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Topics - RobClock

Mrs. McGruder's House / have you played atari today?
January 12, 2020, 03:13:39 PM

I feel its an unwritten rule of animation that video games being played must produce the sounds of Atari Donkey Kong, Atari Pac-Man, or both
Pokemon Stadium / I'll draw you decade ending edition
December 27, 2019, 08:34:56 PM
let us take a moment to bathe in the warmth of consumerism and share our bountiful hauls from yesterday

I got a new hat, and my grandfather's old razor

Going for the retiree look

How about you guys?
General Discussion / CLOCKMAS 2019 COLLAB
December 25, 2019, 12:01:32 AM

'Tis the season! We seem to be on a roll lately so let's keep the momentum going.

1280x720, 24fps
The only content specification is that your part must have something to do with Christmas
As with the 10 second collab I will be compiling in mp4 again so I will accept submissions as .swf, mp4 or fla (Flash 8 or prior)

Submit your part to me via PM here or on the discord though I primarily check the forums first.

DEADLINE: December 20th

Get yourself a nice participation medal. You know you wanna

RobClock - DONE
DoggoClock - DONE
PhonographClock - DONE
SwitchClock - DONE
PolyhedronClock - DONE
RedBookClock - DONE
BrazilClock - DONE
ThorClock - DONE
MelloyelloClock - DONE

The Maybes:
Pop-TartClock - DONE
FloundermanClock - DONE
VuvuzelaClock -DONE

BoltClock - DONE
ZombieLincoln - DONE
Reception Desk / BBS Rules and Guidelines
November 11, 2019, 11:17:31 AM
ClockCrew Forum Rules and Guidelines

This brief section is designed to acquaint you with the rules and regulations of the Clock Crew forums. These outline the general guidelines we expect our members to follow. As part of the Terms of Use agreement you saw when registering, you are agreeing to abide by these rules, or else face the consequences of your actions.

Rules & Policies

The ClockCrew's rule structure is broken down into two distinct classes - Rules and Policies. If a Rule is violated, it will result in the Warning system and can/will lead to a ban if necessary. A Policy, in contrast, is merely a sort of general rule of thumb - the kind of things the moderation team would like to see, yet won't get too upset about. Simply put, our Rules make the forum organized, orderly, and tolerable; our Policies try to make it a more friendly place to be.

HOWEVER, this is not to say that Policies should or can be disregarded. They will simply not be as stringent as the Rules. Be sure to familiarize yourself with both. These rules/policies are clearly posted on the board and available at any time; indication that you have not full read and familiarized yourself with them will generally result in a Warning being issued.

BBS Rules

These are the regulations put in place here at the ClockCrew to ensure a smooth operating environment. Breaking these rules will definately lead to consequences, but note this is not an absolute list. Your creativeness in creating new and exciting ways to be an asswipe will be met with the same punishments.

No Spamming
Spamming can be best described in an acronym format as 'stupid/pointless/annoying messages', or put simply, mindless posting. Blatant self-promotion, 'hey come visit my site!' posts, posts with no subject matter relevance, or anything designed to simply clutter the forum will be moved to the Gas Chamber, and the offender swiftly dealt with. Offenses generally start with a Warning, but can escalate up the ladder very quickly depending on the severity of the offense, usually ending in a 'spam only' account. Also, when you post a new topic on the forums, make sure there are no previously existing topics that cover the same information you wish to post. When a new thread is made, its title should contain enough information for the reader to some idea about the content of the thread without having to click on it. Do not simply title your thread 'hahaha', 'WTF', etc. Any such threads will be moved to the gas chamber regardless of the content, and the author will recieve a warning.

No Explicit Material/Content
We have many users who are not of the legal adult age in America. Because the CC operates out of the US, we adhere to the laws set forth concerning the matter, and maintain a strict 'zero tolerance' policy. This means no written or graphic material that any person or group of people might find offensive. 'Freedom of expression' stops at the door to this forum, and there are no exceptions. If this offends you, then you are welcome to go elsewhere, but you are strictly prohibited from posting or discussing these subjects on our forums. Any and all violations will be first met with a Warning and the deletion of material, and further offenses will jump immediately to a Ban. Specifically, this includes but is not limited to: no violent or offensive pictures, overtly pornographic, underage or beastiality material

No Flaming or Trolling
Flaming is defined as personal attacks or insults on another person; trolling is defined as posting material with the intent of getting others to insult or attack you. Though we encourage healthy discussion and debate, a certain point comes in which an insult turns personal, and this is strongly discouraged via both public forums and private messages. The punishment for these offenses is generally a Warning, but severe offenses may result in a Ban.

