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Borderlands 2

Farted by buttplug, September 05, 2012, 12:11:29 AM

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Glad to see they added in more biomes that Dust and Junk. Apparently if you preorder you get free access to the 5th class once they finish creating it. I just hope the Siren class plays as fast as the one in Borderlands 1.

Who else is getting it? We should all play together.


I'm sad that Brick isn't coming back, because he was basically the perfect class IMO. Used bazookas, the best kind of weapon in any FPS ever, and when shit got serious IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME

Is there a new guy that's at least good with rocket launchers? From what I see online none of them have any skills that give bonuses to rocket launchers at all, except for generic ones like "more ammo for all guns".
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


AC Slater

I do. Currently waiting on the uninstall/reinstall I had to do. At 90% right now.


I have classes tomorrow so I'm going to bed now, but I'll hit you up on steam sometime. The game is great, and they made it so you can reload and change direction while running which is really nice. Also some guns seems to have really interesting effects, I found a pistol that gets more accurate the more you fire it.

BoomStick Clock

ughhhhh it's not live here until the 21st...have it pre-loaded on steam and everything. :CCC


my friends who have this are all dead to the world now


My roommate/homie picked it up last night, and yes it's pretty darn great. Anthony Burch is an awesome writer.


I never got into the first one, but now I've played Bonerfarts 2 and that shit's cash.


I always preferred Lilith personally. The Phasewalk alone got you out of tough situations, and made the trip back from a mission much faster.

I'll have to wait to pick this one up, although I'm sure it will be fun.


Bought this not really knowing what to expect. Never played the first one but so far i'm really enjoying this.

AC Slater

I had to stop playing for a bit because I accidentally opened up that one chest and when I realized what I had done I tried closing Borderlands (through task manager) so it wouldn't auto-save. Loaded it back up, turns out it didn't auto-save my inventory which was nice, but it still said I had used the key. I'm still pretty angry about the whole thing.

BoomStick Clock


Quote from: Zen Micro Clock;1923051I had to stop playing for a bit because I accidentally opened up that one chest and when I realized what I had done I tried closing Borderlands (through task manager) so it wouldn't auto-save. Loaded it back up, turns out it didn't auto-save my inventory which was nice, but it still said I had used the key. I'm still pretty angry about the whole thing.

copy pasta:
Infinite Golden Keys
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "WillowDLC.ini" file in the "\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\DLC\POPremierClub\Lic" folder. Locate the following lines:


Change the "+Numkeys=1" value from "1" up to "255" to get the desired number of Golden Keys. The Golden Keys can be used to open the Golden Loot chest found in Sanctuary near the Fast Travel terminal. Each time you open the chest, it will use one key and give you rare weapon(s) or item(s) that are scaled to the current level you are at when you open the chest.

I changed it to +NumKeys=5 and now I have 4 more keys.


I bought the xbox version as i've been essentially pc gaming all summer. Wish I could get a gold key. :/

BoomStick Clock

my pc is too old, even on all low it's nigh unplayable. :(


Haven't even been able to play it recently have been too busy with school.

Quote from: SageClock;1922938I always preferred Lilith personally. The Phasewalk alone got you out of tough situations, and made the trip back from a mission much faster.

I'll have to wait to pick this one up, although I'm sure it will be fun.

Yeah, I miss phasewalk. Who the hell wants crowd control with a fast SMG class?

That is why I picked Gunzerker. I like to get right up in the enemies' face as fast as possible and spew as many bullets into their skull as I can.


level 33 atm. Found 2 oranges so far.

My only real complaint is that if you're questing in one particular area of the game, the enemies never quit respawning. I'd be ok with it but every time I have to back track I end up shooting the same mobs over and over. I'd prefer it if when an area is cleared it remains clear or if enemies have to respawn, there would at least be a fewer number of them.

BoomStick Clock

just finished the first playthrough, level oranges :(