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As Seen On CC (CCTV3)

Farted by VuBawlsClock, January 30, 2013, 10:44:55 PM

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Quote from: pop-tart;1941985Why are we making another Hamburgerclock collab? I don't get it.

You can make a part for BBQ. I'm not. He rubbed me the wrong way both as a forum leader and an African-American. I'm not joking.

If you say the deadline for a collab is 3/15.. then stick to it. If someone misses out on being a part of it.. fuck em.

You've already done a collab for Hamburgerclock. I just don't get it.
well, first of all, WTF? did BBQBEEF offended you in any way? also, was he a bad forum leader, OR did he question your skills as a forum leader?

if so, all my respect for BBQ will diminish to 0, because you're my best buddy pop-tart!
i hate personal attacks on my friends.(and on innocents in general)

ALSO: pop-tart, will you guys finish the PTF 5? between the flash? will you guys take-over the collab? though, let slurpee to finish it, by adding his part too, as well! :D

AND: i think pez clock's ''hamburger collab'' is funny, and a sequel would be fun.

ALSO: i will make sure that the ''previously on the clock crew'' collab, will get finished. slurpee gave me positive signs about the collabs outcome.

PS. PM me about how BBQ offended you, i will defend  you pop's, man :)

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


So I was thinking about it, what if we threw in a mini movie inside, that has like short parts, and then commercials start, then the movie resumes, commercials, etc. We could have like maybe 5 parts dedicated for the movie/show done like Pass The Flash
(ps, updated op)
Fuck anonfrog


I would participate, but I know nothing about flash other than frame-by-frame animations which I stopped doing three years ago. The deadline is still June though, so maybe if I get enough yelling and whipping from you guys I could make an actual flash movie to contribute.


Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1942070So I was thinking about it, what if we threw in a mini movie inside, that has like short parts, and then commercials start, then the movie resumes, commercials, etc. We could have like maybe 5 parts dedicated for the movie/show done like Pass The Flash
(ps, updated op)

actually, THAT's a good idea.
putting a main movie, and the CC commercials in between.

when will this collab start, and what will be the deadline/necessities

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: BilliardBall10;1942153actually, THAT's a good idea.
putting a main movie, and the CC commercials in between.

when will this collab start, and what will be the deadline/necessities

starting now, deadline, asap or june 20th (it's on the first post)
Fuck anonfrog