No 'Warez'
Posting up and asking for illegal warez is strictly prohibited, in most cases. This includes but is not limited to: emulators, ROMs, ISOs, and software cracks. The only exception we feel reasonable is information requests and/or posts regarding older games (Atari, NES, SNES era, etc.). As the companies are no longer profiting from sales, we allow this small exception. Violations of the rule, however, will result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there. NO WE CANT SEND YOU FLASH.

No 'Bumping'
'Bumping' is the act of simply writing 'bump' or some other useless message for the sole purpose of moving a thread to the top, and is not tolerated here. If you feel the need to reactivate an idle thread, please do so with an intelligent post that contributes to the discussion at hand. Violations of this rule will result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there.

No Insubordination, sassing
Insubordination is defined simply as not listening to the ruling of a member of the forum's moderation team. Violations of this rule will generally result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there. Do not provoke the wrath of the mods or admins to rage against the machine, its lame, they are only human and will probably ban you for being an idiot.

No Aiding and Abetting
If you know that another member (or someone outside the ClockCrew itself) is planning on or has committed a serious violation of our rules, we expect and hope you would be a good board citizen enough to tell us. Friendship ties are strong, but we expect that not to override your better judgment in letting us know if something has gone wrong. Violation of this will usually result in Probation or Suspension.

No Mod/Admin Begging
Given the proper circumstances, a normal member may sometimes be elevated to a position of authority. However, the one way to show that you are not fit for this position is to ask for it. If you're fit for the position, we will find you, not vice-versa. Violations of this rule will generally result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there.

No Lock Begging
There is no need to request that a topic be locked simply because the original poster (you or another) has had his request fulfilled. If there are other people who have more to add, they will do so; otherwise, the topic will simply fall to the bottom naturally with no intervention. If the original poster decides that it is necessary to lock his/her own topic, he or she has the ability to do so. If the topic needs to be locked, then it will be done. Violations of this rule will generally result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there.

No Ban Contesting
Certain mitigating circumstances have made this issue all the more important. While we do like to maintain open dialogue with our members (even if such dialogue ends up being negative), we will not open any talks about a ban. If you aren't able to understand why you were banned, you may email the administrator only to request details. Logging on under a different account or posting for a banned user can be considered Ban Evasion, and will lead to an immediate permabanning.

No E-Mail or PM Abuse
It is unacceptable to use the e-mail of members found here on the forum to sign them up for junk e-mail, send them threats, etc. If you do this, you will be Banned and you will probably have your ISP Alerted.

No Mod-Playing or 'Mini-Modding'
As a member of this forum, it is considered inappropriate for you to take any sort of prohibitive action against another by acting as a member of the moderation team would. This includes such posting faux pas as "I'm telling a mod!", and "This is SPAM". We welcome Private Messages alerting us to such incidents, at which point we will take care of it. Violation of this will result in a Warning, and repeated offenses will escalate from there.

BBS Policies

These are the more relaxed regulations that we have set up in the goal of making the ClockCrew a better and more fun place to hang out at.

As a ClockCrew based around a website that encourages intelligent and thoughtful discussion, we appreciate the same consideration from our members. We discourage the use of the 'leet' or '1337' style of language in serious topics as it all too often results in incomprehensible gibberish. Please use grammatically correct structure when possible; this is beneficial not only to have a healthy and intelligent forum ClockCrew, but also to develop one's writing comprehension skills, a tool useful for later in life that is best when practiced to the point of natural ability.

Signature Image Sizes & Limits
You are allowed to use signature images on the forum, but you are limited to one (1) image, and your image must meet the size requirements of 350—200 pixels or less in dimension size, and 25k or less in file size. Violations of this will lead to the image in question being deleted from the user's profile.

Respect Your Elders
Members of the moderation team are often looked on with contempt because of their position of power, but it is important to remember that the moderation team is here to both help you and maintain order. Though we do encourage free thinking here, we do ask that you respect the decisions of the moderation team.

Disciplinary Actions

Breaking of the Rules or Policies can result in several different punishments. Below are listings for the different varieties used here.

Warnings are usually reserved for minor offenses. Members are expected to take these Warnings seriously, as they are a mark of unacceptable behavior.

After an initial warning for a infraction, a member will be placed on probation and posting privileges will be temporarily removed for a period no less than 2 days, but not to exceed 5 days. This is one of the last steps taken in ordinary discipline procedures.

Suspension / Temp-ban
The final step before outright banning involves a complete revocation of a user's posting and viewing privileges for a period of time no less than 7 days, but not to exceed 14 days.

The user may only see and post in the spam forum.

A permaban means you are not wanted here at the forums anymore, for any number of reasons. Bans normally result only after the user has successfully pissed people off enough to complete the process listed above, but we do reserve the right to 'permaban on sight' for extremely serious offenses. Permabans are unliftable.

