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Farted by SpudClock, January 09, 2015, 11:34:41 PM

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I could've swore Virus created clockgrounds. Maybe he was just an admin or something at the time. It's hard to remember all the fine little details.


nobody believes me that OrangeClock put on viking attire and became ThorClock
Fuck anonfrog


Fuck anonfrog


-knock knock
-who is it?
-orange who?
-orange you glad im not thor clock?

(i found it funny)

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Clockgrounds was made by AtomicClock, though he was more casually known as Zen. Virus and Atomic kind of looked similar and both were kind of a dangerous biohazard type character, so it's easy to mix them up.

I'm not gonna quote Durian's long ass post but agree whole heartedly. I guess I was part of WTFnoob because I didn't wanna deal with all the changing. Although back then CC was changing for the worse, now it's for the better. I think a lot of those guys would be pleasantly surprised if they could see what it became now.


Quote from: DurianClock;1980377We gotta keep up with Holiday Collabs, Clock Day, Flash Flood, and trending event Collabs. When or if ever NG stops being a thing, we're gonna have to work even harder having a presence on outlets such as YouTube.

durian sir, i loved all of your post, it was wonderful, true and touching, so you rock sir!
also yes, we must keep a steady presence in NG and in other sites in general.
Quote from: GreyClock;1980380. At one point LeafClock was known as KiwanoClock, which is a kind of melon. I made a thread accusing him of being Ki1o because you know, ki-wan-o, it sounds similar. It was a joke that somehow turned into folklore.

The one thing I've never understood about the Clock Crew, and which is showing in this thread, is the elitism it always seemed to generate.
1. wow grey, i never knew that YOU created the ''leaf clock is ki1o'' legend/myth! thats epic. and indeed, the kiwano did match with the ki1o, so it was clever.
2.yes, elitism can be a negative thing, especially in a community created for fun & entertainment.

Quote from: cakeclock;1980382stages of a clock: noob, avg noob, senior clock.
i think im an eternal noob. many people dislike me. for the wrong reasons.

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: SpudClock;1980392Clockgrounds was made by AtomicClock, though he was more casually known as Zen. Virus and Atomic kind of looked similar and both were kind of a dangerous biohazard type character, so it's easy to mix them up.

Ah, that explains it then.

edit: also bb10 plz quit posting.

miracle fruit

virus made original .net or so he tells me


Actually the original was THE original clock site, before was around. ClearClock took it over after the official site moved. Bio made the one we're all talking about though. Maybe my biohazard comment threw people off? Just to clarify:

BiologicalClock was basically the earth with a clock on it. He was very well respected member and all around nice guy. He made the second and better known that all those brats flocked to, though he was somewhat involved in the original one with Clear.

AtomicClock was that yellow circle with the three black triangles symbol that you see on nuclear stuff, with a clock on it. He was also known as Zen. He made Clockgrounds and also stole the title of oldest clock from Bio (In 2002 Bio was 32 and Zen was 39).

VirusClock was a blue circle with a digital clock and the biohazard symbol beneath it. I thought he was a pretty talented Flash artist, but I don't remember him doing anything particularly noteworthy besides making good Flash. Although bear in mind I was only around until 2003, maybe 2004 so he may have gone on to do something I don't know about. Also it's been eleven years, I've picked up some bad habits over the years and my memory's not perfect.

And as far as elitism goes, I won't deny some of us older clocks can be a little elitist in the same way your grandparents can. We're always gonna think we were the best generation. But most of us never cared if you've been a member for a week or a year, it's about what you did. There were plenty of noobs that everyone liked right off the bat (Biggs, Moxie, Leek, Arctic) and there were people that were around for a long time that most people didn't like (Cranberry, RedPlum, Yoohoo). And even the new guys that were stupid and annoying, most of us always let it slide and just ignored them. When the old site went down some of us decided well alright, we'll let them have Clock Crew and we'll go do our own thing. But then you see these brats running their cockholes about the people that left. Then they said they were what the CC is all about. That just really burned a lot of us. They were true clocks and we weren't just because we decided we'd rather try a new endeavor with our friends instead of hang out with a bunch of little brats who didn't even know the first thing about Flash? If leaving someone alone even after they destroyed something you loved, and then only firing back when they try to tarnish your reputation is elitism, then sorry I was elitist I guess. I always thought of it more as defending my honor. I don't care when you joined the CC, but don't go around pretending you're better than me when you're the reason Orange isn't around anymore.

I even noticed one douchebag on Bio's site pretending he was an old school member, saying he was Apricot and he all of a sudden just decided to come back the minute the old site went down. Funny cos ApricotClock was a double account of mine and when I asked him stuff only Apricot (or you know, anyone that was around on the old site) could've answered he couldn't.

