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clock crew on cracked photoplasty

Farted by screwclock, April 09, 2014, 08:52:39 PM

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A few of the comments were for the Clock Crew entry..

Isn't a single frame animation just a picture a hue hue hue...

miracle fruit

lmfao no way

but why is there no link to



also im fairly sure anyone can write things for cracked if they accept them. its like the bleacherreport of comedy sites


I'm mostly concerned with number one:

That's the most badass dude I've seen in my life, god damn


Quote from: AnkhClock;1969804I'm mostly concerned with number one:

That's the most badass dude I've seen in my life, god damn

he is so sweaty under there


Oh man I was just reading that thing anyway and put my fist in the air when I saw Strawberry


excellent! tho i dont see any comments in there :/

congrats on getting us known on the internet, sir pop-tart and sir renegade clock! :D

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.




kinda wish they had mentioned that we've been around since 2001. my one roommate was convinced we were a 4chan ripoff and i had to laugh spit into his face because like really, 4chan?


Quote from: Topcatyo;1969876kinda wish they had mentioned that we've been around since 2001. my one roommate was convinced we were a 4chan ripoff and i had to laugh spit into his face because like really, 4chan?
people have a weird primacy bias where they decide that whatever was their gay shit first is the gay shit that all other gay shit must have come from. as if flippancy and irreverence on the internet is a unique quality that can only have been stolen. it's like that episode of the simpsons with the lemon tree where the kids accuse the kids from shelbyville of copying them by wearing their backpacks over one shoulder.

4chan's a big one, but I'm sure there's also people who'd swear we're a wannabe LUE or even Reddit

I wouldn't deny we owe a lot to Something Awful, and, like, Severed Heads and Blamco Boom, but that's mostly it. clock crew's a little more esoteric than most easy comparisons, mostly because our central premise is so fucking weird.


Cracked just used a picture of Haltman in one of their articles.


Quote from: Slurpee;1969877people have a weird primacy bias.
4chan's a big one, but I'm sure there's also people who'd swear we're a wannabe LUE or even Reddit

I wouldn't deny we owe a lot to Something Awful, and, like, Severed Heads and Blamco Boom, but that's mostly it. clock crew's a little more esoteric than most easy comparisons, mostly because our central premise is so fucking weird.

ok, first things first:
WHAT is the LUE?!!

also, i know something awful, and reddit, but what is the severed heads, and the blamco boom?
do we owe our inside-joke (or memes) to those guys?

help me here, slurpee. i need some CC intel, and you are the guy with the most knowledge in those things.

Quote from: Topcatyo;1969876kinda wish they had mentioned that we've been around since 2001. my one roommate was convinced we were a 4chan ripoff and i had to laugh spit into his face because like really, 4chan?
we're better than that.

also, we should get on wikipedia guys.

Quote from: Topcatyo;1969989Cracked just used a picture of Haltman in one of their articles.

where? link me to this article topcatyo, posthaste!

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.

Soup Clock

ass whore


Quote from: BilliardBall10;1969991ok, first things first:
WHAT is the LUE?!!

also, i know something awful, and reddit, but what is the severed heads, and the blamco boom?
do we owe our inside-joke (or memes) to those guys?

help me here, slurpee. i need some CC intel, and you are the guy with the most knowledge in those things.

im not, first of all. i was part of the big wave of newbs that joined the clock crew after the void II came out, at which point the early days of the clock crew were already well passed their prime. i only know anything about that time period because i picked it up from people who were there while they were still around

severed heads and blamco

okay, so... the clock crew as you know it is a pretty different beast from what it was in, like, 2001-2. the internet was a lot smaller, and most of what we do now echoes in some way what was basically a group of adolescent dudes goofing off in or around newgrounds 13 years ago (so, maybe not so different, after all). and blamco and severed heads were contemporary related but distinct groups of adolescent dudes goofing off in or around newgrounds. there was some interplay because a lot of people were on the same sites.

LUE is a gamefaqs board. maybe it still exists? idek. doesn't matter.


Quote from: Topcatyo;1969876kinda wish they had mentioned that we've been around since 2001. my one roommate was convinced we were a 4chan ripoff and i had to laugh spit into his face because like really, 4chan?

We didn't like memes before they were popular man.