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Topics - RenegadeClock

YouWhore / README.txt
July 04, 2006, 12:20:35 AM

1. Use descriptive titles. Try to summarize what you're posting a link to. Don't use titles like, "OMG U GAIZ GOTA C THIS" or "LOL". Better titles might be like, "Shark vs Octopus" or "Powdered Toast Man!".

2. Label Explict Content. Use [NSWF] in the thread title.
Entertainment / Crystal Castles
May 29, 2006, 12:41:08 PM
So I get this message on MySpace:

Subject:   G G G G-Unit
Body:    i'm pretty much in love with you. add me .


I must get a hundred band requests per month on that site, but this is one of the few I actually accepted.  :fifen:
Flash & Flash Accessories / Flash Forum RULES and FAQ
September 08, 2005, 06:07:45 PM
Flash Forum Rules

ââ,¬Â¢ Casting calls: We're relaxing the casting calls rule for a trial period. If you make a casting call you'd better follow through with it. If you don't produce a movie or a work in progress within a few weeks of making such a casting call you may be subject to a temporary ban.
ââ,¬Â¢ No casting calls: Don't post threads asking if people want to be in your movie or to get suggestions on who to put in your movie.

ââ,¬Â¢ FLA Requests: If you're looking for someone's FLA then check the Library first. Do not make a new topic. If you still don't see what you're looking for make a request in a chatroom or PM the person you need an FLA from.

ââ,¬Â¢ Don't post your Newgrounds movie links here: Be a whore and post 'em in the NG Submissions Forum. If it's any good you might get a sticky.

ââ,¬Â¢Ã, Posting a signature thread: Don't do it. We don't give a crap.

Flash Forum FAQ

Feel free to contribute any Flash questions you may have to this thread.

// Questions --------------------------------------------

  • Where do I get Flash?
  • How do I learn to use Flash?
  • How do I post Flash on this forum or put it in my signature?
  • I tried posting Flash from imageshack and it doesn't work.
  • Where can I get Clock avatar FLA files?
  • Do I need permission to use someone's Clock in my movie?
  • Will you draw my Clock FLA for me?
  • How do I synchronize sound in Flash?
  • How do I make a preloader?
  • How do I make computer Clock voices?
  • Where can I get sound Fx for my movie?
  • What framerate (fps) should I use?
  • How do I publish my movie?
  • Why does my movie lag?
  • Why is my movie size so large?

// Answers ----------------------------------------------

  • Where do I get Flash?
    You can download a 30-day trial of Flash from
    After 30 days you'll need to buy Flash for $699 USD or get a student version for $149
    We don't discuss or condone software piracy here so don't ask or you will be banned!
  • How do I learn to use Flash?
    Start by going to the Flash Help Menu and selecting tutorials. Do them all.
    There's a lot of reference material included with the software under menu Help > Using Flash and Actionscript Dictionary.
    Go watch some tutorials on YouTube. There's a lot of good stuff out there!
    Buy a book.
    Take a class.
    Get a friend to show you!
    If you have a specific question then you can post a new thread.
  • How do I post Flash on this forum or put it in my signature?
    Here's an example of the BBS code to link Flash. Replace the URL with the url of your flash file, and the width and height with appropriate numbers.
    [FLASH] width=400 height=100[/FLASH]
    The limit for signature images and flash is 400px wide by 100px tall.
    Before you can post Flash you need to host Flash. So you'll need access to a webserver the allows remote linking. Most free sites like Yahoo and Angelfire won't allow this, but here's some that do:

    If your link begins with "C:\", guess what... :rolleyes:
  • I tried posting Flash from imageshack and it doesn't work.
    The most likely problem is that your URL is wrong. If you go to the URL and you can see advertisements, the imageshack logo, or anything other than your SWF file your URL is wrong, but it does contain the URL you're looking for! The trick knowing where to find it. Go to view the HTML code source. Somewhere buried in all that crap is the right URL. If you're browser has a search text feature you can search for .swf and this will make it a lot easier.

    Note: If your URL contains a PHP extension in it, it won't work.

  • Where can I get Clock avatar FLA files?
    Well our FLA upload library is temporarily out of service so you'll have to ask around.
    There is an archive of FLAs here:
    Some Clocks have links in their sigs to FLAs. Others you can send a Private Message and ask for it.
    Here's a novel idea: Draw it yourself! OMFG!
  • Do I need permission to use someone's Clock in my movie?
    No. The Clockcrew is like an open-source character community. Once you're in, you're fair game for being put into any movie, whether you like it or not.
  • Will you draw my Clock FLA for me?
    No. Well, most likely not. If you start posting threads begging people to draw your character for you then you're going to get flamed. If you really lack the art skills needed to create your own character perhaps you should reconsider joining a Flash community. Still you could just wait for someone to make a "I'll draw you" type thread or just be a cool person and once you've made some friends ask them to draw your FLA.
  • How do I synchronize sound in Flash?
    Streaming sound works best for syncing voices and music to your animation.
    Create a new layer for your sounds and make a keyframe where you want the sound to start. Import the sound file (mp3, wav, or aiff work well) and pick the sound from the Sound list in your property inspector. Set the Sync to Stream.
    Go to File > Publish Settings and select the Flash Tab. Set your audio stream to 32 kbps.
  • How do I make a preloader?
    Preloaders require some actionscript knowledge to make from scratch, but it's easy to just use or modify an existing one.
    RomanClock's Preloaders:
    Newgrounds preloader and tutorials:

    If you absolutely must make one from scratch then you'll need to learn actionscript. Here's a tutorial:
  • How do I make computer Clock voices?
    For Windows:
    There's a little program called Speakonia that makes those voices.
    You can edit your audio with Audacity or Goldwave.
    For Mac:
    Download and install Wiretap to record your audio.
    Open System Preferences and choose Voice. Set the system voice that you want to use.
    Open TextEdit and type in the lines you want.
    Start recording in Wiretap.
    Go to Edit > Speech > Start Speaking
    When it's done you can stop Wiretap.
    You can edit your audio with Audacity
  • Where can I get sound Fx for my movie?
  • What is frame rate?
    Frame rate is the number of frames per second (fps) that are displayed onscreen in a Flash movie.
    The default setting is 12 fps but most good cartoons use 24 or 30.
    Using too high a frame rate will not make your movie smoother but could actually make it worse.
    If too many calculations per second are demanded of Flash the movie will lag.
    You can watch your frame rate performance by choosing Control > Test Movie, then View > Bandwidth Profiler.
  • How do I publish my movie?
    Go to File > Export Movie
    Save your movie some place where you won't forget it.
  • Why does my movie lag?
    Movie lag is can be caused by intensive calculations during movie playback.
    High frame rates combined with intensive graphics and complex onEnterFrame actions will bring your movie to a grinding halt. Large bitmap images can be a problem, and using the Trace Bitmap function can make it even worse. Using excessive transparent images can cause problems as well. Try using alternate event handlers for your actions that don't require onEnterFrame.
    You can also use the global _quality property to adjust the anti-aliasing of vector graphics. Using a "LOW" or "MEDIUM" _quality setting will give your movie a smoother playback makes your graphics more pixelated. Learn more about _quality by going to menu Help > Actionscript Dictionary.
  • Why is my movie size so large?
    FLA files can grow to contain a lot of media and Library items. Adds up to one massive Flash file. Try deleting any unused Library Items and choosing File > Save As. It's not uncommon for FLA files to grow to 50 - 100 Mb in size for large scale movies.
    If it's your SWF file that's too large then you may want to reconsider your graphic intensity, amount of music and video, and quality settings under File > Publish Settings > Flash.