Member Agreement

By signing up here, you agree to abide by the above Rules and Policies and fully understand the consequences for disobeying them. Signing up for this forum enters you into a legally binding contract in which you agree to abide by these Rules and Policies for the good of the ClockCrew as a whole. You also acknowledge that Rules and Policies can and frequently will be changed or added to fit the changing times, and that you are expected to abide by those as well. You understand that a message board is not a democratic entity; the members do not vote people into positions of power, and they have little recourse in light of moderation decisions.
If all of this is correct and you have read the Rules and Policies above, then we welcome you to the Clock Crew BBS ClockCrew. Have fun here on the forums, but please do so responsibly so all the members can be safer and happier. Thank you, and once again, welcome to the Clock Crew.

This post is an unedited archival of the community guidelines of The Clock Crew, previously available on their own page prior to the switch from vBulletin to SMF
Reception Desk / The Clock Crew Charter
November 10, 2019, 04:17:49 PM

Dated 17th February 2007.

CLOCKS, Clockfriends, Honorary Clockfriends, Supporters,

This Charter provides the structure for a responsible, tolerant, unified and progressive community, now and in the future, that will maintain and enhance the quality of life of the members and others, encourage the growth and progress of the Clock Crew Community, and continue to be responsive to the needs and concerns of the Clocks.

Article I


TO ALL FREE MEN OF OUR SOCIETY we have granted, for us and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs:

1. Community Members may choose or change their Clock identity at any stage of their membership, provided that the identity is not already in use and has not been used prior.
2. Community Members may express their opinions and beliefs freely, without unjust persecution. That is, should disagreements occur, they must be resolved through intelligent and civilised discourse.
3. Registered Community Members have the right not to be arbitrarily banished or shunned from the community.
4. Clockfriends have the right to be granted Clockhood as the result of a majority vote.
5. Clocks may renounce their Clockhood at any time, but with the understanding that, in order to regain Clockhood, they must undergo the Clockification process and be accepted through a majority vote.
6. Community Members have the right to communicate in their Mother Tongue with other speakers of their native language in the community.

Article II


WHEREAS The Clock Crew Community is founded upon the principles of brotherhood and progress. A simple change of name does not a Clock make, all Clocks and members of the Clock Crew Community should respect and uphold the following ideals:

1. A true Clock is of open mind and is thus willing to understand and accept the folkways of others.
2. Clocks strive to help others; firstly, their fellow Clocks, and secondly all others, not only in their time of need, but actively, as a civil duty, and for the ultimate ideal of peace and progress.
3. A noble Clock's first line of defense in case of conflict is to counter the antagonist's animosity with love and/or intellect.

Article III

Purposes and Principles

KNOW YE That the Clock Crew strives for the ultimate goal of enlightenment and free thought, through the artistic and philosophical education of the everyman. Clock artwork, whether it be animated material, video, literature, still image, or other is most truly an expression of the Clock Crew's intent and purpose when it:

1. Seeks to engage with the viewer on a level usually left dormant by society.
2. Derives humour from the disappointment, or the exceeding, of the expectations of the viewer.
3. Achieves the state of originality necessary to inspire a new train of thought in the viewer, to allow the viewer to see the desired topic of discussion on the same wavelength as the artist through the imagining and conveyance of concepts and imagery hitherto unknown or unexplored.
4. Invites the viewer to explore and understand the mores and traditions of the Clock Crew.
Reception Desk / REGISTRY
November 10, 2019, 03:56:49 PM
An old backup because we've been getting new members and it seems pertinent to have this assessable.

The Clock Crew Registry is a list of all the Clock Members who have been a part of the community since its inception in 2001. Those looking to choose their own Clock Name should check with this list to ensure that they are not stealing someone's name.

This list is incomplete, but there are other methods in which you could find if the Clock Name has been taken.

    Check this page thread
    Search (Ctrl+F) the FLA library for the first part of the name (e.g. "strawberry", "orange" etc.)
    Search for Authors at using as many different related search options as possible.
    Search under movies at using as many different related search options as possible.
    Search the Newgrounds BBS in a manner similar to the two previous items.
    Check the Clock Crew BBS Memberlist
    Ask the community and tell them that you have done all suggested steps, and you just want a final confirmation.

This should greatly increase your chances of successfully finding a name for yourself. If you need more help finding an actual name, you can consult the FAQ

Active members will be having pages created for them when Registry info is in.

    All names here succeeded by "clock" are to be interpreted as encompassing all punctual variations of the name. eg. If CalendarClock is listed here, you should assume CalendarClock, Calendar_Clock, and Calendar Clock are all off limits.
    Although some names may be absent from this list, they may still be taken. Consult with other Clocks before making a final name decision.
    Just because a name has existed in the past does not mean that names like it are acceptable today.

