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Messages - AmberArachnidClock

Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1969595Going out to sea tomorrow, see you guys in a few weeks <3

I drank a bawls for my first time in honor of you. Pretty tasty!
Gaming & Technology / Pokémon X or Y for $30
March 18, 2014, 12:53:54 AM
I'm about to do that promo. Waiting for pokemon paid off baby
Quote from: RenegadeClock;1969204Here's the the about white people, Pops: we are fucking boring as hell.

careful there, you're heading into "the mysterious other" territory!
can someone make a flash about bb10's quest for the book?

paul rudd lip syncing don't stop me now, limited time only
Quote from: AnkhClock;1968212The Arizona State Senate voted to bar the state from implementing the Common Core standards the state adopted four years ago. Why?

Arizona is the Florida of the west.

not to mention businesses can refuse service to gay people because of religious reasons there now
the best part about acdc is how they sound like easy listening if you play it on acoustic

If I remember right that was the period I HATED rap. I think what I liked has been totally blocked out of my memory for good reason.

edit: oh yeah I liked the Who and Green Day
Honestly I think it's worse than just rich people hoarding, it's uber rich people doing whatever they can to acquire even larger amounts of money including fucking with our government. It's not a "poverty consciousness" it's a mental illness and we're all suffering because of those people who have it.

Also what bb10 said.
Quote from: PhantomCatClock;1967958

Finally makes sense why the antelopes are happy
Quote from: AnkhClock;1967871Anders Behring Breivik is a fucking bitch.

I really wish that sociopathic murderer would stop talking about videogames
Thanks VCR, that was helpful. I think I might just do a smaller tip for pick-up in the future since I'm not rollin in the dough at the moment but I can probably shell out an extra buck.
Did no one read my post?? I need to know what to do at Dominoes!!!
I always do 20%, but it's weird when I pickup a pizza at dominoes and there's a spot on the receipt to tip... It just doesn't seem like a tipworthy situation to me and I'm pretty sure the people that work there don't live off the tips.
I remember you doing some interesting stuff back in the day Portfolio.
Quote from: RenegadeClock;1967398Are you in Portland? We got about 6 inches out here yesterday.

Corvallis, we have over a foot and its still snowing heavily
Quote from: RobClock;1967394its mostly just the inuit, but people not from there get paid a ton for being in isolation, regardless of the job they work. hence, my brother went up there.

here's a picture of his neighborhood.

not looking too different from mine atm

edit: damn those russian hotels. and this article linked to in that one is just as scary. My favorite part: