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Topics - MasterClock

Sometimes when I try to play YouTube videos or flash sigs they don't work.  On YouTube it plays the first 2 seconds without sound and then stops completely.  Flash sigs just don't work.

This usually happens when I have several tabs open, and the problem does not fix itself (by removing tabs) unless I force quit Firefox and restart it.

Anyone know the problem?
General Discussion / The Cookie Jar
May 27, 2008, 05:36:50 PM

Beware, it's a LOCK movie.  That's right, the symbol tweened across each character's face is a fucking keyhole.  What unoriginal faggots.

Vote 5 and review 10!
I have a finished 20-scene flash movie which is around 8:10 long, and most of the sounds are on stream, and I am using the "insert blank sound so the other sounds don't go out of sync" method to prevent sound de-synching.  The other sounds are on Start/Stop but I don't think that matters.

Is there anything that I can do to get the sounds in sync so that my sound isn't 2 seconds off by the end of the movie?

Note: There are no event sounds or movieclipped sounds.
I don't know where else to post this, but I'm having a hard time finding some sound effects for the Flash I'm making.

1. Mario Party dice block sounds (made a thread before but I still don't have any)
2. The Batman transition sound effect from the old cartoons.  Even a rip from a YouTube video would suffice, but I can't find it nor would I have a clue what to search.
3. That generic Chinese song.  You know, the one that EVERYONE uses in EVERY stereotypical China scene of EVERY movie.

I've looked all over the internet: Find Sounds, SoundDogs, FlashKit, and Google.

Help would be appreciated greatly :)
How might I stop an event sound several scenes after it has started?  I'm having it play over 7 scenes, and the 8th scene I have a stopallsounds(); on the first frame, which kills the audio for the rest of the movie.
So whenever I copy/paste something, I can't select the individual lines/fills, and it instead selects the entire thing that I pasted.

No it's not grouped, no it's not a symbol.

Is this some gay Flash glitch or some gay Flash feature?

Whitest Kids U'Know is the most hilarious group ever.  There are better ones but this is from the latest Season 2.
I specifically need Mario Party sounds, but a general game sound site would also be appreciated.
Pokemon Stadium / Some comic I made for a friend
May 06, 2008, 01:03:22 AM
friend: if i wasnt lazy enough
friend: i'd do a picture with her telling me "show your work" and then me falcon punching her and saying "show your moves"

It's about our turbobitch of a math teacher (the guy is him, not me).

v1 (3AM, sucks)
v2 (moar time, sucks less)

I enjoy drawing stick figures.

ps it's ms paint in case anyone cares

reference in case you're out of the loop

i'm a sheezy whore!
General Discussion / CC TF2 game gogogo
April 24, 2008, 04:19:55 PM
iPod told me to make a threaddd

Gaming & Technology / The World Ends With You
April 20, 2008, 05:04:18 PM

So I just got this, and it's pretty damn good.  It has a really weird yet interesting story, and the battle system is probably the most unique we've seen out of Square Enix.  The only downside is that you have to use a "mingle" feature in order to evolve some pins (your equippable attacks) to get MPP.  There are 3 types of PP, Battle PP, Shut Down PP (turn off your DS for x amount of time to get PP, and Mingle PP.

So yeah, Square Enix took a shot in the dark and hit the bullseye (lolmetaphor)

Anyone else have it?
General Discussion / ITT: Post Your Room
December 23, 2007, 01:29:22 AM
I don't know if there's been a thread like this; the General forum here is way too active for me to be able to keep up with.

Anyway, my house (except for me and my sister's rooms) just got finished with a remodel, and I was bored and took some phone pictures of my room.

An overview of my room.  Includes my dresser, former TV table (now keeps portable gaming things), and my nightstand.  More details below!

This is my "Wall of Despair".  Despair is that company that makes hilarious demotivational posters, calendars, etc.  I also have their demotivational mug, "This glass is half empty".  My little coin bank can be seen to the left.

The bottom part is where I keep most of my drawings, and the top part just has random crap I've collected over the years in it.  On my nightstand you might find a lamp, tissues, and my alarm clock+pillow vibrator (really fucking annoying, wakes you up in an instant).  A couple liters of mucus and unborn babies live in my trash can, and are often replaced around every other week.

My bed is where I spend a lot of my time, because it's so unbelievably comfortable I rarely get out of bed when my alarm goes off.  It has like 2 matresses, a Tempur Pedic comforter, a generic soft sheet, an electric heater blanket, a down sheet on top, a Tempur Pedic (actually a ripoff of it, it was $15 at some store) pillow, and my beloved Weighed Companion Cube.

The WCC needs more love.

My shelf of school stuff and Stephen Colbert's book, which is worth a read.  All 5 of my school binders have BINDER HELLO written on them.  I get compliments.

This is where I spend most of my life.

This is my life with the lights turned off.  Glowing objects include my monitor (durr), computer case, tablet, mouse (not very glowy or blue), DS charging (the orange light), and my keyboard which is out of sight.

Oh there it is.  Logitech G11 if anyone was wondering.  Great keyboard, but I recommend the G10 since the G11 has lame features that make the keyboard take up more space (G1-18 keys, pretty much customizable F keys)

The top of my desk, where my Weighted Companion Cube and Solid Snake papercrafts, a rare Mario figurine, a photo of my dog as a puppy who recently died of cancer (pity me), clicky balls on strings that hit eachother (something about momentum and such, I don't know what to call it), a shitacular TV, and my scannerprintercopier.

The left side of my desk, where I keep my car/house keys, a water bottle, TV remote, halogen lamp, wallet, and DS/cell phone + chargers.  There's also a DV tape because I have to finish a big video project for my video class by January 15.

My personal favorite side of my desk (minus the school textbooks): the right one.  This is where my mouse, tablet, paper, headphones (Steelsound 5Hv2, got 'em $70 off on, drawer organized with lots of pens and pencils, and my computer case which has like 7 fans.

I sound like a witty tour guide.


So I went to a LAN party at a friend's house yesterday, and holy fucking jesus is he SPOILED.  We did the party in the garage, which had a fridge, which was FILLED with energy drinks.  Must have cost a fortune.  Needless to say, I was jacked up on caffeine to the point where I couldn't play any games because I was shaking.  I think I had 7 drinks total.

I recently went to a live Mythbusters show, where they showed deleted/unseen footage and a lot of funny interviews.  I was lucky enough to get 3rd-row seats, out of around 200 rows.

At the end of my sophomore year we were playing Scrabble in Spanish, and I happened to get this because I'm such a nerd.  The N is just a spare letter.