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I apologize.

Farted by DeadTreeClock, June 25, 2013, 10:26:34 AM

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miracle fruit

Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1952391If only money grew on Tree


Sinister Clock

Quote from: pop-tart;1952439Good point.

Thank you! I tried doing some crazy stuff with inverting the sound so it would cancel out, but I just couldn't get it to sync up.


I didn't object to the autoplay cuz I like the song.


Glad you came and posted like you said you would.


I never had strong feelings on this one way or another. I didn't think you stole it, and it really isn't that hard to beleive Paypal, the most bullshit and evil money sucker on the internet, would cause something like this. At least you came by to say something.
lemayo lol :soups:


Man, these new members sure are funny. Hardily-har-har!

I very rarely have anything to say on serious matters here but the only thing I have to say is that a debt is a debt. Just make sure it's paid back to the powers that be.


The Clock Crew: We hug it out.


where is the money tree


Quote from: WrenchClock;1952468where is the money tree

You pissed on it along with all my bonfires


Ok but in all seriousness, it's really shitty of you to steal that money, but if you were having a shitty life, then I guess we can't really be mad at you. I just hope that you are able to pay the CC back, and that your life gets better :)
Quote from: PezDispenserclock;1948598Abba, I might not smoke weed, but I experiancing it being hit with a crowbar on a modded TTT server. Flashing colours, screen flipped, screen flying. Yup, I know how it\'s like.

Sinister Clock

I disagree. I can be mad at anyone, for any reason. I'm mad at you right now, for no reason.



Quote from: TreeClock;1952382trees view.
well, tree clock, i will be honest here. if you asked me a minute before reading your post here, i would call you a thief, and i would demand the money-back, in the name of justice.

but shocked.
it is TERRIBLE to lose your parents and family, and to lose all support and home from your llife, and losing yoru job, and having no money, doesnt helps either.

so, i forgive you.
but only if you're saying the truth. if you lie, shame on you.

as for the 1000$, i would suggest you to (one day) try to repair that old error. not for you, not for me, but to make things right. to keep the clcok-crew running, for a long, long time.
dont you wanna be proud for the cc, again?

i for one, welcome you back with open arms, and i hope that you will find happyness, and love in your life soon.

ps. what was the personal item that you sold, and it made you to lose 1000$? im sorry if i ask, i am just shocked at the ammount of your damage.

be well.
Quote from: AmberArachnidClock;1952428If all this is true then that really sounds awful, I can't imagine going through that without a support system. Everyone makes mistakes and frankly you could have made a lot worse of one. That said, I hope you continue to fight so that you can have a stable living arrangement someday, and when you do, a thousand bucks shouldn't be too big of a deal in monthly installments or whatever.
you're a great person satellite. never change.
i would say the same things, if i was more eloquent.

Quote from: AbsintheClock;1952397Well I'll go ahead and say it here. The years that I knew you I thought we were pretty close. Hell at one point I had even thought about sharing an apartment with you, and that was right around after your mother had passed away. We've had a lot of talks about a lot of different shit, and when people were ready to put your head on a pike I stuck up for you. It felt pretty shitty to have to go after you on facebook just to ask about the money, and it felt even shittier when you had me deleted and blocked after all those years of knowing you just because I had asked. I would have helped you out if you had just said something, but now it's probably going to take more to gain back my trust. And more than just making monthly payments. If you want to talk more, my screen name on AIM is still the same after all these years. I've since deleted the facebook though.
this shattered my heart. why would you kill the messenger tree-clock? esp. if he was your best internet(and maybe best friend EVER, if you think about it :/ oos)

attempt to repair yoru lost friendship again, tree. i think absinthe deserves an apology.
and to restore his faith in the friendship.
Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1952391If only money grew on Tree
good one.

also, to: lump-clock, and losperman-cloc;
oh, and pop-tart, and pats
you guys rock, you are the best people out there, i would be proud to be your friends, and to say your names. you are great people and you should never change.
same applies to everyone that has a bit of heart and soul in them.(absinthe, pop-tart, pat, sattelite, zombie linclock, and many others)

i mean, seriously, pop-tart is willing to pay him back the debt for some flash. pop-tart, if you're reading this, i tell you:
you're the man!
your generocity and your kind heart knows no limits. i'm proud to be called your friend! never change a single bit!


k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


has anyone compared this story with the one he gave piney over aim because iirc it doesnt line up at all and he could just be lying out of his ass for sympathy.

im pretty sure paypal cant take ALL OF YOUR MONEY just because it wants to

Sinister Clock

Actually Paypal is a bitch, but I see your point.


Quote from: TreeClock;1952382I spent a lot of time selling things that belonged to them to clean up their messes and make ends meet. At one point, I sold something valuable that was in my family for a long time. I fucked up by sending it via USPS without any tracking or insurance, thinking it would be fine. When it didn't get where it was going, the PayPal dispute sucked the life out of my account, which I was stupidly using alongside the Clock Crew's money. It's fucking stupid and it's 100% my fault.

This is before my time but looking at the obvious here. If you were to say sell something on eBay, and it never made it to the buyer. eBay would take it back as a refund if disputed but only the money the person had paid you beforehand. So lets say you DID sell something and it was lost, paypal would've only taken back the money said buyer paid, not everything in your account. UNLESS of course you had already spent that money.

Just sayin.
We\'ll be back shortly.

Marlin Clock

I want to forgive you but forgiveness should come with a complete confession, and I just can't buy that you haven't been able to find at least even the most remedial of jobs in the several years since this incident happened.


You don't just dump important shit in the mail dude.


BB10, I could say the same thing about you

Quote from: Marlin Clock;1952491I want to forgive you but forgiveness should come with a complete confession, and I just can't buy that you haven't been able to find at least even the most remedial of jobs in the several years since this incident happened.

depression can make finding and keeping jobs p fucking difficult, just sayin


Blah blah blah, rabble rabble rabble.

Took balls to come back and apologize, and we all know how much I like balls. I admire the apology but it doesn't change what you did. Now I know coming from me, it doesn't mean shit, but if you seriously let ONE DUDE punch you in the face and put it on youtube, I think we would all feel a little bit better.

Nah seriously. Good job finally manning up. I'm proud of you, puppy beater. You did the right thing to come back here and apologize.