and not just a post of someone else's instrument, the one you actually have in a picture you, or a friend, took.

my Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top, I love it. I set it all up myself, the action on the high e at the 12 fret is 1 mm, and on the low e, it's 2 mm (just adjusted it this morning). I'm going to stick new pickups in it soon, the stock pickups, although sound great, aren't hot enough for me. Also I removed the pickguard and wired up a killswitch, the remaining tone pot is a master tone.
I have other instruments, but this is my pride and joy, this is the guitar of my dreams, and they're wet dreams.

my Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top, I love it. I set it all up myself, the action on the high e at the 12 fret is 1 mm, and on the low e, it's 2 mm (just adjusted it this morning). I'm going to stick new pickups in it soon, the stock pickups, although sound great, aren't hot enough for me. Also I removed the pickguard and wired up a killswitch, the remaining tone pot is a master tone.
I have other instruments, but this is my pride and joy, this is the guitar of my dreams, and they're wet dreams.