better artist than me, I got no specifics.
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 03:50:32 AM
Well what do you mean by "flat black and white"? besides that I understand and agree with everything you said
General Discussion / Looking For Feedback...
August 24, 2013, 03:27:03 AM
So, I showed a couple of clocks my new comic, and I got a lot of feed back on it, and as I'm going to be doing a total re-draw of the full 22 page long beast, I really want to get as much feedback as possible, and because one of the clocks I spoke to encouraged me to post it online, I thought I would, and hope that some of you take the time to give it a look and then let me know what you think of it: Good, hopefully, or Bad, preferably, because I really do want to hammer out as many kinks or have options illuminated to me before I go onto another draft.
Necrapolis / ready set...
August 23, 2013, 09:26:04 PM
No one here enjoys fun SORRY
General Discussion / hey guys
August 23, 2013, 08:35:08 PM
it was the worsth clock day ever but thats still pretty alright
General Discussion / Tijd voor een nederdraad
August 21, 2013, 07:05:50 AM
oh yeah cause all THIS makes this sense! and this!