My eternal love and gratitude to everyone who contributed- let's get this baby a daily trophy, eh?

:fifen: :fifen:
Two years later I'm still held up on this show.

To my mind the entirety of Twin Peaks The Return A Limited Event Seriesâ,,¢️ was an exercise in putting shit back in a horse.
Ending as it did with the image of Laura whispering into Coopers ear in the red room, Lynch has successfully restored the mystery of what happened to Laura Palmer- which he famously hated being resolved after being pressured by the studio to do so.

My favourite bits in season 3 were Gordon Cole talking to Tammy, saying something cryptic but somewhat plot pertinent and capping it with “NOW YOU THINK ABOUT THAT!" The co-writer and director of the show himself, maddeningly teasing the audience, desperate for deeper insight and clarity into the mystical happenings of the story.

It’s a shame so much of the cast has died now, I very much doubt we’ll ever see another foray into the series, but with the seeming hints to an infinite cyclical nature to the events transpiring in the show- I’m not sure you could really follow up The Return in any meaningful way.

Anyone else into Twin Peaks? Any thoughts or insights into s3 or the show on the whole? How’s Annie?
I'm chomping at the bit with creative ambition at the moment but the larger project I've started is liable to take some time, so I had the thought of pumping out a few quick little shorts- why not get some other people in on the action? Hence;

It's been
a while, but it's a timeless concept. A ten second clip, whatever you'd like it to be. It can be as artistic and grandiose or lazy and irreverent as your heart desires!

Specs: 1280x720, 24 FPS (Flash 8 Compatibility would be optimal)
Please label all symbols in your library with your name ie "rob_symbol1". It makes compiling things much much easier.

Submit your .fla to me via PM here or on the discord though I primarily check the forums first.

Potential deadline: September 30th/October 1st

Participants will receive this lovely pixel award assuming I can successfully nag a staffer to distribute it

RobClock - DONE (2)
BoltClock - DONE (1)
PhonographClock - DONE (1)
JambaClock - DONE (1)
PolyhedronClock - DONE (1)
RedBookClock - DONE (3)
MelloYellowClock - DONE (1)
OctopusClock - DONE (1)
BrazilClock - DONE (2)
PhantomcatClock - DONE (1)
ThorClock - DONE (1)
GreyClock - DONE (3)
DoggoClock - DONE (1)
General Discussion / NG August Monthly Voting
September 01, 2019, 01:22:11 PM
It's Best of August time over on Newgrounds friends, and I know what you're asking- "who fucking cares?"


Clockmiration by SBC, D, Fruit Marmelade by Inkwell, Radiotube's newest OTB, Sklimdriffen Barpskintus by Phonograph and a shitty StrawberryClock dress-up game from Little-Rena all made the cut! Not enough to round out the whole top 10, so pick some other stuff.

Here's my ballot! Get to it!

Quote from: Tom FulpFlash Emulation in Browser

Over the past few months @Mike has been working on a way to play Flash in the browser via emulation. We were gonna surprise everyone this fall by suddenly supporting classic content here on NG but it leaked early and the cat is out of the bag. You can see the progress at!

Ruffle is being written in the Rust programming language and targets desktop and the web using Web Assembly. The project is open source and contributors are now coming aboard, which is exciting! There is even work being done to create a browser extension that detects old Flash embed code and swaps it with Ruffle, meaning you could visit any old website and the Flash will (eventually) just WORK.

On Newgrounds we’ll be swapping our old Flash embed code so you won’t need a browser extension. We’re adding a true/false attribute to every Flash project to track whether it works in emulation. The initial rollout will cover animated content, then gradually expand to cover more and more games. We’ll also be tracking which Flash games are touch screen friendly because they will work on mobile for the first time ever.

For anyone who is concerned about Flash’s reputation for security - this project is entirely open source and any security issues would be issues with the web browser itself, whereas the traditional Flash plugin was a closed system that created unique opportunities for exploits.

I'm ecstatic. Swivel is great and all, but there are so many things that Flash movies have done with secrets and interactivity that can never truly convert to a video format.
General Discussion / Untitled-2.fla [Vote Five]
August 15, 2019, 11:38:46 AM
Guess who didn't get his actual cartoon ready in time?
Clock Crew News / CD19 Preloader
July 24, 2019, 10:47:53 AM
here it is all finished up with an actual loadbar for the SWF purists (AS2 because i use flash 8 as should everyone)
Mrs. McGruder's House / ATTN SLURPEECLOCK
July 11, 2018, 11:09:08 AM
Happy slurpee day
A Clock Crew version of the 1959 Trans-Lux Felix the Cat theme song. Consider this a sequel to 2013's 'Mighty StrawberryClock'.