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Smod Nomination: Flounderman

Farted by pop-tart, September 04, 2012, 12:20:51 AM

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Is Flounder the man?

21 (100%)
e kinda creeps me out. I\'m thinkin nah.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Voting closed: September 11, 2012, 12:22:08 AM


One of the main roles of the leadership team is to promote participation, inspire creativity and spread Clock Crew love throughout the world.

This man does that. Like 23 fkkn hours a day.


If elected I promise to organise further ridiculous collabs, neurotically click "new posts" every five minutes to keep track of the forums, and spam goatse in the grid. Actually I'll do the first two either way. What is wrong with me.

Also I promise to repeal the peggey tax.


He kinda creeps me out. I'm thinkin absolutely!!


all part of my long term scheme to post lolicon and have flounderman forced to be the one to delete it and ban me


We fought side-by-side during the Great Sea Men War, so he has my vote.
Sig by {{{Zombie Lincoln}}}

:capn: BUSTAS! :capn:



Quote from: FloundermanClock;1920937I promise to repeal the peggey tax.

Finally someone who talks about the real issues!


Am I the only one who remembers him giving out info from the grid? Like the kid but don't trust him to make good decisions based on prior experiences. Sorry


I'm not ignoring those concerns Jeff. I believe people learn from past mistakes. If I'm naive.. sorry.


I'm okay with giving out info from the grid because you bastards still haven't let me in. :jerk:


Quote from: PatriotClock;1920980Am I the only one who remembers him giving out info from the grid? Like the kid but don't trust him to make good decisions based on prior experiences. Sorry

I remember plenty of current and former staff members having major issues before being placed into leadership roles. People who have done things much worse than leaking Grid info have made it onto the staff.
Sig by {{{Zombie Lincoln}}}

:capn: BUSTAS! :capn:


We have always shared the same view on the asian females pissing on octopi issue so I look for him to be a real power player for the Horse Thief party this year.
Quote from: YoYoClock;1903849
KodiakClock - Super Butt


You mean several hours. And yeah I was dumb and posted the RupeeClock smod pass during a prank and maltese took it and merged a bunch of threads. Luckily we had a backup for that day. I definitely wont be doing that shit again haha.


I was worried you would intentionally fuck with user's accounts and install malicious forum mods again but you didnt when we gave you the coder position. You were trustworthy, you didnt make that mistake again. I promise I wont make the one I made again.


Oh dear, are we doing this? Really Clam? I thought you had calmed down when you got your way after enough tantrums and Corpsegrinder stepped down but it seems you just cant get over all of this. Everyone who ever disagreed with you at any point in history is a shitposter or an anime faggot or whatever. You're so damn confrontational.

And yes it was malicious, you fucked up people's ability to view the site just because you didnt like them and didnt tell anyone you did. So you could try and make them leave. You've bullied members off the site for years and generally stir up shit. Your angry internet tough guy shtick is really getting old dude. And when you say I spread protected information to hurt the site? This was back before I was ever mod and you had scared off half the damn userbase.

Ugh, man, I dont get you. I dont hate you or anything, you're funny sometimes and have made some amusing flash, but I do feel bad for you. You have such trouble socially. I hope it's just on the internet and not in real life. Can we not shit up this thread any further? If by some crazy chance I end up an smod and I turn out to be as shitty as you assume I will be, then you can start a thread to get me impeached. If everybody agrees that I should be, then I wont argue with it. I damn well wont try to fuck up the site at least at the very least.


Considering how inactive the forum is why do we even have a grid


I think we were supposed to start using the policy forum for most administration discussion but it never ended up happening.


Quote from: Buttplug;1921095Considering how inactive the forum is why do we even have a grid

Considering how great of a member I am why do I not have access to the grid?????


Because you refuse to perform the Skull and Bones initiation rites.


Quote from: AnkhClock;1921099Considering how great of a member I am why do I not have access to the grid?????

I'm guessing because you keep asking for it. It's probably just people showing each other their dicks anyway