By the way, if anyone wants to be Apricot, that's fine with me. Both versions of him are in Durian's big group shot and a lot of people complain that all the good fruits are taken and have to resort to some obscure fruit or think of something else. It's a shame to see such a good character go unused. Just don't pretend to be me.

Anyways, I promise that's the last time I'll rant about it. I didn't mean to come off as elitist or anything. And I'm not trying to justify what I did at WTFnoob either, just trying to explain it a little and show people why they did what they did. If I agreed with what they were doing I wouldn't have left. You guys all seem like cool people and I apologize if I insulted anyone or made them feel like I was talking about them when I was talking about the brats that overran the old site and inhabited the ones that popped up after. I hope you guys know I don't think everyone who joined the site a few months before it went down is an asshole, only the ones that acted like assholes. Same goes for those of you from Bio or Zen's sites, I know there were a few good apples in there.
{{{old friends and new ones}}}


Since a lot of classy old farts are in here and probably not reading the rest of the forums, it'd be pretty badass if you guys joined this very ambitious collab just for a short part


Quote from: PhantomCatClock;1980409Since a lot of classy old farts are in here and probably not reading the rest of the forums, it'd be pretty badass if you guys joined this very ambitious collab just for a short part
QuoteSpudClock, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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Not that it matters, as I still haven't gotten Flash again. It might take me a little while to get the hang of it again too, I haven't touched it in ten years. Flash 8 might be all new and scary to me. Even though it wasn't the newest version I used Flash 4 back then. Not to mention I don't have an actual computer anymore, just a tablet.

miracle fruit

Quote from: SpudClock;1980398Maybe my biohazard comment threw people off? Just to clarify:

BiologicalClock was basically the earth with a clock on it. He was very well respected member and all around nice guy. He made the second and better known that all those brats flocked to, though he was somewhat involved in the original one with Clear.

AtomicClock was that yellow circle with the three black triangles symbol that you see on nuclear stuff, with a clock on it. He was also known as Zen. He made Clockgrounds and also stole the title of oldest clock from Bio (In 2002 Bio was 32 and Zen was 39).

VirusClock was a blue circle with a digital clock and the biohazard symbol beneath it.


miracle fruit

but yea virus doesnt know what hes talking about. he made some site with magic but that was after all this crap you guys are talking about


I don't know any MagicClocks. Virus might've done something, I'm not trying to sell him short. But he most certainly did not create either clockcrew.nets that I was around for, and I remember someone in the blast chat yesterday saying they knew Virus and that Virus was claiming he made the original. The original was the original site before the original was around. The second was Clear. The third was Bio, so if Virus did make a it was the fourth version.


this is a very interesting thread.

i gotta ask:
did grandfather clock got involved in kiddie porn, or he just trolled the site with the ''FBI pedo-trap site'' ?
i also recall sniper clock, or an old clock (the first iron clock, not sarez) being involved on illegal activities and therefore the CC permabanned him.
does anyone remember such a story, or its just a myth?

was magic clock a harsh admin/moderator? because an old clock told me that he was fair, but stern.
and that he also banned a few folks sometimes.

also, i really liked zen's ''atomic bar'' cartoons. it had the best bar jokes, adapted in flash movies!
i wonder, why did he called himself ''zen''? i mean he was an atomic symbol....
(i just re-remembered that after seeing the zen/virus clockcrew site dispute)

User was banned for this post - Triple quote and asking too many lame questions

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: BilliardBall1O;1980393i think im an eternal noob. many people dislike me. for the wrong reasons.

I think you are one of the more memoriable clocks

miracle fruit

Quote from: SpudClock;1980447I don't know any MagicClocks.
Quote from: BilliardBall1O;1980456i gotta ask:
was magic clock a harsh admin/moderator?

it blows my mind how dumb you are bb10


I know he's just curious, but damn I don't know everything about the CC's history, I've missed over a decade of it. What's all this he was saying about Sniper being involved in illegal activities though? Is he talking about the original Sniper or did someone try to steal his identity too? I really love that you guys have that registry now so newcomers won't steal a classic clock's name. I'd be hella pissed if someone tried to steal IrnBru's name.

Also on a side note about that, CantaloupeClock was also me. When I decided I didn't want to be Glock anymore I was Cantaloupe for like a week or two before I decided to go with Spud. So that's two good fruits up for grabs if you know anyone looking to join, wants to be a fruit, and doesn't want to be some obscure, foreign fruit that no one's ever heard of.


Quote from: SpudClock;1980461some obscure, foreign fruit that no one's ever heard of.

the fuck is a cantaloupe? a mouse with antlers?


Quote from: SpudClock;1980461Also on a side note about that, CantaloupeClock was also me. When I decided I didn't want to be Glock anymore I was Cantaloupe for like a week or two before I decided to go with Spud. So that's two good fruits up for grabs if you know anyone looking to join, wants to be a fruit, and doesn't want to be some obscure, foreign fruit that no one's ever heard of.

This was you?