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Stones of Anarchy: Adventures in Rocking

Farted by VuBawlsClock, April 18, 2014, 04:58:49 PM

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So for a while now, I've been making a webcomic.
It's about Rolling Stones and Rare Earth Metal traveling around for fun and adventure.
I've also got Flounderman and Chris the stick in it and plan on possibly adding a lot more. Rob has teamed up with me and he too is also making pages. It's got 26 pages so far so read up if you can!

the artwork at first is a little sloppy, but as I progress through, it cleans up more.
Fuck anonfrog



uhm. i supported this comic in the past, i will support it again now.

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.

miracle fruit


Just read through these. Nice work! A couple of crits:

Like I said before, the text is hard to read. Not only is it hand written, but the size is constantly changing, and the colors often clash with the background. Also, since you're doing it in the line style, it often feels cramped on the stage. I really really recommend just going for computer generated text with a white background with the text bubbles, and saving the pen for the really big stuff.

Also, I'd recommend changing up the pen size and colors. Try not penning out the backgrounds in black, do it in dark color shades, and outline the characters thicker. This is a personal stylistic choice, but I think it would work well with your style.

One of the most entertaining and interesting panels is the latest one with the ghost. That's because your ghost is super expressive, we can tell exactly what he's thinking. The rocks tend to have the same expression on their face the entire time. This can be tiring as a reader because I can't just glance to understand what they're thinking and it can create some disconnects like on panel 6 of #20 where he's saying "Yes!" with this super deep frown on his face.

The animations are top notch and entertaining, nice work on those.

Overall it's an interesting and entertaining webcomic that I dug reading! Those are just some things that came to mind.